16 research outputs found

    La nécropole de Kissi et ses implications historiques

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    On doit se demander si la richesse évidente des morts de Kissi n’était pas le résultat visible d’un commerce d’or. Malheureusement, à Kissi comme ailleurs, nous ne sommes pas en mesure de donner une réponse positive à partir des seules données archéologiques. Mais si l’on admet que les Arabes au Maghreb ont déjà commencé pendant la conquête à frapper des pièces en or dont le matériel venait du sud, on n’échappe que difficilement à la conclusion qu’ils le tiraient d’une structure des relations commerciales existantes. Ces relations peuvent déjà dater de l’époque du 3e/ 4e AD, mais sont assez sûres pour l’époque byzantine, notamment pour le temps sous regard dans cette communication, le 6e et 7e siècle de notre ère

    Methodological issues in the observational studies conducted in older population: a narrative review

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    Introduction Well-conducted observational studies may represent valuable tools for getting insight to disease etiology, detecting the effect of age-related changes, and providing an important perspective on health risk factors and disabilities in an aging population. Nevertheless, this kind of research poses several challenges for researchers. The main aim of this narrative review was to address the potential methodological issues in performing the observational studies in the elderly, the factors that influence their participation, and the possible solutions for overcoming the barriers to research in this population. Methods Comprehensive search for the papers published in the period from January 1st 1980 until 31st July 2016 in English or Italian was conducted through MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science electronic databases. Findings from the included papers were finally summarized. Results In cohort studies, the following barriers were addressed: sample size calculation, ascertainment of the target population, frequency of data collection, exposure determination, multifactorial loss to follow-up (drop-outs), cognitive impairment, definition of confounders, and ethical aspects. Case-control studies were reported to be prone to the issues like ascertainment of cases and controls, willingness to participate, data accuracy, recall bias, issues related to patients’ multimorbidity, and cognitive impairment. Conclusions Important factors to consider in research in elderly people include: precise definition of the study population, well conducted recruitment process, engagement with family and home care staff, cognitive impairment assessment and the consequent relevant ethical and legal issues, relief of participant burden in order to minimize withdrawal, and engagement with the media

    Workplace health promotion for older workers: A systematic literature review

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    Background: Aging of the workforce is a growing problem. As workers age, their physical, physiological and psychosocial capabilities change. Keeping older workers healthy and productive is a key goal of European labor policy and health promotion is a key to achieve this result. Previous studies about workplace health promotion (WHP) programs are usually focused on the entire workforce or to a specific topic. Within the framework of the EU-CHAFEA ProHealth65+ project, this paper aims to systematically review the literature on WHP interventions specifically targeted to older workers (OWs). Methods: This systematic review was conducted by making a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL and PsychINFO databases. Search terms included ageing (and synonyms), worker (and synonyms), intervention (and synonyms), and health (and synonyms). The search was limited to papers in English or Italian published between January, 1st 2000 and May, 31st 2015. Relevant references in the selected articles were also analyzed. Results: Of the 299 articles initially identified as relating to the topic, 18 articles met the inclusion criteria. The type, methods and outcome of interventions in the WHP programs retrieved were heterogenous, as was the definition of the age at which a worker is considered to be 'older'. Most of the available studies had been conducted on small samples for a limited period of time. Conclusion: Our review shows that, although this issue is of great importance, studies addressing WHP actions for OWs are few and generally of poor quality. Current evidence fails to show that WHP programs improve the work ability, productivity or job retention of older workers. In addition, there is limited evidence that WHP programs are effective in improving lifestyles and concur to maintain the health and well-being of older workers. There is a need for future WHP programs to be well-designed so that the effectiveness and cost-benefit of workplace interventions can be properly investigated

    Initial Encounters: Seeking traces of ancient trade connections between West Africa and the wider world

