6 research outputs found

    Development and evaluation of nitrogen (liquid Urea) applicator for straw mulched no-till wheat

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    The broadcasting of urea under high straw no-till farming often exhibit suppressed yields because of lesser nitrogen availability due to slower soil mineralization and greater N immobilization, de-nitrification and ammonia volatilization.  Prior to development of nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator, appropriate machines were not available for application of urea into the soil surface in a directly sown high straw mulched wheat crop.  To solve the problems of urea application in high straw no-till farming, self-propelled nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator was developed and evaluated under actual field conditions.  Average field capacity and efficiency of the applicator were found to be 0.33 ha/h and 80.49%, respectively.  Total plant N uptake at maturity was higher with wheat fertilized with developed nitrogen applicator (121.24 kg ha-1) in comparison to conventional broadcasting (81.69 kg ha-1).  Yield of wheat fertilized with the developed nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator was 20% higher than with broadcasting.  The increase in wheat yield under nitrogen applicator was primarily due to higher spike density, higher spike length, more grains per spike, more grain weight and higher nitrogen uptake.  Among point injection nitrogen application, the grain yield was at par at different straw load conditions; however, in case of broadcast N application, significantly lower grain yield was obtained under high straw load conditions compared to that of low straw load conditions.  This effect was attributed to the low accessibility of fertilizer N to the plant at high straw load in case of broadcast of urea.   Keywords: Nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator, broadcasting, straw load, field capacity, nitrogen uptake, yiel

    Analysis of straw bruising and sieving system on performance of modified wheat straw combine for better straw quality

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    Wheat straw is a major feed source for ruminants. To retrieve the wheat straw and stubbles left after wheat harvesting operation with grain combines, another machine i.e. straw combine is used. But it was observed that the quality straw collected by straw combines contains dirt particles which increases total ash content of straw and that are harmful for animal health. To reduce energy requirement and to reduce total ash content, straw combine was developed with sieving system. Modified straw combine consisted of a 1.53Ɨ0.82 m screen with 0.208 mm opening sieving system, which was fixed below the bruising cylinder. Field evaluation of the modified straw combine carried out at two level of concave bar spacing (10 & 14 mm), three feed rate (14, 16.5 & 19 q/h) and three cylinder speed (28.45, 32.25 &36.04 m/s). It was observed that at 14 mm concave bar spacing, 28.45 m/s cylinder speed, minimum net specific energy requirement was found to be 0.42 kWh/q when the feed rate was 19 q/h. During straw bruising, average straw length varied from 12.22-20.23 mm and 16.07-25.26 mm at concave bar spacing of 10 mm and 14 mm, respectively. The maximum split straw percentage was recorded to be 98.43% at the cylinder speed of 36.04 m/s and feed rate of 19 q/h at concave bar spacing of 10 mm. The total ash content in the straw was found to be 9.61 %, at the concave bar spacing of 14 mm and 14 q/h feed rate

    Performance Evaluation of Spatially Modified No-Till Drill under Different Field Conditions

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    A major problem in sowing wheat crop under no-tillage condition in combine harvested paddy fields is the frequent choking of no-till drill machine due to long loose paddy straw lying in the windrows. Effective residue management requires both straw and chaff to be finely chopped and evenly spread over the entire cutting width of combine. Sowing performance of spatially modified no-till drill in combine harvested paddy field after one operation of straw chopper-cum-spreader,was studied. Spatially modified no-till drill with 3-member frame, 600 mm vertical clearance and 600 mm tine-to-tine spacingdid not have straw accumulation when operated in field pre-operated with straw chopper-cum-spreader. Sowing performance of the drill on the basis of furrow geometry and seed placement was similar to that of a conventional no-till drill operated in clean field. Residue as mulch reduced the germination of wheat seedlings, but subsequently the overall germination count was not affected by the mulch. The difference in plant height, effective tiller count, ear length, number of grains per ear head, thousand grain mass and grain yield were found to be non-significant for both the treatments at 5% level of significance

