9 research outputs found


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    The recent commercialisation in Europe of sub-cutaneous implants containing an agonist of the hypothalamic hormone GnRH, called deslorelin, has been done in the purpose of offering a chemical alternative to surgical castration in the adult male dog. The efficacy of these implants in this indication is real. They have an action on the endocrine function ( spectacular diminution of testosteronemia), on the exocrine function (alteration of sperm quality and infertility) and on the clinical evolution ( diminution of the size of the testis). The availability of these implants also gave rise to numerous other indications in the canine and feline species. Many recent publications, or even unpublished studies still going on, seem to show an interest in the improvement of unpleasant behavior potentially linked with testosterone in the male, but also to prevent fertility in the adult male cat and to prevent oestrus in the bitch or in the queen. Implantation of pre-pubertal animals to postpone puberty seems successful. In the adult bitch, induction of a fertile oestrus post-implantation is even possible, which bears a zootechnical interest. However, secondary effects, duration of action and further fertility after implantation are not well known at the moment and need to be further studiedLa mise rĂ©cente sur le marchĂ© europĂ©en d’implants sous-cutanĂ©s contenant un agoniste de l’hormone hypothalamique GnRH, la deslorĂ©line, offre une alternative chimique Ă  la castration chirurgicale du chien mĂąle adulte. Ces implants agissent sur la fonction endocrine (effondrement de la testostĂ©ronĂ©mie), sur la fonction exocrine (altĂ©ration de la qualitĂ© du sperme et infertilitĂ©) et permettent un suivi de l’évolution clinique (diminution de la taille des testicules). Leur disponibilitĂ© a Ă©galement ouvert la voie Ă  de multiples autres indications dans les espĂšces canines et fĂ©lines. Ils prĂ©senteraient un intĂ©rĂȘt pour amĂ©liorer certains comportements gĂȘnants du mĂąle, potentiellement liĂ©s Ă  la testostĂ©rone, pour bloquer la fertilitĂ© du chat mĂąle et Ă©viter l’apparition de l’oestrus chez la chienne ou la chatte. L’implantation d’animaux prĂ©-pubĂšres dans le but de retarder la pubertĂ© semble efficace. Chez la chienne adulte, l’induction d’un oestrus induit post-implantation est mĂȘme possible, ce qui prĂ©sente un intĂ©rĂȘt zootechnique. Toutefois, les effets secondaires potentiels, la durĂ©e d’action et la reprise de la fertilitĂ© aprĂšs implantation ne sont pas encore bien connus et doivent ĂȘtre davantage Ă©tudiĂ©

    Contraceptive implants used by cat breeders in France: a study of 140 purebred cats

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    Objectives: Deslorelin 4.7 mg and melatonin 18 mg subcutaneous implants were studied in purebred male and female cats, via questionnaires sent to French cat breeders, to assess breed, age, duration of the contraceptive effect, fertility after use, changes in behaviour and side effects. Methods: Reproductive data were collected in 57 tom cats and 41 queens implanted with deslorelin 4.7 mg, and 42 queens implanted with melatonin 18 mg, for a total of 140 purebred cats, from 38 different catteries, representing 18 breeds. Results: Using deslorelin (Suprelorin 4.7 mg; Virbac), sexual behaviour in males was inhibited for a mean ± SD of 13.4 ± 3.2 (range 8-21) months in 37/57 cats. Of these, 24/37 mated successfully and produced litters at a mean of 15.5 ± 3.6 (range 9-20) months. Inhibition lasted 11 ± 1.1 (range 9-12; n = 6), 13.2 ± 2.4 (range 12-18; n = 6) and 15 ± 3.5 (range 9-18; n = 6) months in Norwegian Forest Cat, Singapura and Ragdoll males, respectively. In 26/41 females implanted with deslorelin 4.7 mg, oestrus was inhibited for a mean of 16.0 ± 5.7 (8-38) months; 12/26 went on to produce a litter. Of the side effects specific to females: two presented persistent oestrus, leading to the removal of the implant; two developed lactation; one had fibroadenomatosis; and one was sterilised owing to cystic endometrial hyperplasia. Using melatonin (Melovine 18 mg; Ceva), 33/42 females had oestrus inhibited for a mean of 86 ± 50 (range 21-277) days after implantation with a peak return to oestrus in March, and 12/33 had a subsequent litter. No side effects were reported. Conclusions and relevance: This study is the first to collect a large amount of field data, in 140 purebred male and female cats where a deslorelin 4.7 mg or a melatonin 18 mg implant was used. These field results may allow for more accurate clinical advice and open up new avenues of research

    Profile of Dogs’ Breeders and Their Considerations on Female Reproduction, Maternal Care and the Peripartum Stress—An International Survey