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    The long-standing, more mythical than fact-based assumptions about ancient trade contacts between West Africa and the wider world prior to the Arab conquest of North Africa have only been substantiated by archaeological evidence in recent years. Although the number of imported items known to have been brought into West Africa during late Roman and Byzantine times just started growing, the mechanisms of their diffusion are still far from being understood. This can mainly be set down to the dearth of convincing material evidence from other archaeological sites in West Africa, the Sahara and North Africa — the result of a lack of research and, perhaps too, of trade in “invisible” merchandise Previous archeological studies on this topic are discussed; and the preliminary findings of recent research in the eastern Niger Bend, presented.Les présupposés de longue date – plutôt mythiques que fondés sur des faits – à propos du commerce entre l’Afrique occidentale et le reste du monde avant la conquête arabe de l’Afrique du Nord n’ont été que récemment étayés par des travaux archéologiques. Bien que les découvertes d'articles importés, connus pour avoir été acheminés en Afrique de l'Ouest pendant les périodes romaine tardive et byzantine, sont, depuis peu, de plus en plus nombreuses, nous ne comprenons pas toujours les mécanismes de diffusion de ces derniers. Cette incompréhension est avant tout liée au manque d’indices matériels probants provenant d’autres sites archéologiques en Afrique de l’Ouest, au Sahara et en Afrique du Nord. Cela résulte à la fois d’un manque de recherche et, peut-être aussi, du commerce en marchandise “invisible”. Les études archéologiques antérieures sur le sujet sont ici discutées ; et les résultats préliminaires de recherches récentes dans la partie orientale de la boucle du Niger sont présentés

    Sahel, Senegal / Niger. Siedlungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte in der Eisenzeit und dem FrĂĽhmittelalter im Sahel Westafrikas

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    Recent field research in Central Senegal shows that, analogue to South-West Niger, the visible wealth of some Sahelian groups during the Iron Age and early Middle Ages cannot be solely attributed to agricultural surpluses. Those investigations show that both regions imported copper alloys from northern Africa and used them for demonstrating socio-economic status. In contrast to the Niger bend, gold likewise rose to a visible status symbol in Senegal. Since the Central Senegal has no own gold deposits, a connection to distant south-eastern regions must have existed

    New studies on Marandet (Central Niger) and its trade connections: an interim report

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    In early 2007, preliminary archaeological investigations were carried out at Marandet, central Niger. They aimed at understanding the history of the settlement, its economic role in an early trans-Saharan trade and relation to the historical Maranda. An interim report on the first archaeological season is presented. It provides a general description of the site, the material culture of its inhabitants and their external contacts. The article will be available as a PDF in the near future

    Weitgereiste Scherben : die Archäologie will anhand von Keramikanalysen innerafrikanischen Verbindungen auf die Spur kommen

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    Reisende Händler, Pilgerfahrten und Verwandtschaftsbesuche, Medizintourismus und Arbeitsmigration: Afrika ist hochgradig mobil. Doch das ist keineswegs neu. Mithilfe unscheinbarer Keramikscherben zeichnet die Afrikaarchäologie an der Goethe-Universität die Reiserouten früherer Jahrtausende nach

    Early social complexity in the Dogon Country (Mali) as evidenced by a new chronology of funerary practices

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    International audienceThe emergence and evolution of social complexity remains a major topic in African later prehistory. This paper aims to examine this question in the Dogon Country in Mali by reassessing the chronocultural sequence of Toloy-Tellem-Dogon that was defined 40 years ago. Our discovery of two new sites on the Bandiagara Escarpment with coiled clay tombs (Dourou-Boro and Yawa-vaches), the systematic dating of these structures, the re-analysis of similar buildings in Pégué, as well as the establishment of a typology of architectural techniques, led us to propose a continuous chronocultural evolution for these structures, now considered to be primary burials and not granaries, over about 1800 years. Detailed study of the ceramics also indicates the evolution of local traditions, progressively integrating new elements following many contacts with neighboring regions during the 1st millennium AD. Finally, the chemical analysis of the glass beads discovered in Dourou-Boro shows that these societies were using beads made in the Middle East at least from the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD on. The new data presented in this article highlight, on one hand, the originality, antiquity, and longevity of burial practices indicating a strong local cultural identity, and, on the other hand, the participation of pre-Dogon populations (long reputed for being isolated from the outside world) in broader African socioeconomic dynamics