12 research outputs found


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    Methods of mapping and measuring an animal’s gait have found an application in equestrian and cynological sports. One of the key elements of diagnosing a dog or horse’s gait is an assessment of movement range in individual joints. Digital image registration, frame-by-frame analysis of all phases (steps) enables researchers to pinpoint abnormalities in the way an animal moves. Goniometry, the measurement of angles between bones connected by joints, assumes values for intervals defined for species and anatomic structures. Properly functioning joints allow an animal to shift its weight onto individual body parts without any effort. A proper gait not only testifies that an animal has good utility value for sports, but is also a key economic aspect taken under consideration when evaluating animals for breeding purposes


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    The study encompassed a population of noble mares, assessed in Poland during performance tests. The statistical analysis pertained to results obtained by warmblood mares within a period of 10 years. Performance tests were conducted in II systems: field and stationary. The analysis encompassed 1490 mares, each of which participated in at least one performance test. The conducted study revealed statistically significant differences between average results obtained by 2-3 year-old mares and 4-year-olds only in the free jumping and rideability categories – in favor of 4-year-old mares. No statistically significant differences were noted between average scores for: walk, trot and gallop. The study did not reveal the impact of age on final scores for warmblood mares for the following traits during performance tests: walk, trot and gallop. Age did impact the results of: free jumping and rideability. The authors believe that the horses’ natural gait (its movements since infancy) is determined genetically and does not depend on age or length of training

    Comparison of physiological load tolerances between the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, during sport training

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    Celem pracy było określenie tolerancji obciążeń fizjologicznych dwóch ras psów siberian husky i wilczak czechosłowacki, użytkowanych sportowo, na podstawie pomiarów temperatury powierzchniowej oraz poziomu kwasu mlekowego we krwi. Do przeprowadzenia badań wybrano 20 psów - samców, w wieku 4-6 lat, dwóch ras - wilczak czechosłowacki (10 osobników) i siberian husky (10 osobników). Wszystkie zakwalifikowane zwierzęta były uprzednio zbadane przez lekarza weterynarii i uznane za zdrowe. Psy objęte badaniem były użytkowane sportowo w konkurencji dogtrekking. Dla obu ras przeprowadzono próbę wysiłku, którą stanowiło pokonanie przez psa w uprzęży typu dogtrekking 5 km ścieżki biegowej, bez zatrzymania. Zwierzę poruszało się kłusem prowadzone przez przewodnika. Próby wykonano 3 krotnie dla każdego psa w odstępach 48 godzinnych. U wszystkich psów zbadano dwa parametry przed wysiłkiem oraz po zakończonej próbie wysiłkowej - temperaturę powierzchniową w wybranych punktach ciała oraz stężenie kwasu mlekowego. Wyższy, istotny statystycznie poziom kwasu mlekowego odnotowano w przypadku rasy siberian husky. Przed biegiem poziom kwasu mlekowego był u obu ras porównywalny. Drugi z badanych parametrów stanowiła temperatura powierzchniowa mierzona w wybranych punktach pomiarowych. Dla rasy wilczak odnotowano różnice istotne statystycznie przy P≤0,05 przed wysiłkiem i po 10 min odpoczynku dla punktów pomiarowych szyja, zad i jama brzuszna. Dodatkowo ten sam poziom istotności statystycznej charakteryzował pomiar termiki powierzchniowej w punkcie jama brzuszna przed wysiłkiem oraz zaraz po zakończonym biegu. Wysoko istotny statystycznie (P≤0,01) wzrost temperatury powierzchniowej odnotowano dla mięśni tzw. zadu przed oraz po wysiłku. W obrębie termiki grzbietu nie odnotowano różnic statystycznie istotnych dla rasy wilczak. U psów rasy siberian husky istotne statystycznie różnice (P≤0,05) występowały dla punktów szyja, zad, klatka piersiowa przed wysiłkiem w konfrontacji z wartością temperatury po zakończonym biegu oraz po 10 min odpoczynku. Po zakończonym biegu występował istotny statystycznie spadek termiki w punkcie pomiarowym jamy brzusznej względem temp. przed wysiłkiem jak i po odpoczynku.The purpose of the study was to determine the physiological load tolerances of two breeds of dogs used for sports, namely the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, on the basis of measurements of surface temperature and blood lactic acid levels.Two breeds - Czechoslovakian wolfdog (10 individuals) and Siberian husky (10 individuals), 20 dogs - male, 4-6 years old, were selected for the study. All the qualified animals were previously examined by a veterinarian and considered to be healthy. The dogs tested were used in dogtrekking sport competitions. For both breeds, an attempt was made to test the dogtrekking harness for 5 km of non-stop track running. The animals trotted while being led by a guide. Three attempts were made for each dog at 48 hour intervals. All dogs were tested for two parameters, first before and then after the exercise – measuring surface temperature at selected points of the body as well as lactic acid concentration. A higher and statistically significant level of lactic acid was recorded in the case of Siberian husky. Before the run, the level of lactic acid was comparable in both breeds. The second parameter was the surface temperature measured at the selected measuring points. Significant statistical differences were noted for the wolfdog breed at P≤0.05 before the exercise and 10 minutes after resting, at the neck, rump and abdominal points. In addition, the same level of statistical significance was measured by surface thermography at the abdominal point, both before and immediately after the run. The high statistically significant increase (P≤0.01) in surface temperature was noted for muscles of the so-called rump, both before and after the exertion. There was no statistically significant difference in the back thermography in the wolfdog breed. In the Siberian husky breed, statistically significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed at the neck, rump and chest points, in confrontation with the temperature value after the run as well as 10 min after rest. After completion of the run, there was a statistically significant decrease in the thermography at the abdominal measurement point, relative to the temperature before exertion and after rest


