1 research outputs found

    Three Experimental Phases of Cornstarch-Based Biodegradable Plastic

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    Three Experimental Phases of Cornstarch-Based Biodegradable Plastic is the focus of this current study whose purpose was to create a bio-plastic from eco-friendly materials as a platform for an alternative commercial plastic. This study used a pre-experimental research design where three bio-plastic experiments were monitored to identify which among them was likely to produce the most efficient bio-plastic. At the end of the study, it was concluded that in terms of elasticity, tear resistance, appearance, texture, and odor, Experimental Two with four tablespoons of cornstarch, one cup of water, two tablespoons of vinegar, and two tablespoons of glycerin, is the most reliable among the three experiments.                 Hence, this study recommends to the biologists and scientists that may use this study to help them find ways to lessen biological problems caused by non-biodegradable plastics; to the producers that the study may help them to create and manufacture bio-plastics and to improve the study using other materials for the product to last longer indoors; to the consumers that the study may let them know the reliability and liability of the plastic they use in their everyday life; and to the future researchers who will want to conduct a further study about bio-plastics, this study may serve as a related study and think of an intervention to improve the results from the problem