21 research outputs found

    Nanoflake NiMn layered double hydroxide coated on porous membrane-like Ni-foam for sustainable and efficient electrocatalytic oxygen evolution

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    Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) have gained vast importance as an electrocatalyst for water electrolysis to produce carbon-neutral and clean hydrogen energy. In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of nano-flake-like NiMn LDH thin film electrodes onto porous membrane-like Ni-foam by using a simple and cost-effective electrodeposition method for oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Various Ni1-xMnx LDH (where x = 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.50 and 0.75) thin film electrodes are utilized to achieve the optimal catalyst for an efficient and sustainable OER process. The various composition-dependent surface morphologies and porous-membrane-like structure provided the high electrochemical surface area along with abundant active sites facilitating the OER. The optimized catalyst referred to as Ni0.65Mn0.35 showed excellent OER properties with an ultralow overpotential of 253 mV at a current density of 50 mAcm−2, which outperforms other state-of-the art catalysts reported in the literature. The relatively low Tafel slope of 130 mV dec−1 indicates faster and more favorable reaction kinetics for OER. Moreover, Ni0.65Mn0.35 exhibits excellent durability over continuous operation of 20 h, indicating the great sustainability of the catalyst in an alkaline medium. This study provides knowledge for the fabrication and optimization of the OER catalyst electrode for water electrolysis

    Molecular characterization and combined genotype association study of bovine cluster of differentiation 14 gene with clinical mastitis in crossbred dairy cattle

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    Aim: The present study was undertaken with the objectives to characterize and to analyze combined genotypes of cluster of differentiation 14 (CD14) gene to explore its association with clinical mastitis in Karan Fries (KF) cows maintained in the National Dairy Research Institute herd, Karnal. Materials and Methods: Genomic DNA was extracted using blood of randomly selected 94 KF lactating cattle by phenolchloroform method. After checking its quality and quantity, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out using six sets of reported gene-specific primers to amplify complete KF CD14 gene. The forward and reverse sequences for each PCR fragments were assembled to form complete sequence for the respective region of KF CD14 gene. The multiple sequence alignments of the edited sequence with the corresponding reference with reported Bos taurus sequence (EU148610.1) were performed with ClustalW software to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Basic Local Alignment Search Tool analysis was performed to compare the sequence identity of KF CD14 gene with other species. The restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis was carried out in all KF cows using Helicobacter pylori 188I (Hpy188I) (contig 2) and Haemophilus influenzae I (HinfI) (contig 4) restriction enzyme (RE). Cows were assigned genotypes obtained by PCRRFLP analysis, and association study was done using Chi-square (χ2) test. The genotypes of both contigs (loci) number 2 and 4 were combined with respect to each animal to construct combined genotype patterns. Results: Two types of sequences of KF were obtained: One with 2630 bp having one insertion at 616 nucleotide (nt) position and one deletion at 1117 nt position, and the another sequence was of 2629 bp having only one deletion at 615 nt position. ClustalW, multiple alignments of KF CD14 gene sequence with B. taurus cattle sequence (EU148610.1), revealed 24 nt changes (SNPs). Cows were also screened using PCR-RFLP with Hpy188I (contig 2) and HinfI (contig 4) RE, which revealed three genotypes each that differed significantly regarding mastitis incidence. The maximum possible combination of these two loci shown nine combined genotype patterns and it was observed only eight combined genotypes out of nine: AACC, AACD, AADD, ABCD, ABDD, BBCC, BBCD, and BBDD. The combined genotype ABCC was not observed in the studied population of KF cows. Out of 94 animals, AACD combined genotype animals (10.63%) were found to be not affected with mastitis, and ABDD combined genotyped animals was observed having the highest mastitis incidence of 15.96%. Conclusion: AACD typed cows were found to be least susceptible to mastitis incidence as compared to other combined genotypes

    Nanoflake NiMn Layered Double Hydroxide Coated on Porous Membrane-like Ni-Foam for Sustainable and Efficient Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution

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    Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) have gained vast importance as an electrocatalyst for water electrolysis to produce carbon-neutral and clean hydrogen energy. In this work, we demonstrated the fabrication of nano-flake-like NiMn LDH thin film electrodes onto porous membrane-like Ni-foam by using a simple and cost-effective electrodeposition method for oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Various Ni1-xMnx LDH (where x = 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.50 and 0.75) thin film electrodes are utilized to achieve the optimal catalyst for an efficient and sustainable OER process. The various composition-dependent surface morphologies and porous-membrane-like structure provided the high electrochemical surface area along with abundant active sites facilitating the OER. The optimized catalyst referred to as Ni0.65Mn0.35 showed excellent OER properties with an ultralow overpotential of 253 mV at a current density of 50 mAcm−2, which outperforms other state-of-the art catalysts reported in the literature. The relatively low Tafel slope of 130 mV dec−1 indicates faster and more favorable reaction kinetics for OER. Moreover, Ni0.65Mn0.35 exhibits excellent durability over continuous operation of 20 h, indicating the great sustainability of the catalyst in an alkaline medium. This study provides knowledge for the fabrication and optimization of the OER catalyst electrode for water electrolysis

    High Power Generation with Reducing Agents Using Compost Soil as a Novel Electrocatalyst for Ammonium Fuel Cells

