813 research outputs found

    1st Place Essay,ENGL 1000 Literacy Autobiography Contest 2020: Reading in Reverse

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    Respiracijski, gastrointestinalni i drugi zdravstveni učinci u radnika na preradi otpada u gorivo

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    This study was conducted to investigate health effects in workers at two refuse-derived fuel processing plants. Cross-shift pulmonary function testing and self reporting of symptoms from questionnaires formed the basis of a crosssectional epidemiological study. Other topics addressed were exploration of the possibility of a hand to mouth component resulting in diarrhoea observed historically by the microbiological testing of skin. Symptoms of sinus trouble, headaches, nose irritation, and diarrhoea were reported by over 50% of the employees. Small, but statistically significant, cross-shift decrements of 1.50% and 2.01% were noted for forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), respectively. Workers employed seven years or more had significantly larger cross-shift decrements in FVC and FEV1 than those employed for a shorter period. No active cases of diarrhoea were observed. Low lung function decrements characterise the observed workforce. Elevated reporting of some symptoms and a cross-shift decrement that increases with length of employment indicate that further study is warranted.Istraživanjem su se željeli ispitati zdravstveni učinci u radnika dvaju pogona za preradu otpada u gorivo. U tu je svrhu testirana plućna funkcija radnika u svim smjenama. Radnici su, osim toga, ispunjavali i upitnik koji je sadržavao pitanja o simptomima uočenim samopromatranjem. Mikrobiološkim testiranjem uzoraka kože s ruku procijenjena je mogućnost dobivanja proljeva preko prljavih ruku. Više od polovice radnika žalilo se na tegobe sa sinusima, glavobolju, nadraženu sluznicu nosa te proljev. Malen, ali statistički značajan pad u plućnim funkcijama zamijećen je u forsiranom vitalnom kapacitetu (1,5%) i forsiranom ekspiratornom volumenu u prvoj sekundi (2,0%). Radnici sa stažem duljim od sedam godina iskazali su značajniji pad ovih vrijednosti od radnika s manjim stažem. Nije zamijećen niti jedan slučaj proljeva za trajanja istraživanja. To se, međutim, može pripisati vrlo učinkovitom pranju ruku za koje je utvrđeno da značajno smanjuje broj mikroorganizama na rukama radnika. Mali pad plućnih funkcija obilježje je promatrane skupine radnika. Učestale žalbe na neke simptome te smanjenje plućnih funkcija koje se pogoršava s godinama rada upućuju na potrebu daljnjeg istraživanja


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    Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA is the source of various genetic information and is currently one of the most important and studied biological receptor. Lately, a wide range of chemotherapeutic agents are known wherein they affect cell division or DNA synthesis, leading to inhibition of cell growth and cell death. Out of various agents anthraquinone, having a planar tricyclic structure is the backbone of many known antitumor drugs like doxorubicin and mitoxantrone capable of targeting at the molecular/DNA level. This review embraces discussion on DNA-binding molecules with special attention to anthraquinone based compounds having application in anticancer activity by DNA damage mechanism. The review also compiles the work reported on anthraquinone based molecule in molecular imaging.Keywords: Anthraquinone, DNA, Cancer, Molecular imagin

    Standards of Wastewater Reuse/Disposal in KSA: Reconsideration

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    Ministry of Agriculture and Water (MAW) in Saudi Arabia had setup very stringent standards for wastewater reuse and discharge (WWRD) in 1989, for example, turbidity and nitrate as nitrogen were not to exceed 1NTU and 10 mg/l respectively. Those limits cannot be met without additional expensive tertiary treatment. Those standards are not needed for all WWRD. In fact, secondary treatment with disinfection and efficient management are adequate for most of WWRD. The author published an article back in 1999 in Water Research Journal, Vol. 33, in which he assessed the standards and recommended setting up less stringent standards as a function of intended reuse and method of irrigation. The standards were re-evaluated and modified by MAW and other ministries in 2003, 2005 and 2006. Unfortunately, the modifications were not to the expected level, and still only a small part of treated wastewater is being used. The remaining portion of wastewater is discharged into a wadi/sea. This article reassessed the standards published in 2003, 2005 and recommended setting up revised standards for reuses and discharges relevant to the intended uses and discharges

    NF05-644 Relationships: The Heart of Language and Literacy

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    Infants and toddlers learn early language and literacy skills in the context of their relationships with the adults around them as if they are putting together a puzzle. Most of the puzzle pieces involve taking turns with the baby — your turn, my turn, your turn, my turn. The turns might be with actions or with talking. The turns might be very quick or rather slow. This NebFact discusses turn-taking; what it involves and the strategies used

    NF05-637 The Power of Family Literacy

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    Virtually all families want their children to learn to read and write, and to succeed in school, and are eager to provide any support necessary. Family involvement in everyday language- and literacy-related activities has a significant impact on children\u27s language dvevelopment acquisition of early literacy skills. Early language and literacy activities at home contribute to differences when children enter school

    NF05-645 Infants and Toddlers — Developing More Than One Language

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    When infants and toddlers are developing more than one language, the goal is that they will learn English and develop fluency in their home language. Children can become truly bilingual and be able to use two or more languages with fequal fluency. Children, families, schools, and communities all benefit when children keep their connection to their language and heritage

    NF05-644 Relationships: The Heart of Language and Literacy

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    Infants and toddlers learn early language and literacy skills in the context of their relationships with the adults around them as if they are putting together a puzzle. Most of the puzzle pieces involve taking turns with the baby — your turn, my turn, your turn, my turn. The turns might be with actions or with talking. The turns might be very quick or rather slow. This NebFact discusses turn-taking; what it involves and the strategies used