49 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Examination of a Resected Advanced Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma Arising in a 29-Year-Old Male without Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

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    A 29-year-old man with advanced hilar cholangiocarcinoma was successfully treated with an extended right lobectomy. The carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) level was elevated to 939 IU/l, and the pathological findings revealed moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma which involved almost the entire thickness of the hepatic duct and the adjacent liver tissue (T3) and which was associated with lymph node metastasis (N1). It was a stage IIB (T3N1M0) tubular adenocarcinoma according to UICC pathological staging. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that Ki-67, cyclin D1, and MMP-7 were positive, and 14-3-3σ and p27 were negative. The pathological and immunohistochemical findings indicated high malignant potential indicating poor prognosis. We administrated the postoperative adjunct gemcitabine combined with S-1 chemotherapy. The patient is alive without recurrence and doing well two years after surgery. We also review other reports of cholangiocarcinoma patients aged less than 30 years

    Usefulness of 11C-Methionine Positron Emission Tomography for Monitoring of Treatment Response and Recurrence in a Glioblastoma Patient on Bevacizumab Therapy: A Case Report

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    Recently developed molecular targeted therapies such as bevacizumab (BEV; Avastin) therapy have therapeutic efficacy for glioblastoma. However, it is difficult to distinguish between a tumor response and nonenhancing tumor progression with conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after BEV administration. Here we present a recurrent glioblastoma case in which 11C-methionine positron emission tomography (MET-PET) provided useful information for detecting tumor recurrence after complete remission, as assessed by the Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology criteria. A 47-year-old male with a left frontal lobe glioblastoma experienced recurrence 6 months postoperatively. We administered BEV concomitantly with temozolomide, subsequent to gamma knife surgery. Two months after starting BEV, complete remission was obtained. MET uptake on PET gradually decreased and had nearly disappeared 4 months after initiating BEV. No enhanced area was seen on MRI for 17 months after BEV initiation. Nevertheless, MET-PET revealed recurrence, visualized as nonenhancing tumor progression. MET-PET provides useful information for detecting glioblastoma recurrence, which lacks contrast enhancement on MRI after BEV therapy

    Ictal direct current shifts contribute to defining the core ictal focus in epilepsy surgery

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    難治てんかん焦点の新しいバイオマーカー「発作時DC電位」 --国内5施設の共同研究での世界初の成果--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-09-05.Identifying the minimal and optimal epileptogenic area to resect and cure is the goal of epilepsy surgery. To achieve this, EEG analysis is recognized as the most direct way to detect epileptogenic lesions from spatiotemporal perspectives. Although ictal direct-current shifts (icDCs; below 1 Hz) and ictal high-frequency oscillations (icHFOs; above 80 Hz) have received increasing attention as good indicators that can add more specific information to the conventionally defined seizure-onset zone, large cohort studies on postoperative outcomes are still lacking. This work aimed to clarify whether this additional information, particularly icDCs which is assumed to reflect extracellular potassium concentration, really improve postoperative outcomes. To assess the usefulness in epilepsy surgery, we collected unique EEG datasets recorded with a longer time constant of 10 sec using an alternate current amplifier. 61 patients [15 with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and 46 with neocortical epilepsy] who had undergone invasive presurgical evaluation for medically refractory seizures at five institutes in Japan, were retrospectively enrolled in this study. Among intracranially implanted electrodes, the two core electrodes of both icDCs and icHFOs were independently identified by board-certified clinicians based on unified methods. The occurrence patterns, such as their onset time, duration, and amplitude (power) were evaluated to extract the features of both icDCs and icHFOs. Additionally, we examined whether the resection ratio of the core electrodes of icDCs and icHFOs independently correlated with favorable outcomes. A total of 53 patients with 327 seizures were analyzed for wide-band EEG analysis, and 49 patients were analyzed for outcome analysis. icDCs were detected in the seizure-onset zone more frequently than icHFOs among both patients (92% vs. 71%) and seizures (86% vs. 62%). Additionally, icDCs significantly preceded icHFOs in patients exhibiting both biomarkers, and icDCs occurred more frequently in neocortical epilepsy patients than in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients. Finally, although a low corresponding rate was observed for icDCs and icHFOs (39%) at the electrode level, complete resection of the core area of icDCs significantly correlated with favorable outcomes, similar to icHFO outcomes. Our results provide a proof of concept that the independent significance of icDCs from icHFOs should be considered as reliable biomarkers to achieve favorable outcomes in epilepsy surgery. Moreover, the different distribution of the core areas of icDCs and icHFOs may provide new insights into the underlying mechanisms of epilepsy, in which not only neurons but also glial cells may be actively involved via extracellular potassium levels

    Development of an epileptic seizure prediction algorithm using R–R intervals with self-attentive autoencoder

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that may affect the autonomic nervous system (ANS) from 15 to 20 min before seizure onset, and disturbances of ANS affect R–R intervals (RRI) on an electrocardiogram (ECG). This study aims to develop a machine learning algorithm for predicting focal epileptic seizures by monitoring R–R interval (RRI) data in real time. The developed algorithm adopts a self-attentive autoencoder (SA-AE), which is a neural network for time-series data. The results of applying the developed seizure prediction algorithm to clinical data demonstrated that it functioned well in most patients; however, false positives (FPs) occurred in specific participants. In a future work, we will investigate the causes of FPs and optimize the developing seizure prediction algorithm to further improve performance using newly added clinical data

    Surgical treatment of cavernous sinus meningioma with petrous bone invasion causing internal auditory canal stenosis and hearing impairment 7 years after gamma-knife radiosurgery

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    Abstract Background Surgical intervention for cavernous sinus meningiomas remains challenging because of their anatomically complicated location. We report a case of a cavernous sinus meningioma that enlarged and caused hearing impairment due to internal auditory canal stenosis 7 years after gamma-knife radiosurgery. Case description A 38-year-old man with abducent nerve paralysis and dysesthesia on the left side of the face was diagnosed with a cavernous sinus meningioma with thickened petrous bone. After a year, the patient had mild left-sided hearing impairment, and gamma-knife radiosurgery was performed. At the age of 46, the left hearing impairment worsened, the tumor was slightly enlarged, and petrous bone thickening in the internal auditory meatus had progressed. We partially resected the tumor, which seemed to be viable, and removed the thickened petrosal bone and opened the internal auditory meatus. The tumor was pathologically diagnosed as meningothelial meningioma. The patient’s hearing impairment did not progress, and the residual tumor had not grown for four years. Conclusions Removal of the viable tumor that progressed after gamma-knife radiosurgery and opening of the internal auditory meatus were effective in stopping the worsening of hearing impairment and controlling the tumor