44 research outputs found

    Some results on local cohomology modules

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    Let RR be a commutative Noetherian ring, \fa an ideal of RR, and let MM be a finitely generated RR-module. For a non-negative integer tt, we prove that H_{\fa}^t(M) is \fa-cofinite whenever H_{\fa}^t(M) is Artinian and H_{\fa}^i(M) is \fa-cofinite for all i<ti<t. This result, in particular, characterizes the \fa-cofiniteness property of local cohomology modules of certain regular local rings. Also, we show that for a local ring (R,\fm), f-\depth(\fa,M) is the least integer ii such that H_{\fa}^i(M)\ncong H_{\fm}^i(M). This result in conjunction with the first one, yields some interesting consequences. Finally, we extend the non- vanishing Grothendieck's Theorem to \fa-cofinite modules.Comment: 7pages, Archiv der Mathemati

    On the associated primes of generalized local cohomology modules

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    Let \fa be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring RR with identity and let MM and NN be two finitely generated RR-modules. Let tt be a positive integer. It is shown that \Ass_R(H_{\fa}^t(M,N)) is contained in the union of the sets \Ass_R(\Ext_R^i(M,H_{\fa}^{t-i}(N))), where 0≀i≀t0\leq i\leq t. As an immediate consequence, it follows that if either H_{\fa}^i(N) is finitely generated for all i<ti<t or \Supp_R(H_{\fa}^i(N)) is finite for all i<ti<t, then \Ass_R(H_{\fa}^t(M,N)) is finite. Also, we prove that if d=\pd(M) and n=dim⁑(N)n=\dim(N) are finite, then H_{\fa}^{d+n}(M,N) is Artinian. In particular, \Ass_R(H_{\fa}^{d+n}(M,N)) is a finite set consisting of maximal ideals.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Communications in Algebr

    On the computation of the Ratliff-Rush closure, associated graded ring and invariance of a length

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    Let (R,\fm) be a Cohen-Macaulay local ring of positive dimension dd and infinite residue field. Let II be an \fm-primary ideal of RR and JJ be a minimal reduction of II. In this paper we show that if Ik~=Ik\widetilde{I^k}=I^k and J∩In=JInβˆ’1J\cap I^n=JI^{n-1} for all nβ‰₯k+2n\geq k+2, then In~=In\widetilde{I^n}=I^n for all nβ‰₯kn\geq k. As a consequence, we can deduce that if rJ(I)=2r_J(I)=2, then I~=I\widetilde{I}=I if and only if In~=In\widetilde{I^n}=I^n for all nβ‰₯1n\geq 1. Moreover, we recover some main results [\ref{Cpv}] and [\ref{G}]. Finally, we give a counter example for question 3 of [\ref{P1}].Comment: 9 page

    On stability properties of powers of polymatroidal ideals

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    Let R=K[x1,...,xn]R=K[x_1,...,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over a field KK with the maximal ideal m=(x1,...,xn)\frak{m}=(x_1,...,x_n). Let \astab(I) and \dstab(I) be the smallest integer nn for which \Ass(I^n) and \depth(I^n) stabilize, respectively. In this paper we show that \astab(I)=\dstab(I) in the following cases: \begin{itemize} \item[(i)] II is a matroidal ideal and n≀5n\leq 5. \item[(ii)] II is a polymatroidal ideal, n=4n=4 and \frak{m}\notin\Ass^{\infty}(I), where \Ass^{\infty}(I) is the stable set of associated prime ideals of II. \item[(iii)] II is a polymatroidal ideal of degree 22. \end{itemize} Moreover, we give an example of a polymatroidal ideal for which \astab(I)\neq\dstab(I). This is a counterexample to the conjecture of Herzog and Qureshi, according to which these two numbers are the same for polymatroidal ideals.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Collec. Mat

    Stability properties of powers of ideals over regular local rings of small dimension

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    Let (R,m)(R,\mathfrak{m}) be a regular local ring or a polynomial ring over a field, and let II be an ideal of RR which we assume to be graded if RR is a polynomial ring. Let astab(I)(I) resp. astabβ€Ύ(I)\overline{\rm astab}(I) be the smallest integer nn for which Ass(In)(I^n) resp. Ass(Inβ€Ύ)(\overline{I^n}) stabilize, and dstab(I)(I) be the smallest integer nn for which depth(In)(I^n) stabilizes. Here Inβ€Ύ\overline{I^n} denotes the integral closure of InI^n. We show that astab(I)=astabβ€Ύ(I)=dstab(I)(I)=\overline{\rm astab}(I)={\rm dstab}(I) if dim R≀2\,R\leq 2, while already in dimension 33, astab(I)(I) and astabβ€Ύ(I)\overline{\rm astab}(I) may differ by any amount. Moreover, we show that if dim R=4\,R=4, then there exist ideals II and JJ such that for any positive integer cc one has astab(I)βˆ’dstab(I)β‰₯c{\rm astab}(I)-{\rm dstab}(I)\geq c and dstab(J)βˆ’astab(J)β‰₯c{\rm dstab}(J)-{\rm astab}(J)\geq c.Comment: 9 pages, Comments are welcom

