21 research outputs found

    A Practical (Non-interactive) Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing Scheme

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    A publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) scheme, proposed by Stadler in \cite{DBLP:conf/eurocrypt/Stadler96}, is a VSS scheme in which anyone, not only the shareholders, can verify that the secret shares are correctly distributed. PVSS can play essential roles in the systems using VSS. Achieving simultaneously the following two features for PVSS is a challenging job: \begin{itemize} \item Efficient non-interactive public verification. \item Proving security for the public verifiability in the standard model. \end{itemize} In this paper we propose a (t,n)(t, n)-threshold PVSS scheme which satisfies both of these properties. Efficiency of the non-interactive public verification step of the proposed scheme is optimal (in terms of computations of bilinear maps (pairing)) while comparing with the earlier solution by \cite{DBLP:conf/sacrypt/HeidarvandV08}. In public verification step of \cite{DBLP:conf/sacrypt/HeidarvandV08}, one needs to compute 2n2n many pairings, where nn is the number of shareholders, whereas in our scheme the number of pairing computations is 44 only. This count is irrespective of the number of shareholders. We also provide a formal proof for the semantic security (IND) of our scheme based on the hardness of a problem that we call the (n,t)(n,t)-multi-sequence of exponents Diffie-Hellman problem (MSE-DDH). This problem falls under the general Diffie-Hellman exponent problem framework \cite{DBLP:conf/eurocrypt/BonehBG05}

    PHyCT : Privacy preserving Hybrid Contact Tracing

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    Ever since COVID-19 started grasping world’s geographies one by one, countries have been struggling to tackle with this emergency by stretching their healthcare infrastructure beyond the boundary. World is now also trying to find ways to “live with the virus” or coping with the “new normal”. In this effort, contact tracing is thought to be a vital tool which can quickly figure out persons that have come into vicinity of an infected person. Some countries have adopted centralized contact tracing in the perception that it is the most effective and easy solution. Centralized contact tracing has been in the centre of debate as it is a potential tool for launching mass surveillance. So objecting to this, decentralized model has been introduced which gives the control fully to the citizens. However, in decentralized model, the onus is completely on the users to act accordingly if they get a risk notification for coming in close contact with a COVID-19 positive patient. Decentralize model will fail if the large mass of users do not act accordingly after receiving the risk notification. Therefore, a balance needs to strike between the centralized and decentralized models given the socio-economic impact of this pandemic. In this article, we take a hybrid approach and propose PHyCT that guarantees fail-safe, privacy, and security. This system acts like a decentralized one, where identities of users remain anonymous to the central authority. However, if there is a case of infection, the infected user and the central authority can together only reveal the identities of the users who have come in close contact. This feature enables to handle the situation if there are too many non-compliant users who do not report after getting infection exposure notification. Users who have not come into close contact of any infected person remain anonymous

    A Public Key Encryption In Standard Model Using Cramer-Shoup Paradigm

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    We present a public-key encryption scheme which is provably secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. The scheme is constructed using Cramer-Shoup paradigm. The security of the scheme is based on the Decisional Bilinear Diffie-Hellman proble

    Trading Accumulation Size for Witness Size: A Merkle Tree Based Universal Accumulator Via Subset Differences

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    Merkle-type trees are widely used to design cryptographic accumulators. The primary advantage in using Merkle tree for accumulators is that they only assume existence of collision-resistant hash functions. Merkle tree based accumulators produces constant size accumulation values. But, the size of the witness is always logarithmic in the number of values accumulated, opposed to the constant size witness as exhibited by some of the other popular accumulators that uses number theoretic techniques and problems. Surprisingly, there exists no Merkle tree based accumulator that provides a trade-off between accumulation size and witness size. Such a trade-off is warranted, as argued in this paper, in a situation where witnesses are stored in memory constrained devices and are being moved around continuously, as opposed to the accumulation values that remain stationary, often in devices with moderate storage capacity. In this paper we propose a Merkle-tree based accumulator scheme assuming only collision-resistant hash functions exist. Our scheme allows witness of size that is in general strictly less than logarithmic in the number of values accumulated, and in some cases reduces to constant size. The trade-off cost results in an increased accumulation size

    Compact Accumulator using Lattices

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    An accumulator is a succinct aggregate of a set of values where it is possible to issue short membership proofs for each accumulated value. A party in possession of such a membership proof can then demonstrate that the value is included in the set. In this paper, we preset the first lattice-based accumulator scheme that issues compact membership proofs. The security of our scheme is based on the hardness of Short Integer Solution problem

    CovidBloc: A Blockchain Powered Exposure Database for Contact Tracing

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    Contact tracing is an important mitigation tool for national health services to fight epidemics such as COVID-19. While many of the existing approaches for automated contact tracing focus on privacy-preserving decentralized solutions, the use of blockchain in these applications is often suggested for the transparency and immutability of the data being collected. We present CovidBloc, a contact tracing system that implements the COVID 19 exposure database on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Network. Like most decentralized contact tracing application, the participants of the CovidBloc are: (1) a mobile application running on a bluetooth-equipped smartphone, (2) a web dashboard for health officials, and (3) a backend server acting as a repository for data being collected. We have implemented all components of CovidBloc to make it a fully functional contact tracing application. It is hosted at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/c6caad6d-62a4-463c-8301-472e421b931f/. The mobile application for CovidBloc is developed for Android. The exposure notification system in our mobile application is implemented as per the recently released draft documentation by Google and Apple. The exposure notification API from Google and Apple is only available to a limited number of teams per country. The backend server is an important component of any automated contact tracing system which acts as a repository for exposure data to be pushed by smartphones upon authorization by the health staff. Since adding or removing information on the server has privacy consequences, it is required that the server should not be trusted. The backend server for CovidBloc is implemented on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain network