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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of breed on results obtained by warmblood mares during stationary and field performance tests. Research encompassed results obtained by 1490 mares participating in stationary and field performance tests in Poland in the years 2001-2010. The population was comprised of 17 breeds. Name abbreviations are displayed in Table 1. As a result of significant differences in the number of individual animals comprising each breed and in order to maintain the comparability of results, the entire population was divided into four breed groups: Half-Blood, Greater Poland, Lesser Poland and foreign breeds. Minimal and maximum score ranges were shown, as well as mathematical averages (MA) and standard deviation (SD) in the studied population. Statistical differences between average utility point values obtained by the horse breeds were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test


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    Methods of mapping and measuring an animal’s gait have found an application in equestrian and cynological sports. One of the key elements of diagnosing a dog or horse’s gait is an assessment of movement range in individual joints. Digital image registration, frame-by-frame analysis of all phases (steps) enables researchers to pinpoint abnormalities in the way an animal moves. Goniometry, the measurement of angles between bones connected by joints, assumes values for intervals defined for species and anatomic structures. Properly functioning joints allow an animal to shift its weight onto individual body parts without any effort. A proper gait not only testifies that an animal has good utility value for sports, but is also a key economic aspect taken under consideration when evaluating animals for breeding purposes

    Assessment of performance traits in breeding horses in the context of the operation of Training Stations in Poland

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    Breeders and horse trainers have long been concerned with the problem of assessing the utility value of young horses, in particular their suitability for breeding, sport and recreational uses. The purpose of use is determined by physiological, genetic and morphological factors, as well as the resulting performance traits. The actual value of the horse is reflected in many characteristics such as health status, conformation, constitution, origin, performance, and value of offspring. Therefore, extensive performance tests play a crucial role in horse breeding and methods of performance evaluation are still a subject of considerable research. Training Stations give horses a good start in their sport career. Horse training arouses the characteristics and instincts that are beneficial for the rider while suppressing others that are often unfavourable. The purpose of breaking is to make the horse acquire new behaviours and to produce the required mental state. Research to date has clearly shown that the mental characteristics of horses used for recreation and sport (and evaluated in performance tests) are highly correlated to their performance results because they are highly heritable

    Wybrane cechy mikrostruktury mięśnia piersiowego powierzchownego oraz podstawowe wartości użytkowości rzeźnej gęsi mieszańców

