594 research outputs found

    Studies on the Influence of Different Grades Rolls on Microstructure Properties Correlation and Process Economics in Hot Rolling

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    Cast iron containing free graphite has been used as hot rolls in mills since almost fifty years Nodular iron then was recognized as a better material for rolls as it met most of the demands of rolling mills due to the unique combination of high wear & fire crack resistance coupled with good strength and ductilility. The first generation high chromium iron came up in the finising stands of mini mills in the mid 50s. The second generation with 18% chrom-ium was introduced particularly for flat rolling in 70s whilst the third generation with improved heat treatment came up later which is mainly used in the early finishing stands. This paper takes into account all these devel-opments and reports the influence of different roll mate-rial on structure -property correlation in rolled products

    Mobility and stochastic resonance in spatially inhomogeneous system

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    The mobility of an overdamped particle, in a periodic potential tilted by a constant external field and moving in a medium with periodic friction coefficient is examined. When the potential and the friction coefficient have the same periodicity but have a phase difference, the mobility shows many interesting features as a function of the applied force, the temperature, etc. The mobility shows stochastic resonance even for constant applied force, an issue of much recent interest. The mobility also exhibits a resonance like phenomenon as a function of the field strength and noise induced slowing down of the particle in an appropriate parameter regime.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The layer disorders defect in coir fiber under thermal and chemical treatment

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    Natural coir fibers, subjectd to thermal treatments in the range of 0oC to 200oC and alkali treatment with 5% to 30% concentration w/w, have been used in the present investigation to determine the interlayer variability of the cellulose planes (020), (110) and (110). Among the equatorial reflections (110), (110) and (020), the extent of variability is found to be more with the proportion of such affected planes less for (020) reflection in the native cellulose at lower temperature while at higher temperature (110) and (110) become more affected by variability defect. (110) and (1 10) planes are more affected also with alkali treatment.The layer disorders defect in coir fiber under thermal and chemical treatment D N Mahato*, B K Mathur and S Bhattacharjee Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, West Bengal, India E-mail : [email protected] of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, West Bengal, Indi

    Toward NS5 Branes on the Resolved Cone over Y^{p,q}

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    Motivated by recent developments in the understanding of the connection between five branes on resolved geometries and the corresponding generalizations of complex deformations in the context of the warped resolved deformed conifold, we consider the construction of five branes solutions on the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} spaces. We establish the existence of supersymmetric five branes solutions wrapped on two-cycles of the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} in the probe limit. We then use calibration techniques to begin the construction of fully back-reacted five branes; we present an Ansatz and the corresponding equations of motion. Our results establish a detailed framework to study back-reacted five branes wrapped on the resolved cone over Y^{p,q} and as a first step we find explicit solutions and construct an asymptotic expansion with the expected properties.Comment: 23+17pp, no figures; v2: references added, various clarification

    Nanodot to Nanowire: A strain-driven shape transition in self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 on Si (100)

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    We report a phenomenon of strain-driven shape transition in the growth of nanoscale self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 islands on Si (100) substrates. Small square shaped islands as small as 15\times15 nm2 have been observed. Islands grow in the square shape following the four fold symmetry of the Si (100) substrate, up to a critical size of 67 \times 67 nm2. A shape transition takes place at this critical size. Larger islands adopt a rectangular shape with ever increasing length and the width decreasing to an asymptotic value of ~25 nm. This produces long wires of nearly constant width.We have observed nanowire islands with aspect ratios as large as ~ 20:1. The long nanowire heterostructures grow partly above (~ 3 nm) the surface, but mostly into (~17 nm) the Si substrate. These self-organized nanostructures behave as nanoscale Schottky diodes. They may be useful in Si-nanofabrication and find potential application in constructing nano devices.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Enhancement of stability in randomly switching potential with metastable state

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    The overdamped motion of a Brownian particle in randomly switching piece-wise metastable linear potential shows noise enhanced stability (NES): the noise stabilizes the metastable system and the system remains in this state for a longer time than in the absence of white noise. The mean first passage time (MFPT) has a maximum at a finite value of white noise intensity. The analytical expression of MFPT in terms of the white noise intensity, the parameters of the potential barrier, and of the dichotomous noise is derived. The conditions for the NES phenomenon and the parameter region where the effect can be observed are obtained. The mean first passage time behaviours as a function of the mean flipping rate of the potential for unstable and metastable initial configurations are also analyzed. We observe the resonant activation phenomenon for initial metastable configuration of the potential profile.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. In press in "European Physical Journal B

    Variational-Like Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems with Generalized Monotonicity in Banach Spaces

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    We introduce the notion of relaxed (ρ-θ)-η-invariant pseudomonotone mappings, which is weaker than invariant pseudomonotone maps. Using the KKM technique, we establish the existence of solutions for variational-like inequality problems with relaxed (ρ-θ)-η-invariant pseudomonotone mappings in reflexive Banach spaces. We also introduce the concept of (ρ-θ)-pseudomonotonicity for bifunctions, and we consider some examples to show that (ρ-θ)-pseudomonotonicity generalizes both monotonicity and strong pseudomonotonicity. The existence of solution for equilibrium problem with (ρ-θ)-pseudomonotone mappings in reflexive Banach spaces are demonstrated by using the KKM technique