    On the first generalized Hilbert coefficient and depth of associated graded rings

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    Let (R,m)(R,\mathfrak{m}) be a dd-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local ring with infinite residue field. Let II be an ideal of RR that has analytic spread β„“(I)=d\ell(I)=d, satisfies the GdG_d condition, the weak Artin-Nagata property ANdβˆ’2βˆ’AN_{d-2}^- and depth(R/I)β‰₯min⁑{1,dim⁑R/I}(R/I)\geq\min\lbrace 1,\dim R/I \rbrace. In this paper, we show that if j1(I)=Ξ»(I/J)+Ξ»[R/(Jdβˆ’1:RI+(Jdβˆ’2:RI+I):R,m∞)]+1j_1(I) = \lambda (I/J) +\lambda [R/(J_{d-1} :_{R} I+(J_{d-2} :_{R}I+I) :_R, \mathfrak{m}^\infty)]+1, then depth(G(I))β‰₯dβˆ’1(G(I))\geq d -1 and rJ(I)≀2r_J(I)\leq 2, where JJ is a general minimal reduction of II. In addition, we extend the result by Sally who has studied the depth of associated graded rings and minimal reductions for an ,m,\mathfrak{m}-primary ideals.Comment: 9 pages, comments welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1312.0651, arXiv:1401.1571 by other author

    Results on the Hilbert coefficients and reduction numbers

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    Let (R,m)(R,\frak{m}) be a dd-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local ring, II an m\frak{m}-primary ideal and JJ a minimal reduction of II. In this paper we study the independence of reduction ideals and the behavior of the higher Hilbert coefficients. In addition, we give some examples in this regards.Comment: accepted for publication in the Proceedings Mathematical Science

    On the Hilbert coefficients, depth of associated graded rings and reduction numbers

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    Let (R,m)(R,\mathfrak{m}) be a dd-dimensional Cohen-Macaulay local ring, II an m\mathfrak{m}-primary ideal of RR and J=(x1,...,xd)J=(x_1,...,x_d) a minimal reduction of II. We show that if Jdβˆ’1=(x1,...,xdβˆ’1)J_{d-1}=(x_1,...,x_{d-1}) and βˆ‘n=1∞λ(In+1∩Jdβˆ’1)/(JIn∩Jdβˆ’1)=i\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty\lambda{({I^{n+1}\cap J_{d-1}})/({J{I^n} \cap J_{d-1}})=i} where i=0,1, then depth G(I)β‰₯dβˆ’iβˆ’1G(I)\geq{d-i-1}. Moreover, we prove that if e2(I)=βˆ‘n=2∞(nβˆ’1)Ξ»(In/JInβˆ’1)βˆ’2;e_2(I) = \sum_{n=2}^\infty (n-1) \lambda (I^n/JI^{n-1})-2; or if II is integrally closed and e2(I)=βˆ‘n=2∞(nβˆ’1)Ξ»(In/JInβˆ’1)βˆ’ie_2(I) = \sum_{n=2}^\infty (n-1)\lambda({{I^{n}}}/JI^{n-1})-i where i=3,4i=3,4, then e1(I)=βˆ‘n=1∞λ(In/JInβˆ’1)βˆ’1.e_1(I) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \lambda(I^n / JI^{n-1})-1. In addition, we show that r(I)r(I) is independent. Furthermore, we study the independence of r(I)r(I) with some other conditions.Comment: to appear in JC

    A note on linear resolution and polymatroidal ideals

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    Let R=K[x1,...,xn]R=K[x_1,...,x_n] be the polynomial ring in nn variables over a field KK and II be a monomial ideal generated in degree dd. Bandari and Herzog conjectured that a monomial ideal II is polymatroidal if and only if all its monomial localizations have a linear resolution. In this paper we give an affirmative answer to the conjecture in the following cases: (i)(i) height(I)=nβˆ’1{\rm height}(I)=n-1; (ii)(ii) II contains at least nβˆ’3n-3 pure powers of the variables x1d,...,xnβˆ’3dx_1^d,...,x_{n-3}^d; (iii)(iii) II is a monomial ideal in at most four variables.Comment: 12 pages. Comments welcom

    Associated primes of local cohomology module

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    Let \fa be an ideal of a commutative Noetherian ring RR and MM a finitely generated RR-module. Let tt be a natural integer. It is shown that there is a finite subset XX of \Spec R, such that \Ass_R(H_{\fa}^t(M)) is contained in XX union with the union of the sets \Ass_R(\Ext_R^j(R/\fa,H_{\fa}^i(M))), where 0≀i<t0\leq i<t and 0≀j≀t2+10\leq j\leq t^2+1. As an immediate consequence, we deduce that the first non \fa-cofinite local cohomology module of MM with respect to \fa has only finitely many associated prime ideals.Comment: 7 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Societ