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    The aim of study was to determine of basic values slaughter meat production and histological parameters of pectoral muscle in quadruple 24 weeks old crossbred geese. The hybrids produced using Graylag, White Kołuda and Slovakian geese. The geese were divided to 4 groups differing crosses scheme. The body weight before slaughter was in the range from 4,752 g to 4,921 g, weight of carcass with neck from 3,101 g to 3,175 g and weight of breast muscles from 649 g to 698 g. Histological analysis of pectoral muscle showed that diameters of white fibers (αW) was in the range from 43 μm to 46 μm, red fibers (βR) from 19.4 μm to 22.1 μm. The percentage share of αW muscle fibers was in the range from 25.3% to 28.9%, βR fibers from 71.1% to 74.7%. The number of muscle fibers per unit area was in the range from 256 to 316 and intramuscular fat content from 3.9% to 6.7%. The results of evaluation of microstructural traits of musculus pectoralis superficialis and meat production parameters suggest that the breast muscles of the crossbred geese are raw material of high quality. The quadruple crossbred geese with graylag geese it is an alternative for production of high-quality meat.Celem pracy było określenie podstawowych wskaźników użytkowości mięsnej i cech histologicznych mięśnia piersiowego 24-tygodniowych poczwórnych mieszańców gęsi. Mieszańce pochodziły z krzyżowania dzikiej gęsi gęgawej, Białej Kołudzkiej i Słowackiej. Gęsi przydzielono do 4 grup różniących się systemem krzyżowania. Masa ciała ptaków przed ubojem mieściła się w graniacach od 4 752 g do 4 921 g, masa tuszki patroszonej z szyją od 3 101 g do 3 175 g i masa mięśni piersiowych od 649 g do 698 g. Ocena histologiczna mięśnia piersiowego wykazała, że średnica włókien białych (αW) wynosiła od 43 μm do 46 μm, włókien czerwonych (βR) od 19,4 μm do 22,1 μm. Procentowy udział włókien αW mieścił się w granicach od 25,3% do 28,9%, βR od 71,1% do 74,7%. Ilość włókien na jednostce powierzchni mieściła się w granicach od 256 do 316, a udział tłuszczu śródmięśniowego wynosił od 3,9% do 6,7%. Wyniki oceny cech mikrostruktury musculus pectoralis superficialis i cech użytkowości mięsnej sugerują, że mięśnie piersiowe gęsi mieszańców są wysokiej jakości surowcem rzeźnym. Poczwórne mieszańce wytworzone z udziałem dzikiej gęsi gęgawy stanowią alternatywę w produkcji mięsa o wysokiej jakości

    Observations of water intake by sucking piglets during various seasons

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    Celem pracy były obserwacje i ocena ilościowa pobierania wody przez prosięta w okresie ssania do 28 dnia życia. Podjęto próbę porównania ilości pobieranej z poideł wody w czterech różnych okresach, zbliżonych do występowania kalendarzowych pór roku w warunkach klimatycznych Polski. Badania prowadzono w warunkach chlewni towarowej, produkującej tuczniki w cyklu zamkniętym. Obserwacjami objęto 17 miotów pozyskanych w wyniku krzyżowania loch rasy polskiej białej zwisłouchej (pbz) z czterema knurami rasy wielkiej białej polskiej (wbp). Prowadzono je w czasie pełnego roku kalendarzowego w czterech grupach, w zależności od terminu porodu i odchowu: od 1 grudnia do 28 lutego (grupa I), od 1 marca do 31 maja (grupa II), od 1 czerwca do 31 sierpnia (grupa III) i od 1 września do 30 listopada (grupa IV). Liczebność rodzonych miotów, ich masa całkowita i indywidualna masa ciała prosiąt były między grupami zbliżone. Niektóre prosięta (grupa I) rozpoczęły pobieranie wody już od pierwszego dnia życia aczkolwiek były to nieznaczne ilości. Regularne pobieranie przez wszystkie prosięta rozpoczęło się w 3 dniu życia. Największe pobranie wody odnotowano w okresie wiosenno-letnim (grupa II I III), a w przeliczeniu na przyrost 1 kg masy ciała prosiąt największe zużycie wystąpiło w grupie II (marzec-maj). Wysunięto hipotezę, że zwiększone zapotrzebowanie na wodę w miesiącach wiosenno-letnich może wynikać ze zróżnicowania warunków związanych z temperaturą zewnętrzną, długością dnia świetlnego, a przez to zróżnicowaną aktywnością życiową prosiąt. Być może, ma to także związek z objawami atawistycznymi u świń. Wymaga to jednak dalszych badań.The aim of the study was to observe and quantify the intake of water by piglets in the sucking period up to 28 days. An attempt was made to compare the quantity of taken water sinks in four different periods, similar to the occurrence of calendar seasons in Poland\u27s climatic conditions. The research was conducted in the conditions of a pig farm, producing fatteners in a closed cycle. The observations included 17 litters obtained from Polish Landrace (PL) sows mated by four Polish Large White (PLW) boars. They were conducted during the full calendar year in four groups, depending on the date of birth and rearing: from 1 December to 28 February (Group I), from 1 March to 31 May (Group II), from 1 June to 31 August (Group III) and from 1 September to 30 November (Group IV). The number piglets in litters, total weight of litter and individual weight of piglets were similar among groups. Some piglets (Group I) started taking water from the first day of life, but it was a small amount. The regular intake of all piglets started at 3 days of age. The highest water intake was recorded in spring-summer (Group II and III), and as a percentage of 1 kg body weight of piglets, the highest consumption occurred in group II (March-May). It was hypothesized that the increased water requirement in the spring and summer months may be due to the variability of the conditions related to the outdoor temperature, the length of the light day and thus the varied life activities of the piglets. Perhaps, it is also related to atavistic symptoms in pigs. However, this requires further research

