2 research outputs found

    Value Added Tax (VAT) and Its Impact on Growth of Adamawa State

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    The paper investigates the impact of value added tax (VAT) economic growth and development of Adamawa state from 2001 to 2014. Data for the study were sourced through CBN statistical Bulletin and Adamawa state Annual budget report and analyzed through the use of Ordinary Least Square Technique. The results of OLS revealed that increase in total actual revenue and value added tax (VAT) raised economic growth of Adamawa state. The coefficient of total actual revenue and value added tax (VAT) were statistically significant and consistent with the theoretical expectation. The F-statistics values in this study indicated that total actual revenue and value added tax (VAT) were jointly and significantly affecting economic growth of Adamawa state at 1 percent significant level. It can be seen from the result that economic growth of Adamawa state was highly susceptible to change in VAT than change in total actual revenue as shown by their coefficients in Table 4.0.1. This study also found that the major factor affecting economic growth of Adamawa state was value added tax (VAT) administration. This study, therefore, recommended that more attention should be directed towards effective administration of VAT in order that meaningful growth and development can be achieved in the state. This study also recommended that government and its relevant authorities should provide conducive environment for effective revenue generation in the state. Keywords: VAT, expenditure, economic growt

    Credit Risk Management and Customer Satisfaction in Tier-one Deposits Money Banks: Evidence from Nigeria

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    This study investigates the effect of credit risk management on customer satisfaction in tier-one deposits money banks in Adamawa state, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to examine relationship between credit risk management and customers' satisfaction and to assess the relationship between credit risk management and credit appraisal process. The study surveyed 384 selected customers from three tier-one deposits money banks in Adamawa state, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used in selecting the banks and simple random sampling was used in administering the questionnaire to the customers.  Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze and interpret the data collected. The study found that there is positive and significant relationship between credit risk management and customer satisfaction and the regression results showed that 49% of the variability in customer satisfaction can be explained by credit risk management. The study also found significant positive correlation between credit appraisal process and credit risk management, with 81% of the variability in credit appraisal process explained by credit risk management. The study recommends that despite the positive relationship between credit risk management and customer satisfaction, there is need for banks' management to pay attention to other factors that will contribute to customer satisfaction other than granting of credit facilities. At intervals, Banks should conduct seminars or training to update their staff on current credit guidelines issued by the regulatory authorities to enhance their knowledge on credit risk management with a view of ensuring customer satisfaction.  Keywords: Credit Risk Management; Customer Satisfaction; Deposits Money Banks; Tier-one; JEL Classifications: M400, M3