35 research outputs found

    Production of natural pigments by Penicillium brevicompactum using agro-industrial byproducts

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    The demand for natural pigments for industrial applications has significantly increased. Penicillium brevicompactum was recently reported as a promising pigments producer using submerged fermentation and a synthetic culture medium containing lactose. In this work, pigment production by P. brevicompactum was studied under different fermentation conditions, namely, submerged fermentation with free (SmF) and immobilized mycelium (SmFi), and solid-state fermentation (SSF). The potential of culture media composed of agro-industrial byproducts (cheese-whey (CW) and corn steep liquor (CSL)) was investigated for the first time as low-cost alternatives to pigment production by P. brevicompactum. The fungus showed great adaptability to the different culture media and types of fermentation, being able to synthesize pigments under all the tested conditions. A culture medium composed of 34.6 g/L of CW and 8 g/L of CSL proved to be the most suitable alternative to the synthetic medium, especially under SmF and SmFi. Our data also show that different mixtures of pigments (yellow, orange, and red) can be produced depending on the medium composition and the type of fermentation. Additionally, the immobilization and reuse of biomass to produce pigments by P. brevicompactum were demonstrated for the first time, suggesting the possibility of operating under repeated batch mode at an industrial scale.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS—Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    More than coloring agents: natural pigments with antimicrobial activity

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    Natural pigments interest has rapidly increased due to a risen awareness concerning sustainability and green economy policies, and as an attempt to comply with changes in consumer demands. Health and safety concerns due to synthetic pigments also prompt the crescent global market trend for natural pigments, valued at 5862 million USD in 2022 and estimated to reach 9824.5 million USD by 2032. Natural pigments are non-toxic, biocompatible coloring agents that can also provide additional biological properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anticancer activity, etc.). For this reason, they have been attracting several industrial sectors and have gradually replaced synthetic pigments and dyes. Among natural sources, microbes, particularly Fungi, have gained special attention over the last years as valuable producers of natural pigments. Recently, we have described the ability of a Penicillium strain to produce pigments under different growth conditions (fermentation type and medium). Also, its ability to produce pigments in low-cost, alternative media composed only of agroindustrial byproducts like cheese whey and corn steep liquor was demonstrated. Interestingly, according to the growth condition, different pigment mixtures were produced, presenting distinct antioxidant potential and antimicrobial activity. Outstanding results were achieved with the mixture of pigments ethanolic extracted from the Penicillium mycelium grown in agar plates. This crude extract had the highest concentration of flavonoids and phenolic compounds, despite its low antioxidant potential. Nevertheless, it was effective in inhibiting (0.31-0.62 mg/mL) and/or killing (> 0.62 mg/mL) gram-negative and grampositive bacteria, yeast, and filamentous fungi, according to the agar diffusion method and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays. Our research showed alternative and sustainable approaches to produce natural pigments with proven antimicrobial activity and antioxidant potential. Those can be attractive for the food, beverages, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries not only as coloring agents but also as alternatives to the common antimicrobial and disinfectant agents.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, and by LABBELS – Associate Laboratory in Biotechnology, Bioengineering and Microelectromechanical Systems, LA/P/0029/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introdução: O consumo adequado de fibras possui importante participação na promoção do funcionamento intestinal,prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus tipo 2, obesidade, dislipidemias e neoplasias intestinais. Objetivo:Estimar a ingestão de fibras em indivíduos adultos em um supermercado de São Luís (MA). Métodos: Estudo transversal,realizado em um supermercado da capital maranhense, com a participação de 133 consumidores. Foram avaliadas característicaseconômicas, grau de escolaridade e o consumo de fibras. Os dados foram apresentados por meio de frequências eporcentagens. Resultados: Observou-se que 60,9% dos clientes avaliados eram mulheres, 32,0% possuíam idade 41 a 50anos, 52,6% possuíam ensino médio e 24,0% pertenciam a classe C1. Vinte e cinco por cento teve um consumo de fibrasdesejável. O consumo desejável de fibras apresentou diferença significante com o sexo, com a escolaridade e com a classificaçãoeconômica. Ou seja, os homens (57,6%) com idade entre 41 e 50 (45,5%), com ensino superior (57,6%) e pertencentesà classe B2 (42,4%) apresentaram consumo adequado de fibras. Conclusão: O consumo desejável de fibras ainda ébaixo entre indivíduos adultos, sendo mais frequente em homens na quarta década de vida, com nível superior de escolaridadee classe econômica B2.Palavras-chave: Fibras na dieta. Consumo de alimentos. Inquéritos nutricionais.AbstractIntroduction: Adequate fiber intake has an important role in promoting good bowel function, prevention of cardiovasculardisease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, obesity, dyslipidemia and intestinal cancers. Objective: Estimate the intake of adult'sfibers in a supermarket of São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study in a supermarket of the capital theState of Maranhão, Brazil, with the participation of 133 consumers. They were evaluated economic characteristics, schoolingand fiber intake. The data were presented by frequencies and percentages. Results: It was observed that 60.9% of valuedclients were women, 32.0% were aged 41 to 50 years, 52.6% had high school and 24.0% belonged to C1.Vinte class andfive percent had a consumption of desirable fibers. The desirable fiber intake showed a significant difference with sex, age,schooling and the economic classification. That is, men (57.6%/p<0,001) aged between 41 and 50 (45.5%/p<0,001), withhigher education (57.6%/p<0,002) and belonging to class B2 (42.4%/p<0,001) had adequate fiber intake. Conclusion: Thedesirable fiber consumption is still low among adults and is more common in men in the fourth decade of life, with higherlevel of education and economic class B2.Keywords: Fiber in the diet. Food consumption. Nutritional surveys

