69 research outputs found

    PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Articulated Objects

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    We address the task of simultaneous part-level reconstruction and motion parameter estimation for articulated objects. Given two sets of multi-view images of an object in two static articulation states, we decouple the movable part from the static part and reconstruct shape and appearance while predicting the motion parameters. To tackle this problem, we present PARIS: a self-supervised, end-to-end architecture that learns part-level implicit shape and appearance models and optimizes motion parameters jointly without any 3D supervision, motion, or semantic annotation. Our experiments show that our method generalizes better across object categories, and outperforms baselines and prior work that are given 3D point clouds as input. Our approach improves reconstruction relative to state-of-the-art baselines with a Chamfer-L1 distance reduction of 3.94 (45.2%) for objects and 26.79 (84.5%) for parts, and achieves 5% error rate for motion estimation across 10 object categories. Video summary at: https://youtu.be/tDSrROPCgUcComment: Presented at ICCV 2023. Project website: https://3dlg-hcvc.github.io/paris

    DAHiTrA: Damage Assessment Using a Novel Hierarchical Transformer Architecture

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    This paper presents DAHiTrA, a novel deep-learning model with hierarchical transformers to classify building damages based on satellite images in the aftermath of hurricanes. An automated building damage assessment provides critical information for decision making and resource allocation for rapid emergency response. Satellite imagery provides real-time, high-coverage information and offers opportunities to inform large-scale post-disaster building damage assessment. In addition, deep-learning methods have shown to be promising in classifying building damage. In this work, a novel transformer-based network is proposed for assessing building damage. This network leverages hierarchical spatial features of multiple resolutions and captures temporal difference in the feature domain after applying a transformer encoder on the spatial features. The proposed network achieves state-of-the-art-performance when tested on a large-scale disaster damage dataset (xBD) for building localization and damage classification, as well as on LEVIR-CD dataset for change detection tasks. In addition, we introduce a new high-resolution satellite imagery dataset, Ida-BD (related to the 2021 Hurricane Ida in Louisiana in 2021, for domain adaptation to further evaluate the capability of the model to be applied to newly damaged areas with scarce data. The domain adaptation results indicate that the proposed model can be adapted to a new event with only limited fine-tuning. Hence, the proposed model advances the current state of the art through better performance and domain adaptation. Also, Ida-BD provides a higher-resolution annotated dataset for future studies in this field

    Slice3D: Multi-Slice, Occlusion-Revealing, Single View 3D Reconstruction

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    We introduce multi-slice reasoning, a new notion for single-view 3D reconstruction which challenges the current and prevailing belief that multi-view synthesis is the most natural conduit between single-view and 3D. Our key observation is that object slicing is more advantageous than altering views to reveal occluded structures. Specifically, slicing is more occlusion-revealing since it can peel through any occluders without obstruction. In the limit, i.e., with infinitely many slices, it is guaranteed to unveil all hidden object parts. We realize our idea by developing Slice3D, a novel method for single-view 3D reconstruction which first predicts multi-slice images from a single RGB image and then integrates the slices into a 3D model using a coordinate-based transformer network for signed distance prediction. The slice images can be regressed or generated, both through a U-Net based network. For the former, we inject a learnable slice indicator code to designate each decoded image into a spatial slice location, while the slice generator is a denoising diffusion model operating on the entirety of slice images stacked on the input channels. We conduct extensive evaluation against state-of-the-art alternatives to demonstrate superiority of our method, especially in recovering complex and severely occluded shape structures, amid ambiguities. All Slice3D results were produced by networks trained on a single Nvidia A40 GPU, with an inference time less than 20 seconds.Comment: Project website: https://yizhiwang96.github.io/Slice3D

    D2^2CSG: Unsupervised Learning of Compact CSG Trees with Dual Complements and Dropouts

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    We present D2^2CSG, a neural model composed of two dual and complementary network branches, with dropouts, for unsupervised learning of compact constructive solid geometry (CSG) representations of 3D CAD shapes. Our network is trained to reconstruct a 3D shape by a fixed-order assembly of quadric primitives, with both branches producing a union of primitive intersections or inverses. A key difference between D2^2CSG and all prior neural CSG models is its dedicated residual branch to assemble the potentially complex shape complement, which is subtracted from an overall shape modeled by the cover branch. With the shape complements, our network is provably general, while the weight dropout further improves compactness of the CSG tree by removing redundant primitives. We demonstrate both quantitatively and qualitatively that D2^2CSG produces compact CSG reconstructions with superior quality and more natural primitives than all existing alternatives, especially over complex and high-genus CAD shapes.Comment: 9 page

