17 research outputs found

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAlþjóðageislavarnaráðið (International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP) hefur nýlega gefið út samantekt og leiðbeiningar sem varða læknisfræðilega röntgengeislun og þungun (1). Útkoma leiðbeininganna er tilefni þessarar upprifjunar og samantektar um efnið í samræmi við ríkjandi viðhorf. Ætla má, að læknar og annað heilbrigðisstarfsfólk séu almennt vel upplýst um líffræðilegar áhættur tengdar jónandi geislun, en með síaukinni fræðslu til almennings um heilsutengd efni, í skólum og fjölmiðlum, er hætt við að upp geti komið misskilningur, mistúlkun og ótti vegna myndgreiningarrannsókna og hugsanlegra afleiðinga þeirra. Niðurstöður Alþjóðageislavarnaráðsins eru, að fræðsla til almennings, og einkum kvenna er málið snertir, um stöðu og áhættur sé brýn. Þá er lokaniðurstaða sú, að sennilega hafi áhættur vegna „óhóflegra“ geislaskammta verið ofmetnar í fyrri leiðbeiningum og vinnureglum. Því mælir stofnunin nú með verulegri hækkun þeirra geislaskammta sem miða beri við vegna hugsanlegra ákvarðana um fóstureyðingu Það er réttur barnshafandi konu, hvort heldur hún þarf myndgreiningu með röntgengeislum eða verður fyrir jónandi geislun í starfi, að fá upplýsingar um magn og umfang geislunarinnar, svo og um eðli mögulegra geislunaráhrifa, sem fóstur geti orðið fyrir

    Nordic research and development cooperation to strengthen nuclear reactor safety after the Fukushima accident

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    A comprehensive study of photon interaction features has been made for some alloys containing Pd and Ag content to evaluate its possible use as alternative gamma radiations shielding material. The mass attenuation coefficient (μ/ρ) of the present alloys was measured at various photon energies between 81 keV – 1333 keV utilizing HPGe detector. The measured μ/ρ values were compared to those of theoretical and computational (MCNPX code) results. The results exhibited that the μ/ρ values of the studied alloys are in same line with results of WinXCOM software and MCNPX code results at all energies. Moreover, Pd75/Ag25 alloy sample has the maximum radiation protection efficiency (about 53% at 81 keV) and lowest half value layer, which shows that Pd75/Ag25 has superior gamma radiation shielding performance among the compared other alloys. Keywords: Alloys, shielding material, MCNPX, photon, HPGe detecto

    Modelling and mapping heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in moss in 2010 throughout Europe by applying Random Forests models

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    Objective: This study explores the statistical relations between the concentration of nine heavy metals(HM) (arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb),vanadium (V), zinc (Zn)), and nitrogen (N) in moss and potential explanatory variables (predictors)which were then used for mapping spatial patterns across Europe. Based on moss specimens collected in 2010 throughout Europe, the statistical relation between a set of potential predictors (such as the atmospheric deposition calculated by use of two chemical transport models (CTM), distance from emission sources, density of different land uses, population density, elevation, precipitation, clay content of soils) and concentrations of HMs and nitrogen (N) in moss (response variables) were evaluated by the use of Random Forests (RF) and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Four spatial scales were regarded: Europe as a whole, ecological land classes covering Europe, single countries participating in the European Moss Survey (EMS), and moss species at sampling sites. Spatial patterns were estimated by applying a series of RF models on data on potential predictors covering Europe. Statistical values and resulting maps were used to investigate to what extent the models are specific for countries, units of the Ecological Land Classification of Europe (ELCE), and moss species. Results: Land use, atmospheric deposition and distance to technical emission sources mainly influence the element concentration in moss. The explanatory power of calculated RF models varies according to elements measured in moss specimens, country, ecological land class, and moss species. Measured and predicted medians of element concentrations agree fairly well while minima and maxima show considerable differences. The European maps derived from the RF models provide smoothed surfaces of element concentrations (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, N, Ni, Pb, Hg, V, Zn), each explained by a multivariate RF model and verified by CART, and thereby more information than the dot maps depicting the spatial patterns of measured values. Conclusions: RF is an eligible method identifying and ranking boundary conditions of element concentrations in moss and related mapping including the influence of the environmental factors

    First thorough identification of factors associated with Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations in mosses sampled in the European Surveys 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005

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    The aim of this study was, for the first time ever, to thoroughly identify the factors influencing Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations in mosses sampled within the framework of the European Heavy Metals in Mosses Surveys 1990–2005. These investigations can be seen as a follow up of a previous study where only the moss data recorded in the survey 2005 was included in the analysis (Schröder et al. 2010). The analyses of this investigation give a complete overview on the statistical association of Cd, Hg and Pb concentrations in mosses and sampling site-specific and regional characteristics, encompassing data from 4661 (1990), 7301 (1995), 6764 (2000) and 5600 (2005) sampling sites across Europe. From the many metals monitored in the European moss surveys, Cd, Hg and Pb were used as examples, since only for these three metals deposition measurements are being recorded in the framework of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). As exemplary case studies revealed that other factors besides atmospheric deposition of metals influence the element concentrations in mosses, the moss datasets of the above mentioned surveys were analysed by means of bivariate statistics and decision tree analysis in order to identify factors influencing metal bioaccumulation. In the analyses we used the metadata recorded during the sampling as well as additional geodata on, e.g., depositions, emissions and land use. Bivariate Spearman correlation analyses showed the highest correlations between Cd and Pb concentrations in mosses and EMEP modelled total deposition data (0.62 ≤ rs ≤ 0.73). For Hg the correlations with all the tested factors were considerably lower (e.g. total deposition r s  ≤ 0.24). Decision tree analyses by means of Classification and Regression Trees (CART) identified the total deposition as the statistically most significant factor for the Cd and Pb concentrations in the mosses in all four monitoring campaigns. For Hg, the most significant factor in 1990 as identified by CART was the distance to the nearest Hg source recorded in the European Pollutant Emission Register, in 1995 and 2000 it was the analytical method, and in 2005 it was the sampled moss species. The strong correlations between the Cd and Pb concentrations in the mosses and the total deposition can be used to calculate deposition maps with a regression kriging approach on the basis of surface maps on the element concentrations in the mosse