9 research outputs found

    Biosystems for Air Protection

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    Taxonomic classification of algae by the use of chlorophyll a fluorescence

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    Natural water reservoirs are very important ecosystems thus they should be under continuous monitoring and protection. In water of low quality, the algal blooms develop develops vastly. The knowledge of algal species composition is necessary for understanding this process. There are a few traditional group-specific methods of microalgae classification, but they are often labour-intense and time-consuming. Moreover, the samples must be prepared and/or collected before getting any results. Non-invasive chlorophyll fluorescence analysis offers an alternative approach and potentially allows in situ estimation of algal concentration. In this work the fluorometric methods to estimate algae content in water and to differentiate algal populations is presented

    Organic and mineral soil improvers intended for the cultivation of butterhead lettuce

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    The aim of the research was to select soil improver which will enhance the soil fertility and to assess the effect on the growth and yielding of lettuce. Algal biomass from the species Scenedesmus acutus, Chlorella vulgaris and soil supplement – zeolite was used in the laboratory experiment. Four fertilizing combinations were used for each plant three times. Doses of fertilizers were established according to the content of nitrogen. Physicochemical analysis of the soil, tested substrates and plant growth parameters were examined. Algal biomass had the greatest impact on the improvement of soil fertility and plant productivity. Fertilization with Scenedesmus acutus caused the increase of almost all soil parameters, e.g. an increase in total organic carbon by 3694 mg kg-1, Kjeldahl’s nitrogen by 1287 mg kg-1. It was found that algal can be used in organic farming, in which the use of soluble mineral fertilizers is impermissible

    Optimization of microalgal biomass production in different methods of nutrition for energetic purposes

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    Mikroglony mają bardzo dobrze rozwinięte mechanizmy adaptacyjne do różnych środowisk. Mikroglony z gatunku Chlorella vulgaris mogą rosnąć w warunkach odżywiania auto-, jak też mikso- i heterotroficznego, a ich biomasa może stanowić doskonały surowiec do wykorzystania na cele energetyczne. Głównym celem pracy była ocena efektywności produkcji biomasy mikroglonów z gatunku Chlorella vulgaris na cele energetyczne w przebiegu różnych sposobów odżywiania. Badania prowadzono z wykorzystaniem hodowli okresowej, w systemach zamkniętych. W pracy dokonano oceny przyrostu biomasy mikroglonów w czasie. Przeanalizowano przebieg intensywności fotosyntezy poprzez pomiary zawartości tlenu rozpuszczonego w medium hodowlanym, pomiary zawartości chlorofilu a w komórkach i odczynu środowiska. Badania wykazały, że najkorzystniejszym sposobem hodowli mikroglonów na cele energetyczne była hodowla, w której zastosowano miksotroficzny sposób odżywiania.Microalgae are relatively easy to cultivate because they have great mechanisms of adaptation to various environments. Microalgal biomass can be used as a feedstock for energy purposes. The widespread green microalgae Chlorella vulgaris can be cultivated in autohetero- and mixotrophic conditions. The main aim of the present study was an assessment of the efficiency of the Chlorella vulgaris biomass production in different methods of nutrition for energetic purposes. In this work, microalgae were cultivated in a periodic culture in closed systems. The analysis of the growth rate was examined. The rate of photosynthesis was determined by the measurements of: concentration of dissolved oxygen in culture medium, content of chlorophyll a, and the analysis of changes in pH during the cultivation. The results from the present study demonstrate that the mixotrophic conditions of microalgal cultivation were the most efficient for energetic purposes

    Technologies of coke wastewater treatment in the frame of legislation in force

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    The paper focuses on the present legal requirements regarding the quality of coke wastewater resulting from coal coking and coke-oven gas treatment before discharge to water, ground or sewage of an external entity. Characteristics of coke wastewater were carried out and the methods of coke wastewater treatment currently used in installation in Poland were presented

    Treatment of Coking Wastewater Using Sorption Processes

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    Adsorption is one of the basic surface phenomena involving saturation of the adsorbent surface with adsorbate molecules located near the adsorbent-adsorbate interface. The processes that are accompanied by the accumulation of adsorbate molecules on the surface are different from absorption, which is related to absorbing molecules into the whole mass and requires diffusion into the interior. If both processes can occur simultaneously, this phenomenon is called sorption. The aim of the present study was to characterize the sorption properties of selected sorbents and to assess the possibility of their application to support the treatment of coking wastewater from ammonium nitrogen, phenol, and TOC. The scope of the study included the examinations of sorption properties of selected sorbents (coal dust, coke dust, biochar), physicochemical tests of coking wastewater after biological treatment, as well as the examinations aimed to determine the dose of adsorbents and time needed to establish the equilibrium state of the process. The results obtained were analyzed for the effect of dose and contact time on the pollutant removal efficiency. The literature describes the efficiency of ammonium nitrogen removal from wastewater using chemical processes. However, there is a lack of studies on the removal of ammonium nitrogen, phenol, and TOC from industrial (coking) wastewater. The conducted study aimed to develop an alternative solution to the currently used conventional methods of removing high concentrations of pollutants from wastewater

    Taxonomic classification of algae by the use of chlorophyll a fluorescence

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    Natural water reservoirs are very important ecosystems thus they should be under continuous monitoring and protection. In water of low quality, the algal blooms develop develops vastly. The knowledge of algal species composition is necessary for understanding this process. There are a few traditional group-specific methods of microalgae classification, but they are often labour-intense and time-consuming. Moreover, the samples must be prepared and/or collected before getting any results. Non-invasive chlorophyll fluorescence analysis offers an alternative approach and potentially allows in situ estimation of algal concentration. In this work the fluorometric methods to estimate algae content in water and to differentiate algal populations is presented

    Experimental Investigation of Chlorella vulgaris and Enterobacter sp. MN17 for Decolorization and Removal of Heavy Metals from Textile Wastewater

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    The present study evaluated the performance of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris in an Enterobacter sp. MN17-assisted textile industry wastewater treatment system for decolorization, removal of heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Pb, and Cd), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Different dilutions (5, 10, and 20%) of wastewater were prepared to decrease the pollutant toxicity for culturing microalgae and bacteria. Reduction of color, COD, and metal contents by microalgal treatment of wastewater varied greatly, while removal efficiency (RE) was significantly enhanced when endophytic bacterial strain MN17 inoculum was applied. Most notable, results were found at a 5% dilution level by Enterobacter sp. MN17-inoculated C. vulgaris medium, as chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and lead (Pb) concentrations were decreased from 1.32 to 0.27 mg L−1 (79% decrease), 0.79–0.14 mg L−1 (93% decrease), 1.33–0.36 mg L−1 (72% decrease), and 1.2–0.25 mg L−1 (79% decrease), respectively. The values of COD and color were also significantly decreased by 74% and 70%, respectively, by a C. vulgaris–Enterobacter sp. MN17 consortium. The present investigation revealed that bacterial inoculation of microalgae significantly enhanced the removal of coloring agents and heavy metals from textile wastewater by stimulating the growth of algal biomass. This study manifested the usefulness of microalgae–bacterial mutualism for the remediation of heavy metals, COD, and color in industrial effluents. Microalgae consortia with growth promoting bacteria could be a breakthrough for better bioremediation and bioprocess economy. Thus, further studies are needed for successful integration of microalgae–plant growth promoting bacterial (PGPB) consortium for wastewater treatments