    Comparison of physiological load tolerances between the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, during sport training

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the physiological load tolerances of two breeds of dogs used for sports, namely the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, on the basis of measurements of surface temperature and blood lactic acid levels.Two breeds - Czechoslovakian wolfdog (10 individuals) and Siberian husky (10 individuals), 20 dogs - male, 4-6 years old, were selected for the study. All the qualified animals were previously examined by a veterinarian and considered to be healthy. The dogs tested were used in dogtrekking sport competitions. For both breeds, an attempt was made to test the dogtrekking harness for 5 km of non-stop track running. The animals trotted while being led by a guide. Three attempts were made for each dog at 48 hour intervals. All dogs were tested for two parameters, first before and then after the exercise – measuring surface temperature at selected points of the body as well as lactic acid concentration. A higher and statistically significant level of lactic acid was recorded in the case of Siberian husky. Before the run, the level of lactic acid was comparable in both breeds. The second parameter was the surface temperature measured at the selected measuring points. Significant statistical differences were noted for the wolfdog breed at P≤0.05 before the exercise and 10 minutes after resting, at the neck, rump and abdominal points. In addition, the same level of statistical significance was measured by surface thermography at the abdominal point, both before and immediately after the run. The high statistically significant increase (P≤0.01) in surface temperature was noted for muscles of the so-called rump, both before and after the exertion. There was no statistically significant difference in the back thermography in the wolfdog breed. In the Siberian husky breed, statistically significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed at the neck, rump and chest points, in confrontation with the temperature value after the run as well as 10 min after rest. After completion of the run, there was a statistically significant decrease in the thermography at the abdominal measurement point, relative to the temperature before exertion and after rest

    Comparison of physiological load tolerances between the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, during sport training

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the physiological load tolerances of two breeds of dogs used for sports, namely the Siberian husky and the Czechoslovakian wolfdog, on the basis of measurements of surface temperature and blood lactic acid levels.Two breeds - Czechoslovakian wolfdog (10 individuals) and Siberian husky (10 individuals), 20 dogs - male, 4-6 years old, were selected for the study. All the qualified animals were previously examined by a veterinarian and considered to be healthy. The dogs tested were used in dogtrekking sport competitions. For both breeds, an attempt was made to test the dogtrekking harness for 5 km of non-stop track running. The animals trotted while being led by a guide. Three attempts were made for each dog at 48 hour intervals. All dogs were tested for two parameters, first before and then after the exercise – measuring surface temperature at selected points of the body as well as lactic acid concentration. A higher and statistically significant level of lactic acid was recorded in the case of Siberian husky. Before the run, the level of lactic acid was comparable in both breeds. The second parameter was the surface temperature measured at the selected measuring points. Significant statistical differences were noted for the wolfdog breed at P≤0.05 before the exercise and 10 minutes after resting, at the neck, rump and abdominal points. In addition, the same level of statistical significance was measured by surface thermography at the abdominal point, both before and immediately after the run. The high statistically significant increase (P≤0.01) in surface temperature was noted for muscles of the so-called rump, both before and after the exertion. There was no statistically significant difference in the back thermography in the wolfdog breed. In the Siberian husky breed, statistically significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed at the neck, rump and chest points, in confrontation with the temperature value after the run as well as 10 min after rest. After completion of the run, there was a statistically significant decrease in the thermography at the abdominal measurement point, relative to the temperature before exertion and after rest