    Samohodni aplikator za ubrizgavanje tečnog azota u usevu pŔenice na usitnjenim žetvenim ostacima pirinča

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    In order to reduce nitrogen losses sustained in broadcasting of urea under high rice straw mulched wheat crop and to enhance crop yield, a self propelled spoke wheel nitrogen applicator for injecting nitrogen in liquid form beneath the soil surface was designed, developed and evaluated under actual field conditions. The machine comprised four sets of spoke wheel having radial injectors attached to a distribution hub with inline mounted flow control valve and cut-off system. Constant supply of liquid urea to the distribution hub by means of a piston pump produced pressure adequate to expel urea solution through the flow control valve as it opened. The opening and closing of flow control valve was regulated through a specially designed lever and stationery cam. The average field capacity and efficiency of the machine were found to be 0.36 haĀ·h-1 and 88.9%, respectively. Yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of wheat crop fertilized with spoke wheel nitrogen applicator was 20 and 47 % respectively higher than that of broadcasting method of nitrogen application. Lower nitrogen accumulation in mulch and higher nitrogen uptake in wheat crop indicated reduced nitrogen losses in case of point injected nitrogen application over broadcasting. Hence, spoke wheel nitrogen applicator acquires a promising option not only for enhancing crop yield but also environment protection.Sa ciljem smanjenja gubitaka azota pri ubacivanju uree pod usitnjene žetvene ostatke radi povećanja prinosa, konstruisan je samohodni aplikator za ubrizgavanje tečnog azota pod povrÅ”inu zemljiÅ”ta. MaÅ”ina se sastoji od četiri kompleta točkova sa paocima i injektorima postavljenim na haubu sa ugrađenim ventilom za kontrolu protoka i isključenje sistema. Konstantan dotok tečne uree do distributera preko klipne pumpe obezbeđen je odgovarajućim pritiskom za izbacivanje rastvora uree kad je kontrolni ventil otvoren. Otvaranje i zatvaranje kontrolnog ventila je regulisano specijalno konstruisanom ručicom. Srednji poljski kapacitet i efikasnost maÅ”ine su iznosili 0.36 haĀ·h-1 i 88.9%, redom. Prinos i efikasnost iskoriŔćenja azota (NUE) kod pÅ”enice đubrene ovim aplikatorom azota bili su 20 i 47%, redom, viÅ”i nego pri uobičajenom rasturanju azota. Niža akumulacija azota u malču i viÅ”e usvajanje azota kod pÅ”enice ukazuju na manje gubitke azota kod tačkastog ubrizgavanja azota u odnosu na rasturanje. Tako ovaj aplikator azota predstavlja povoljniju opciju, ne samo za povećanje prinosa nego i za zaÅ”titu okoline

    Razvoj i standardizacija mernog mehanizma na uređaju za aplikaciju azota (tečne uree) tačkastim ubrizgavanjem

