6 research outputs found

    Neuroskeletal effects of chronic bioelectric nerve stimulation in health and diabetes

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    Background/Aims: Bioelectric nerve stimulation (eStim) is an emerging clinical paradigm that can promote nerve regeneration after trauma, including within the context of diabetes. However, its ability to prevent the onset of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) has not yet been evaluated. Beyond the nerve itself, DPN has emerged as a potential contributor to sarcopenia and bone disease; thus, we hypothesized that eStim could serve as a strategy to simultaneously promote neural and musculoskeletal health in diabetes. Methods: To address this question, an eStim paradigm pre-optimized to promote nerve regeneration was applied to the sciatic nerve, which directly innervates the tibia and lower limb, for 8 weeks in control and streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic (T1D) rats. Metabolic, gait, nerve and bone assessments were used to evaluate the progression of diabetes and the effect of sciatic nerve eStim on neuropathy and musculoskeletal disease, while also considering the effects of cuff placement and chronic eStim in otherwise healthy animals. Results: Rats with T1D exhibited increased mechanical allodynia in the hindpaw, reduced muscle mass, decreased cortical and cancellous bone volume fraction (BVF), reduced cortical bone tissue mineral density (TMD), and decreased bone marrow adiposity. Type 1 diabetes also had an independent effect on gait. Placement of the cuff electrode alone resulted in altered gait patterns and unilateral reductions in tibia length, cortical BVF, and bone marrow adiposity. Alterations in gait patterns were restored by eStim and tibial lengthening was favored unilaterally; however, eStim did not prevent T1D-induced changes in muscle, bone, marrow adiposity or mechanical sensitivity. Beyond this, chronic eStim resulted in an independent, bilateral reduction in cortical TMD. Conclusion: Overall, these results provide new insight into the pathogenesis of diabetic neuroskeletal disease and its regulation by eStim. Though eStim did not prevent neural or musculoskeletal complications in T1D, our results demonstrate that clinical applications of peripheral neuromodulation ought to consider the impact of device placement and eStim on long-term skeletal health in both healthy individuals and those with metabolic disease. This includes monitoring for compounded bone loss to prevent unintended consequences including decreased bone mineral density and increased fracture risk

    Knockout of TSC2 in Nav1.8+ neurons predisposes to the onset of normal weight obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: Obesity and nutrient oversupply increase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling in multiple cell types and organs, contributing to the onset of insulin resistance and complications of metabolic disease. However, it remains unclear when and where mTOR activation mediates these effects, limiting options for therapeutic intervention. The objective of this study was to isolate the role of constitutive mTOR activation in Nav1.8-expressing peripheral neurons in the onset of diet-induced obesity, bone loss, and metabolic disease. METHODS: In humans, loss of function mutations in tuberous sclerosis complex 2 (TSC2) lead to maximal constitutive activation of mTOR. To mirror this in mice, we bred Nav1.8-Cre with TSC2 RESULTS: By lineage tracing, Nav1.8-Cre targeted peripheral sensory neurons, a subpopulation of postganglionic sympathetics, and several regions of the brain. Conditional knockout of TSC2 in Nav1.8-expressing neurons (Nav1.8-TSC2 CONCLUSIONS: Knockout of TSC2 in Nav1.8+ neurons increases itch- and anxiety-like behaviors and substantially modifies fat storage and metabolic responses to HFD. Though this prevents HFD-induced weight gain, it masks depot-specific fat expansion and persistent detrimental effects on metabolic health and peripheral organs such as bone, mimicking the \u27normal weight obesity\u27 phenotype that is of growing concern. This supports a mechanism by which increased neuronal mTOR signaling can predispose to altered adipose tissue distribution, adipose tissue expansion, impaired peripheral metabolism, and detrimental changes to skeletal health with HFD - despite resistance to weight gain

    A bone-specific adipogenesis pathway in fat-free mice defines key origins and adaptations of bone marrow adipocytes with age and disease

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    Bone marrow adipocytes accumulate with age and in diverse disease states. However, their origins and adaptations in these conditions remain unclear, impairing our understanding of their context-specific endocrine functions and relationship with surrounding tissues. In this study, by analyzing bone and adipose tissues in the lipodystrophic \u27fat-free\u27 mouse, we define a novel, secondary adipogenesis pathway that relies on the recruitment of adiponectin-negative stromal progenitors. This pathway is unique to the bone marrow and is activated with age and in states of metabolic stress in the fat-free mouse model, resulting in the expansion of bone marrow adipocytes specialized for lipid storage with compromised lipid mobilization and cytokine expression within regions traditionally devoted to hematopoiesis. This finding further distinguishes bone marrow from peripheral adipocytes and contributes to our understanding of bone marrow adipocyte origins, adaptations, and relationships with surrounding tissues with age and disease

    Sarm1 knockout prevents type 1 diabetic bone disease in females independent of neuropathy

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    Patients with diabetes have a high risk of developing skeletal diseases accompanied by diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). In this study, we isolated the role of DPN in skeletal disease with global and conditional knockout models of sterile-α and TIR-motif-containing protein-1 (Sarm1). SARM1, an NADase highly expressed in the nervous system, regulates axon degeneration upon a range of insults, including DPN. Global knockout of Sarm1 prevented DPN, but not skeletal disease, in male mice with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Female wild-type mice also developed diabetic bone disease but without DPN. Unexpectedly, global Sarm1 knockout completely protected female mice from T1D-associated bone suppression and skeletal fragility despite comparable muscle atrophy and hyperglycemia. Global Sarm1 knockout rescued bone health through sustained osteoblast function with abrogation of local oxidative stress responses. This was independent of the neural actions of SARM1, as beneficial effects on bone were lost with neural conditional Sarm1 knockout. This study demonstrates that the onset of skeletal disease occurs rapidly in both male and female mice with T1D completely independently of DPN. In addition, this reveals that clinical SARM1 inhibitors, currently being developed for treatment of neuropathy, may also have benefits for diabetic bone through actions outside of the nervous system