    SLiMe: Segment Like Me

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    Significant strides have been made using large vision-language models, like Stable Diffusion (SD), for a variety of downstream tasks, including image editing, image correspondence, and 3D shape generation. Inspired by these advancements, we explore leveraging these extensive vision-language models for segmenting images at any desired granularity using as few as one annotated sample by proposing SLiMe. SLiMe frames this problem as an optimization task. Specifically, given a single training image and its segmentation mask, we first extract attention maps, including our novel "weighted accumulated self-attention map" from the SD prior. Then, using the extracted attention maps, the text embeddings of Stable Diffusion are optimized such that, each of them, learn about a single segmented region from the training image. These learned embeddings then highlight the segmented region in the attention maps, which in turn can then be used to derive the segmentation map. This enables SLiMe to segment any real-world image during inference with the granularity of the segmented region in the training image, using just one example. Moreover, leveraging additional training data when available, i.e. few-shot, improves the performance of SLiMe. We carried out a knowledge-rich set of experiments examining various design factors and showed that SLiMe outperforms other existing one-shot and few-shot segmentation methods

    CLiC: Concept Learning in Context

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    This paper addresses the challenge of learning a local visual pattern of an object from one image, and generating images depicting objects with that pattern. Learning a localized concept and placing it on an object in a target image is a nontrivial task, as the objects may have different orientations and shapes. Our approach builds upon recent advancements in visual concept learning. It involves acquiring a visual concept (e.g., an ornament) from a source image and subsequently applying it to an object (e.g., a chair) in a target image. Our key idea is to perform in-context concept learning, acquiring the local visual concept within the broader context of the objects they belong to. To localize the concept learning, we employ soft masks that contain both the concept within the mask and the surrounding image area. We demonstrate our approach through object generation within an image, showcasing plausible embedding of in-context learned concepts. We also introduce methods for directing acquired concepts to specific locations within target images, employing cross-attention mechanisms, and establishing correspondences between source and target objects. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated through quantitative and qualitative experiments, along with comparisons against baseline techniques

    SKED: Sketch-guided Text-based 3D Editing

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    Text-to-image diffusion models are gradually introduced into computer graphics, recently enabling the development of Text-to-3D pipelines in an open domain. However, for interactive editing purposes, local manipulations of content through a simplistic textual interface can be arduous. Incorporating user guided sketches with Text-to-image pipelines offers users more intuitive control. Still, as state-of-the-art Text-to-3D pipelines rely on optimizing Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) through gradients from arbitrary rendering views, conditioning on sketches is not straightforward. In this paper, we present SKED, a technique for editing 3D shapes represented by NeRFs. Our technique utilizes as few as two guiding sketches from different views to alter an existing neural field. The edited region respects the prompt semantics through a pre-trained diffusion model. To ensure the generated output adheres to the provided sketches, we propose novel loss functions to generate the desired edits while preserving the density and radiance of the base instance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method through several qualitative and quantitative experiments

    MaskTune: Mitigating Spurious Correlations by Forcing to Explore

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    A fundamental challenge of over-parameterized deep learning models is learning meaningful data representations that yield good performance on a downstream task without over-fitting spurious input features. This work proposes MaskTune, a masking strategy that prevents over-reliance on spurious (or a limited number of) features. MaskTune forces the trained model to explore new features during a single epoch finetuning by masking previously discovered features. MaskTune, unlike earlier approaches for mitigating shortcut learning, does not require any supervision, such as annotating spurious features or labels for subgroup samples in a dataset. Our empirical results on biased MNIST, CelebA, Waterbirds, and ImagenNet-9L datasets show that MaskTune is effective on tasks that often suffer from the existence of spurious correlations. Finally, we show that MaskTune outperforms or achieves similar performance to the competing methods when applied to the selective classification (classification with rejection option) task. Code for MaskTune is available at https://github.com/aliasgharkhani/Masktune.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202