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    The existing method of broadcasting urea on straw mulched direct seeded wheat crop is susceptible to nitrogen losses. Nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator could be used to forestall the hazards of nitrogen loss and a metering mechanism for nitrogen (liquid urea) is currently not available. Hence, a nitrogen (liquid urea) metering mechanism was developed and tested in the laboratory. The operating pressure and peripheral speed of metering system were found to have significant effect on the discharge rate of metering mechanism. The discharge rate of the metering system was directly correlated with operating pressure and indirectly correlated with peripheral speed of the metering system. Based on the performance parameters, a peripheral speed of 0.70 mĀ·s-1 (forward speed of 2.5 kmĀ·h-1), operating pressure of 3 kgĀ·cm-2 and 2.095 lĀ·ha-1 application rate of urea solution were selected for field operation of nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator. The outcome of this study will encourage the use of point injected nitrogen (liquid urea) applicator on straw mulched crops.Postojeći metod primene uree na povrÅ”ini tretiranoj malčom slame sa direktno sejanom pÅ”enicom je podložan gubicima azota. Azot (tečna urea) može biti apliciran kako bi se izbegao rizik od gubitka azota, ali merni mehanizam za azot (tečnu ureu) trenutno nije dostupan. Zato je razvijen i u laboratorijskim uslovima testiran uređaj za merenje azota. Radni pritisak i obimna brzina mernog mehanizma imali su značajan uticaj na normu aplikacije. Intenzitet pražnjenja je bio u direktnoj korelaciji sa radnim pritiskom i u obrnutoj korelaciji sa obimnom brzinom mernog sistema. Na osnovu ispitivanih veličina, za rad u poljskim uslovima određeni su sledeći parametri: obimna brzina od 0.70 māˆ™s-1 (radna brzina od 2.5 kmāˆ™h-1), radni pritisak od 3 kgāˆ™cm-2 i norma aplikacije rastvora azota (tečne uree) od 2.095 lāˆ™ha-1. Rezultati istraživanja u ovoj studiji će unaprediti upotrebu uređaja tačkastu aplikaciju azota (tečne uree) na parcelama sa usevima na slamenom malču

    Unapređenje žitnih vrÅ”alica u cilju poboljÅ”anja kvaliteta slame

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    Straw combine is very popular machine in Punjab for the retrieval of wheat straw. It was observed that quality of wheat straw obtained from straw combine is inferior due to more dirt content as compare to harambha thresher. Therefore, the straw combine was developed with straw bruising and sieving system for the removal of dirt. Dirt was quantified by total ash content and acid insoluble ash. Field evaluation of the modified straw combine and laboratory analysis of collected sieved straw sample was carried out. Two level of concave bar spacing (10 and 14 mm), three feed rates (14, 16.5 and 19 qā€¢h-1) and three cylinder speeds (28.45, 32.25 and 36.04 mā€¢s-1) were selected as operational parameter. It was observed that mechanical sieving of straw was well enough for the separation of dirt. Percent reduction of total ash content and acid insoluble ash due to sieving increases with decrease in feed rate and increase in concave bar spacing. Average straw length and split straw percentage was found to well within acceptable level at 14 mm concave bar spacing. Net specific fuel consumption was found to be decreases with increase in feed rate and concave bar spacing and increases with increase in cylinder speed.Žitne vrÅ”alice su veoma popularne u Punjab oblasti u Indiji. Primećeno je da je kvalitet slame nakon ubiranja klasičnim žitnim kombajnom, loÅ”iji zbog većeg prisutva nečistoća, u poređenju sa žitnom vrÅ”alicom. Iz tog razloga se radilo na konstrukciji kombajna za slamu koji je opremljen uređajem sa čiŔćenje i prosejavanja slame. Prilikom ispitivanja kvaliteta rada, količina nečistoće odstranjena iz slame, je određena preko količine pepela nakon sagorevanja i sadržaja, u kiselini, nerastvorenog pepela. Poljsko ispitivanje je takođe sprovedeno a uzorci slame su doneti na labaratrijsko ispitivanje. Dva nivoa rastojanja reÅ”etke (10 i 14 mm), tri protoka (14, 16.5 i 19 qā€¢h-1) i tri brzine bubnja (28.45, 32.25 i36.04 mā€¢s-1) su uzeti kao parametri rada. Uočeno je da je mehanički sistem prosejavanja slame zadovoljavajući u slučaju otklanjanja nečistoća. Procenat smanjenja ukupne količine pepela i količine pepela nerastvorenog u kiselini, se povećava sa smanjenjem protoka i sa smanjenjem rastojanja između reÅ”etki sita. Prosečna dužina slame i udeo polomljene slame su bili u prihvaltjivim granicama kod minimalnog rastojanja između reÅ”etki sita od 14 mm. Ukupna specifična potroÅ”nja goriva se smanjivala sa povećanjem protoka mase i rastojanja između reÅ”etki, dok se, sa povećanjem brzine obrtanja bubnja, povećavala