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    Dogs are part of many households worldwide and in recent years in some western countries, more and more people describe them as members of the family. The accurate number of dogs per household and the actual demand for puppies are hard to estimate correctly. The sources of dogs seem to be an important element to consider before acquiring a dog since some behavioural disorders are more likely observed in dogs coming from puppy mills and pet stores. Therefore, there is an increased need to better-know dog breeders, theirs believes and practices. To full-fill this objective, an online questionnaire in five different languages (English, German, Polish, Portuguese and Spanish) was sent to dog breeders. The survey intended to study the demographics of dog breeders and to understand their perception and practices about reproduction, maternal behaviour and management of the dam during the peripartum period. We were also interested to evaluate the occurrence and the impact of stress around parturition and how breeders deal with overstressed bitches and if they believe that motherly quality could have a later-on effect on the livelihood of the dog. Six hundred and sixty-eight respondents participated in the survey, mainly from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom, United States of America and non-listed country (reported as ‘other’ in the survey). A country effect was observed in relation to housing system, human interaction, the use of techniques to define breeding and whelping time and different methods to manage stress during the peripartum period. Considering the demographics of the responders, breeding activity is, in general, a family based activity with an effect of country. Use of progesterone levels to manage reproduction and pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound were cited as common practice. In general, parturition takes place under human supervision. Peripartum period was perceived as a stressful moment with a difference in the way of addressing the problem based on the country but reassuring the bitch by increasing human presence was frequently described. Inappropriate maternal behaviour was observed by half of responders and if presented primiparous bitches and parturition by C-section were overrepresented. Puppies stayed with the dams from 4 weeks to 9 weeks and dog breeders from Spain, Poland and Portugal are keeping puppies with their mother the longest. Overall, poor maternal behaviour has an impact on puppies’ cognitive development with German breeders being more convinced than their counterparts from Brazil and Spain

    Development of the endocrine pancreas in the Beagle dog: From fetal to adult life

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    Our objectives were to describe, in Beagle dogs, the ontogenesis of beta (insulin-producing) and alpha (glucagon-producing) cells from fetal to early postnatal life and adulthood. In addition, to have some insight into interspecies comparison, Beagle dog pancreases were compared to pancreases from a Labrador and Chow Chow. At midgestation, the epithelium was dense, beta cells scarce, and alpha cells numerous and concentrated in the center of the pancreatic bud. From 36 to 45 days post conception (pc), beta cell numbers increased and the epithelium expanded and branched out. At 55 days pc, large beta cell aggregates were seen. At weaning, the islets were similar to those in adults, with limited alpha cells intermingled with numerous beta cells. Quantification of the Alpha to Beta cells ratio has shown a gradual increase of beta cells proportion throughout development. Similar findings were obtained in the two other breeds. In conclusion, in the fetal Beagle dog beta cells emerge from the pancreatic bud at midgestation, but the endocrine structure is mature only in early postnatal life. The ontogenesis of the endocrine pancreas demonstrated in dogs resembles that reported in rats and mice. In contrast, human beta cells appear earlier, at the beginning of the second trimester of gestation. Our study provides a detailed morphological description of pancreatic development in dogs but supplies no information on alpha- or beta-cell function during fetal life. The morphological data reported here provide a foundation for building physiological studies

    Neonatal puppy survival after planned caesarean section in the bitch using aglepristone as a primer: A retrospective study on 74 cases.

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    Since most of dystocia end up in caesarean sections (C-sections), the history of any problem during whelping is a good reason to plan in advance a further C-section. Our aim was to confirm that on a large sample and over an extended period of time, mortality in puppies 2 ng/ml). An injection of aglepristone was performed in late afternoon to block the effect of progesterone, mimicking its drop at the end of pregnancy. The C-section was conducted the following morning. Twenty-one breeds were represented most of which were bulldogs (26%, 21/74) and Great Danes (16%, 13/74). Four hundred and thirty-five puppies were born. A total of 43/435 puppies died within the first 2 weeks (9.89%). None of the puppies showed any external signs of prematurity. The average number of deaths per litter relative to the date after ovulation was similar (0.5 pups per litter at day 60, 0.7 at day 61, 0.4 at day 62). This study shows that planned C-section after an accurate determination of ovulation and using aglepristone as a primer is a safe procedure for bitches and their offspring. It may be offered to owners if a pregnant bitch is "at risk" of dystocia

    Diagnostic Performance of Screening Tools for Depressive Symptoms in Vulnerable Older Patients with Cancer Undergoing Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA): Results from the SCREEN Pilot Study

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    Depression is a common and disabling disorder in later life, particularly among people with poor physical health. There are many screening tools available that can be used to examine depressive symptoms; however, not all of them may be appropriate or accurate for older adults with cancer. This pilot study was designed to test the diagnostic performance of two screening tools and their short versions in a cohort of vulnerable (G8 score ≤ 14/17) older patients with cancer undergoing comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA). The prospective analysis covered 50 vulnerable patients with cancer aged ≥70 years. The diagnostic performance of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)-15, GDS-4, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 and PHQ-2 was compared to the ‘gold standard’ Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 Disorders (SCID-5-S) depression module A. The sensitivity and specificity in detecting depressive symptoms were the highest in the case of PHQ-2, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 92.7%. The AUROC for the 9-item version, PHQ-9, was 90.2%. For the GDS-15 and GDS-4, the AUROC was only 56.2% and 62.0%, respectively. The SCREEN pilot study illustrates the potential benefit of using a shorter screening tool, PHQ-2, to identify older patients with cancer who would benefit from a more in-depth emotional evaluation as part of a CGA