    YouChoose: A Lightweight Anonymous Proof of Account Ownership

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    We explore the issue of anonymously proving account ownership (anonymous PAO). Such proofs allow a prover to prove to a verifier that it owns a valid account at a server without being tracked by the server or the verifier, without requiring any changes at the server\u27s end and without even revealing to it that any anonymous PAO is taking place. This concept is useful in sensitive applications like whistleblowing. The first introduction of anonymous PAOs was by Wang et al., who also introduced the secure channel injection (SCI) protocol to realize anonymous PAO in the context of email account ownership. In this paper, we propose YouChoose, an approach that improves upon Wang et al.\u27s SCI-based anonymous PAO. Unlike SCI, which demands carefully designed multi-party computation (MPC) protocols for efficiency, YouChoose works without MPC, simply relying on the verifier to selectively forward TLS records. It is faster, more efficient, and more adaptable compared to SCI. Further, the simplicity of the YouChoose approach readily enables anonymous PAO in different settings such as various ciphersuites of TLS, account types other than email, etc., while the SCI approach needs specifically designed MPC protocols for each use case. We also provide formal security definitions for a generalized anonymous PAO of which both YouChoose and SCI are concrete instantiations

    Exploiting Determinism in Lattice-based Signatures - Practical Fault Attacks on pqm4 Implementations of NIST candidates

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    In this paper, we analyze the implementation level fault vulnerabilities of deterministic lattice-based signature schemes. In particular, we extend the practicality of skip-addition fault attacks through exploitation of determinism in certain variants of Dilithium (Deterministic variant) and qTESLA signature scheme (originally submitted deterministic version), which are two leading candidates for the NIST standardization of post-quantum cryptography. We show that single targeted faults injected in the signing procedure allow to recover an important portion of the secret key. Though faults injected in the signing procedure do not recover all the secret key elements, we propose a novel forgery algorithm that allows the attacker to sign any given message with only the extracted portion of the secret key. We perform experimental validation of our attack using Electromagnetic fault injection on reference implementations taken from the pqm4 library, a benchmarking and testing framework for post quantum cryptographic implementations for the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. We also show that our attacks break two well known countermeasures known to protect against skip-addition fault attacks. We further propose an efficient mitigation strategy against our attack that exponentially increases the attacker\u27s complexity at almost zero increase in computational complexity

    Side-channel Assisted Existential Forgery Attack on Dilithium - A NIST PQC candidate

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    The recent lattice-based signature scheme Dilithium, submitted as part of the CRYSTALS (Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices) package, is one of a number of strong candidates submitted for the NIST standardisation process of post-quantum cryptography. The Dilithium signature scheme is based on the Fiat-Shamir paradigm and can be seen as a variant of the Bai-Galbraith scheme (BG) combined with several improvements from previous ancestor lattice-based schemes like GLP and BLISS signature schemes. One of the main features of Dilithium is the compressed public-key, which is a rounded version of the LWE instance. This implies that Dilithium is not breakable with the knowledge of only the secret or the error of the LWE instance, unlike its ancestor lattice-based signature schemes. In this paper, we investigate the security of Dilithium against a combination of side-channel and classical attacks. Side-channel attacks on schoolbook and optimised polynomial multiplication algorithms in the signing procedure are shown to extract the secret component of the LWE instance, which is just one among the multiple components of the secret-key of Dilithium. We then propose an alternative signing procedure, through which it is possible to forge signatures with only the extracted portion of the secret-key, without requiring the knowledge of all its elements. Thus showing that Dilithium too breaks on just knowing the secret portion of the LWE instance, similar to previous lattice-based schemes

    Traceable mixnets

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    We introduce the notion of traceable mixnets. In a traditional mixnet, multiple mix-servers jointly permute and decrypt a list of ciphertexts to produce a list of plaintexts, along with a proof of correctness, such that the association between individual ciphertexts and plaintexts remains completely hidden. However, in many applications, the privacy-utility tradeoff requires answering some specific queries about this association, without revealing any information beyond the query result. We consider queries of the following types: a) given a ciphertext in the mixnet input list, whether it encrypts one of a given subset of plaintexts in the output list, and b) given a plaintext in the mixnet output list, whether it is a decryption of one of a given subset of ciphertexts in the input list. Traceable mixnets allow the mix-servers to jointly prove answers to the above queries to a querier such that neither the querier nor a threshold number of mix-servers learn any information beyond the query result. Further, if the querier is not corrupted, the corrupted mix-servers do not even learn the query result. We first comprehensively formalise these security properties of traceable mixnets and then propose a construction of traceable mixnets using novel distributed zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) of set membership and of a statement we call reverse set membership. Although set membership has been studied in the single-prover setting, the main challenge in our distributed setting lies in making sure that none of the mix-servers learn the association between ciphertexts and plaintexts during the proof. We implement our distributed ZKPs and show that they are faster than state-of-the-art by at least one order of magnitude