    Analysis of plant samples marketed in pharmacies of natural products in the extreme South of Bahia / Análise de amostras de plantas comercializadas em farmácias de produtos naturais do extremo Sul da Bahia

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    The work with medicinal plants is above all a way of seeking natural and economic alternatives that can benefit the population as a whole. This work aimed to know teas and medicinal leaves sold in pharmacies in Porto Seguro. For this purpose, the quality of the samples was evaluated by analyzing the flavor, aroma, appearance and labels of the teas and leaves, checking the presence or absence of any quality control of these products. The pharmacognostic analyzes of the samples allowed to verify that of the 25 samples evaluated, 12% of them had labels. Only 12% contained information on the labels such as expiration date and no information on proper conservation, forms of use, recommendations, or both. Only 8% of herbal medicines had a scientific name, weight specification and company logo with CNPJ data, state registration. Information on SAC number, acronym and number at the Ministry of Health, package insert and technical responsible were not included in the product packaging. It was found that 100% of the surveyed products are not registered with the Ministry of Health and are therefore considered illegal before ANVISA. All samples observed were adequate for the color that characterizes the species. As for turbidity, most samples (81%) did not show any indication of this parameter. As for the conservation aspect, natural products were within the standards. As for the flavor of herbal medicines, all samples evaluated presented the characteristic taste of the species. Regarding the sweetness parameter, most of the species evaluated (77%) presented a weak sweet taste and 23% strongly sweet. 80.77% of the samples analyzed showed no acidity. Of the 25 samples analyzed, 69% of these had a pleasant, strong aromatic odor, 15% did not have a strong aromatic odor and 16% odorless. When preparing teas, it was observed that 23.1% of the samples had a sweet aroma, 50% did not exhibit this type of odor and 5% exhibited an artificial plant odor. It is concluded that after carrying out the analysis of taste, aroma, appearance and labels of the samples, in comparison to the pharmacopoeic parameters, it was found that the species already registered had corresponding characteristics and are in accordance with the results of the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis, in relation to the parameters considered in the research

    Early Use of Alcohol: Correlation with School Violence and Social-Emotional Skills

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    Abstract This study aimed to analyze the association between early alcohol use in adolescence and associated factors: sociodemographic, involvement in bullying, risk behaviors at school, and social-emotional skills. It was carried out with 528 adolescents from full-time public high schools. Instruments: sociodemographic questionnaire, AUDIT, Victimization Scale among Students, Scale of Authorship of Student Violence, Risk Behavior Scale, and SENNA. In the final model, the variables with a significant association with early alcohol use by adolescents were: not having a religion (PR = 1.28, 95% CI [1.02, 1.60]), parental alcohol consumption (PR = 1.55, 95% CI [1.22, 1.97]), bullying (PR = 1.51, 95% CI [1.14, 1.98]), smoking at school (PR = 1.74, 95% CI [1.36, 2.24]), high engagement with others (PR = 2.59, 95% CI [1.40, 4.79]), and low emotional resilience (PR = 2.16, 95% CI [1.16, 4.03]), all indicating risk