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    Ammonium toxicity is a significant source of pollution from industrial civilization that is disrupting the balance of natural systems, adversely affecting soil and water quality, and causing several environmental problems that affect aquatic and human life, including the strong promotion of eutrophication and increased dissolved oxygen consumption. Thus, a cheap catalyst is required for power generation and detoxification. Herein, compost soil is employed as a novel electrocatalyst for ammonium degradation and high-power generation. Moreover, its effect on catalytic activity and material performances is systematically optimized and compared by treating it with various reducing agents, including potassium ferricyanide, ferrocyanide, and manganese dioxide. Ammonium fuel was supplied to the compost soil ammonium fuel cell (CS-AFC) at concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 g/mL. The overall results show that ferricyanide affords a maximum power density of 1785.20 mW/m2 at 0.2 g/mL fuel concentration. This study focuses on high-power generation for CS-AFC. CS-AFCs are sustainable for many hours without any catalyst deactivation; however, they need to be refueled at regular intervals (every 12 h). Moreover, CS-AFCs afford the best performance when ferricyanide is used as the electron acceptor at the cathode. This study proposes a cheap electrocatalyst and possible solutions to the more serious energy generation problems. This study will help in recycling ammonium-rich wastewaters as free fuel for running CS-AFC devices to yield high-power generation with reducing agents for ammonium fuel cell power applications

    High Power Generation with Reducing Agents Using Compost Soil as a Novel Electrocatalyst for Ammonium Fuel Cells

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    Ammonium toxicity is a significant source of pollution from industrial civilization that is disrupting the balance of natural systems, adversely affecting soil and water quality, and causing several environmental problems that affect aquatic and human life, including the strong promotion of eutrophication and increased dissolved oxygen consumption. Thus, a cheap catalyst is required for power generation and detoxification. Herein, compost soil is employed as a novel electrocatalyst for ammonium degradation and high-power generation. Moreover, its effect on catalytic activity and material performances is systematically optimized and compared by treating it with various reducing agents, including potassium ferricyanide, ferrocyanide, and manganese dioxide. Ammonium fuel was supplied to the compost soil ammonium fuel cell (CS-AFC) at concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 g/mL. The overall results show that ferricyanide affords a maximum power density of 1785.20 mW/m2 at 0.2 g/mL fuel concentration. This study focuses on high-power generation for CS-AFC. CS-AFCs are sustainable for many hours without any catalyst deactivation; however, they need to be refueled at regular intervals (every 12 h). Moreover, CS-AFCs afford the best performance when ferricyanide is used as the electron acceptor at the cathode. This study proposes a cheap electrocatalyst and possible solutions to the more serious energy generation problems. This study will help in recycling ammonium-rich wastewaters as free fuel for running CS-AFC devices to yield high-power generation with reducing agents for ammonium fuel cell power applications

    Enhancing Crop Resilience to Drought Stress through CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing

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    With increasing frequency and severity of droughts in various parts of the world, agricultural productivity may suffer major setbacks. Among all the abiotic factors, drought is likely to have one of the most detrimental effects on soil organisms and plants. Drought is a major problem for crops because it limits the availability of water, and consequently nutrients which are crucial for plant growth and survival. This results in reduced crop yields, stunted growth, and even plant death, according to the severity and duration of the drought, the plant’s developmental stage, and the plant’s genetic background. The ability to withstand drought is a highly complex characteristic that is controlled by multiple genes, making it one of the most challenging attributes to study, classify, and improve. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR) technology has opened a new frontier in crop enhancement, revolutionizing plant molecular breeding. The current review provides a general understanding of principles as well as optimization of CRISPR system, and presents applications on genetic enhancement of crops, specifically in terms of drought resistance and yield. Moreover, we discuss how innovative genome editing techniques can aid in the identification and modification of genes conferring drought tolerance

    Antioxidant Potential of Glutathione and Crosstalk with Phytohormones in Enhancing Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants

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    Glutathione (GSH) is an abundant tripeptide that can enhance plant tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. Its main role is to counter free radicals and detoxify reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated in cells under unfavorable conditions. Moreover, along with other second messengers (such as ROS, calcium, nitric oxide, cyclic nucleotides, etc.), GSH also acts as a cellular signal involved in stress signal pathways in plants, directly or along with the glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems. While associated biochemical activities and roles in cellular stress response have been widely presented, the relationship between phytohormones and GSH has received comparatively less attention. This review, after presenting glutathione as part of plants’ feedback to main abiotic stress factors, focuses on the interaction between GSH and phytohormones, and their roles in the modulation of the acclimatation and tolerance to abiotic stress in crops plants

    Biomimetic Strategies for Developing Abiotic Stress-Tolerant Tomato Cultivars: An Overview

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    The tomato is one of the most important vegetables in the world. The demand for tomatoes is high in virtually any country, owing to their gastronomic versatility and nutritional and aromatic value. Drought, salinity, and inadequate temperature can be major factors in diminishing yield, affecting physiological and biochemical processes and altering various metabolic pathways, from the aggregation of low molecular–weight substances to the transcription of specific genes. Various biotechnological tools can be used to alter the tomato genes so that this species can more rapidly or better adapt to abiotic stress. These approaches range from the introgression of genes coding for specific enzymes for mitigating a prevailing stress to genetic modifications that alter specific metabolic pathways to help tomato perceive environmental cues and/or withstand adverse conditions. In recent years, environmental and social concerns and the high complexity of the plant response may increase the attention of applied plant biotechnology toward biomimetic strategies, generally defined as all the approaches that seek to develop more sustainable and acceptable strategies by imitating nature’s time-tested solutions. In this review, we provide an overview of some of the genetic sequences and molecules that were the objects of biotechnological intervention in tomato as examples of approaches to achieve tolerance to abiotic factors, improving existing nature-based mechanisms and solutions (biomimetic biotechnological approaches (BBA)). Finally, we discuss implications and perspectives within the GMO debate, proposing that crops modified with BBA should receive less stringent regulation