17 research outputs found

    An Investigation of Monotonic Transducers for Large-Scale Automatic Speech Recognition

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    The two most popular loss functions for streaming end-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) are the RNN-Transducer (RNN-T) and the connectionist temporal classification (CTC) objectives. Both perform an alignment-free training by marginalizing over all possible alignments, but use different transition rules. Between these two loss types we can classify the monotonic RNN-T (MonoRNN-T) and the recently proposed CTC-like Transducer (CTC-T), which both can be realized using the graph temporal classification-transducer (GTC-T) loss function. Monotonic transducers have a few advantages. First, RNN-T can suffer from runaway hallucination, where a model keeps emitting non-blank symbols without advancing in time, often in an infinite loop. Secondly, monotonic transducers consume exactly one model score per time step and are therefore more compatible and unifiable with traditional FST-based hybrid ASR decoders. However, the MonoRNN-T so far has been found to have worse accuracy than RNN-T. It does not have to be that way, though: By regularizing the training - via joint LAS training or parameter initialization from RNN-T - both MonoRNN-T and CTC-T perform as well - or better - than RNN-T. This is demonstrated for LibriSpeech and for a large-scale in-house data set.Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 202

    Anchored Speech Recognition with Neural Transducers

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    Neural transducers have achieved human level performance on standard speech recognition benchmarks. However, their performance significantly degrades in the presence of cross-talk, especially when the primary speaker has a low signal-to-noise ratio. Anchored speech recognition refers to a class of methods that use information from an anchor segment (e.g., wake-words) to recognize device-directed speech while ignoring interfering background speech. In this paper, we investigate anchored speech recognition to make neural transducers robust to background speech. We extract context information from the anchor segment with a tiny auxiliary network, and use encoder biasing and joiner gating to guide the transducer towards the target speech. Moreover, to improve the robustness of context embedding extraction, we propose auxiliary training objectives to disentangle lexical content from speaking style. We evaluate our methods on synthetic LibriSpeech-based mixtures comprising several SNR and overlap conditions; they improve relative word error rates by 19.6% over a strong baseline, when averaged over all conditions.Comment: To appear at IEEE ICASSP 202

    Towards Selection of Text-to-speech Data to Augment ASR Training

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    This paper presents a method for selecting appropriate synthetic speech samples from a given large text-to-speech (TTS) dataset as supplementary training data for an automatic speech recognition (ASR) model. We trained a neural network, which can be optimised using cross-entropy loss or Arcface loss, to measure the similarity of a synthetic data to real speech. We found that incorporating synthetic samples with considerable dissimilarity to real speech, owing in part to lexical differences, into ASR training is crucial for boosting recognition performance. Experimental results on Librispeech test sets indicate that, in order to maintain the same speech recognition accuracy as when using all TTS data, our proposed solution can reduce the size of the TTS data down below its 30%30\,\%, which is superior to several baseline methods

    Towards General-Purpose Speech Abilities for Large Language Models Using Unpaired Data

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    In this work, we extend the instruction-tuned Llama-2 model with end-to-end general-purpose speech processing and reasoning abilities while maintaining the wide range of LLM capabilities, without using any carefully curated paired data. The proposed model can utilize audio prompts as a replacement for text and sustain a conversation. Such a model also has extended cross-modal capabilities such as being able to perform speech question answering, speech translation, and audio summarization amongst many other closed and open-domain tasks. This is unlike prior approaches in speech, in which LLMs are extended to handle audio for a limited number of pre-designated tasks. Experiments show that our end-to-end approach is on par with or outperforms a cascaded system (speech recognizer + LLM) in terms of modeling the response to a prompt. Furthermore, unlike a cascade, our approach shows the ability to interchange text and audio modalities and utilize the prior context in a conversation to provide better results

    Dynamic ASR Pathways: An Adaptive Masking Approach Towards Efficient Pruning of A Multilingual ASR Model

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    Neural network pruning offers an effective method for compressing a multilingual automatic speech recognition (ASR) model with minimal performance loss. However, it entails several rounds of pruning and re-training needed to be run for each language. In this work, we propose the use of an adaptive masking approach in two scenarios for pruning a multilingual ASR model efficiently, each resulting in sparse monolingual models or a sparse multilingual model (named as Dynamic ASR Pathways). Our approach dynamically adapts the sub-network, avoiding premature decisions about a fixed sub-network structure. We show that our approach outperforms existing pruning methods when targeting sparse monolingual models. Further, we illustrate that Dynamic ASR Pathways jointly discovers and trains better sub-networks (pathways) of a single multilingual model by adapting from different sub-network initializations, thereby reducing the need for language-specific pruning