    Análise do potencial antioxidante in vitro de Endopleura Uchi e Uncaria Tomentosa em diferentes situações de consumo

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    Os alimentos funcionais são assim denominados por exercerem, além das funções básicas, benefícios adicionais à saúde. Dessa forma, a Endopleura Uchi e a Uncaria Tomentosa exercem um papel importante na prevenção e controle de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNTs). A metodologia do presente trabalho consiste em análises in vitro de encapsulados e chás das duas plantas, com auxílio do pHmetro para análises de pH, do espectrofotômetro e do reagente DPPH para as avaliações do potencial antioxidante. Os objetivos foram avaliar o potencial antioxidante de Endopleura Uchi e de Uncaria Tomentosa isoladamente; avaliar o potencial antioxidante da Endopleura Uchi associada a Uncaria Tomentosa; avaliar o potencial antioxidante em diferentes formas de consumo. Os resultados mostraram que a associação dos chás de Endopleura Uchi e Uncaria Tomentosa em temperatura mais elevada caracterizaram maior percentual antioxidante quando comparado com o consumo isolado dos chás e com a associação encapsulada

    Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais de lesões cutâneas sugestivas de micoses no vale do São Francisco / Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory aspects of suggestive cutaneous injuries of mycoses in the valley of São Francisco

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    As infecções fúngicas vêm se tornando mais frequentes nos últimos anos, apresentando-se com maior prevalência em pacientes portadores de doenças de base que comprometem o sistema imunológico e que predispõem a outros fatores de risco, como dispositivos invasivos e uso de antibacterianos. Os agentes etiológicos dessas micoses são fungos filamentosos dermatófitos, fungos filamentosos não-dermatófitos (FFND) e leveduras. Esse estudo demonstrou importância na observação dos aspectos clínicos das lesões sugestivas de micose, bem como o exame micológico direto no diagnóstico presuntivo de micoses superficiais em pacientes internos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), do Hospital Universitário (HU) localizado em Petrolina-PE. Os pacientes que deram entrada na UTI do HU no período de Janeiro de 2018 à Janeiro de 2019, após procedimentos éticos, foram analisados quanto à presença de suspeitas de micoses superficiais e as respectivas amostras clínicas foram coletadas e processadas para exame direto através de clarificação com hidróxido de potássio (KOH) a 30%. Diante disso a média de idade dos pacientes foi de 39,4, variando de 24 a 68 anos e um tempo médio de internação de 15,1 dias. Nenhum dos pacientes estava em uso de antifúngico. De 23 pacientes, 10 apresentaram lesões características de micoses ungueais, 4 apresentaram lesões características de tinea corporis. Das 10 suspeitas de micoses ungueais, foram confirmados 4 casos, todos em unhas dos pés e causados por leveduras arredondas, blastosporadas e hialinas, com pseudohifas e pseudo-micelio sugestivo de Candida sp. Não foi confirmado nenhum caso de tinea corporis. As unhas dos pododáctilos foram às áreas mais afetadas. O uso de calçados fechados e até o comprometimento vascular em membro inferior são considerados fatores primordiais predisponentes para o desenvolvimento de tal infecção. Este estudo expõe a presença de leveduras consideradas potencialmente patogênicas em unhas de pacientes internados na UTI, o que sugere necessidade de maiores estudos quanto à prevalência destes microorganismos na nossa região, visto que sua relevância se deve ao fato de estar associada a infecções em indivíduos imunossuprimidos dependentes de cuidados intensivos. A simples observação dos aspectos clínicos e o exame micológico direto em lesões suspeitas deinfecçõesfúngicas são importantes por identificar possíveis focos de infecções sistêmicas, além de ser um método diagnóstico rápido e de baixo custo, viabilizando de maneira rápida o manejo do paciente com uma afecção ungueal. 