2 research outputs found

    Making sense of ‘new age data sets’: researching from afar

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    This chapter considers the central role of uncertainty for cognition and action in construction project organising with a focus on how project practitioners think about the future. It takes a cognitive approach to uncertainty in the context of a broader information processing approach to decision-making in organisations. The chapter’s main concern is the failure of this approach to connect cognition through to action. The chapter presents the UnCoCoH (Un-Certain Complex Complicated Hidden) model as a tool to assist in recognising the transition from individual cognition to collective action. It also highlights the role of narratives for stabilising uncertainty through this transition. This provides a foundation for working towards the development of a projectivity perspective in construction project organising and advancing a research agenda for this program of research.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Integral Design & Managemen

    Governance Through Trust: Community Engagement in an Australian City Rebuilding Precinct

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    City rebuilding precincts are embedded in, surrounded by, and sometimes resisted or celebrated by stakeholders they impact. These projects require long-lasting relationships and loyalty from the community they serve, making trust a crucial factor. This article employs a case study approach and draws from both social exchange and circuit of power theories to understand the complex relationship between trust and governance. Three strategies emerged from the analysis: employing resources, building legitimacy, and creating a brand. These strategies and their interactions highlight how trust can act as a governance mechanism for more effective engagement with the project community.Integral Design & Managemen