31 research outputs found
Studium velikosti genomu rostlin - od vnitrodruhové variability po ekologické důsledky
Velikost genomu je jednou ze základních charakteristik živých organizmů. U krytosemenných rostlin dosahuje rozsahu pěti řádů, což vždy fascinovalo vědce a vyvolávalo mnoho otázek. Tato práce se zabývá různými aspekty velikosti genomu u rostlin. Počínaje detailním studiem na homoploidní vnitrodruhové úrovni, přes studium ploidně variabilních druhů až po srovnávání velikosti genomu mezi druhy, jsme se snažili zjistit, jaký vztah má velikost genomu k biologickým vlastnostem rostlin, stanovit dynamiku a rozsah variability velikosti genomu a detekovat dosah velikosti genomu až do úrovně ekologické a evoluční. Stěžejní metodou stanovení velikosti genomu v celé práci je průtoková cytometrie (FCM). U druhu Taraxacum stenocephalum vykazujícího extrémní variabilitu velikosti genomu jsme provedli opylovací experiment, kde jsme křížili rodiče s různou velikostí genomu. Porovnali jsme velikost genomu rodičů a F1 generace. U potomků jsme také sledovali souvislost velikosti genomu a růstových charakteristik. U ploidně variabilních druhů Galium valdepilosum a Arabidopsis arenosa jsme se zabývali rozšířením zjištěných cytotypů a jejich ekologickými nároky. Na souboru druhů andského rodu Lasiocephalus jsme studovali relativní i absolutní velikost genomu, provedli jsme ITS sekvenování a otestovali možné hlavní...Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc
Studium velikosti genomu rostlin - od vnitrodruhové variability po ekologické důsledky
Velikost genomu je jednou ze základních charakteristik živých organizmů. U krytosemenných rostlin dosahuje rozsahu pěti řádů, což vždy fascinovalo vědce a vyvolávalo mnoho otázek. Tato práce se zabývá různými aspekty velikosti genomu u rostlin. Počínaje detailním studiem na homoploidní vnitrodruhové úrovni, přes studium ploidně variabilních druhů až po srovnávání velikosti genomu mezi druhy, jsme se snažili zjistit, jaký vztah má velikost genomu k biologickým vlastnostem rostlin, stanovit dynamiku a rozsah variability velikosti genomu a detekovat dosah velikosti genomu až do úrovně ekologické a evoluční. Stěžejní metodou stanovení velikosti genomu v celé práci je průtoková cytometrie (FCM). U druhu Taraxacum stenocephalum vykazujícího extrémní variabilitu velikosti genomu jsme provedli opylovací experiment, kde jsme křížili rodiče s různou velikostí genomu. Porovnali jsme velikost genomu rodičů a F1 generace. U potomků jsme také sledovali souvislost velikosti genomu a růstových charakteristik. U ploidně variabilních druhů Galium valdepilosum a Arabidopsis arenosa jsme se zabývali rozšířením zjištěných cytotypů a jejich ekologickými nároky. Na souboru druhů andského rodu Lasiocephalus jsme studovali relativní i absolutní velikost genomu, provedli jsme ITS sekvenování a otestovali možné hlavní...Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity
Background and Aims Patterns of ploidy variation among and within populations can provide valuable insights into the evolutionary mechanisms shaping the dynamics of plant systems showing ploidy diversity. Whereas data on majority ploidies are, by definition, often sufficiently extensive, much less is known about the incidence and evolutionary role of minority cytotypes. Methods Ploidy and proportions of endoreplicated genome were determined using DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) flow cytometry in 6150 Gymnadenia plants (fragrant orchids) collected from 141 populations in 17 European countries. All widely recognized European species, and several taxa of less certain taxonomic status were sampled within Gymnadenia conopsea sensu lato. Key Results Most Gymnadenia populations were taxonomically and/or ploidy heterogeneous. Two majority (2x and 4x) and three minority (3x, 5x and 6x) cytotypes were identified. Evolution largely proceeded at the diploid level, whereas tetraploids were much more geographically and taxonomically restricted. Although minority ploidies constituted <2 % of the individuals sampled, they were found in 35 % of populations across the entire area investigated. The amount of nuclear DNA, together with the level of progressively partial endoreplication, separated all Gymnadenia species currently widely recognized in Europe. Conclusions Despite their low frequency, minority cytotypes substantially increase intraspecific and intrapopulation ploidy diversity estimates for fragrant orchids. The cytogenetic structure of Gymnadenia populations is remarkably dynamic and shaped by multiple evolutionary mechanisms, including both the ongoing production of unreduced gametes and heteroploid hybridization. Overall, it is likely that the level of ploidy heterogeneity experienced by most plant species/populations is currently underestimated; intensive sampling is necessary to obtain a holistic pictur
Genome size studies in plants - from intraspecific variation to ecological consequences
Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus..
Genome size studies in plants - from intraspecific variation to ecological consequences
Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus..
Genome size studies in plants - from intraspecific variation to ecological consequences
Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus..
Genome size studies in plants - from intraspecific variation to ecological consequences
Nuclear DNA content (genome size) is one of the basic characteristics of living organisms. In the Angiosperms, the range of genome size is 2,300-fold, which raises questions about the causes and consequences of this tremendous variation. This thesis deals with genome size in plants from the level of intraspecific homoploid variation, through intraspecific ploidy variation, to interspecies comparisons. On various study systems we investigated the dynamics and ranges of genome size variation, tried to reveal possible associations between genome size and selected biological traits, and assessed the extent to which differences in genome size are manifested at the ecological and evolutionary level. As a means of estimating genome size we applied flow cytometry (FCM). In Taraxacum stenocephalum we conducted a detailed study of its enormous genome size variation. We carried out crossings of parents with various genome sizes and compared these parental genome sizes with those of F1 offspring. We also attempted to reveal the association of genome size with various growth traits. In Galium valdepilosum and Arabidopsis arenosa we carried out an extensive flow-cytometric ploidy level screening and compared the distribution and ecological preferences of detected cytotypes. We studied the Andean genus..
Polyploid evolution: The ultimate way to grasp the nettle.
Polyploidy is one of the major forces of plant evolution and widespread mixed-ploidy species offer an opportunity to evaluate its significance. We therefore selected the cosmopolitan species Urtica dioica (stinging nettle), examined its cytogeography and pattern of absolute genome size, and assessed correlations with bioclimatic and ecogeographic data (latitude, longitude, elevation). We evaluated variation in ploidy level using an extensive dataset of 7012 samples from 1317 populations covering most of the species' distribution area. The widespread tetraploid cytotype (87%) was strongly prevalent over diploids (13%). A subsequent analysis of absolute genome size proved a uniform Cx-value of core U. dioica (except for U. d. subsp. cypria) whereas other closely related species, namely U. bianorii, U. kioviensis and U. simensis, differed significantly. We detected a positive correlation between relative genome size and longitude and latitude in the complete dataset of European populations and a positive correlation between relative genome size and longitude in a reduced dataset of diploid accessions (the complete dataset of diploids excluding U. d. subsp. kurdistanica). In addition, our data indicate an affinity of most diploids to natural and near-natural habitats and that the tetraploid cytotype and a small part of diploids (population from the Po river basin in northern Italy) tend to inhabit synanthropic sites. To sum up, the pattern of ploidy variation revealed by our study is in many aspects unique to the stinging nettle, being most likely first of all driven by the greater ecological plasticity and invasiveness of the tetraploid cytotype