246 research outputs found

    Fidgety movements assessment accuracy survey in Japan

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    To investigate the accuracy of fidgety movements (FMs) assessment in Japanese assessors. Sixty specialists participated in the first survey. Of the participants, 18 were assessors certified by the GMs basic-training course. The surveys were composed of FMs assessment of 20 video clips. The correct assessment rates (CARs) were investigated. The survey videos were judged into three types: normal (F + +, F +), abnormal (AF) and absent (F + -, F -). After the first survey, each participant performed a self-learning exercise using clips of the first survey. The follow-up survey was conducted three months after the first survey. The median CAR of the first survey was 65% in certified assessors and 50% in noncertified assessors. The median CARs of certified assessors were significantly higher than that of noncertified assessors for all clips and for normal FMs and AF clips (p < 0.01). After 3 months of self-learning exercise the CARs in each judgement type improved in 28 follow-up survey participants. Their median CAR improved from 60% in the first survey to 84% in the follow-up survey. To practise general movements assessment (GMA), course certification is required. The self-learning exercise with the confirmed judgement FMs clips may be effective for improving the ability of FMs judgement

    A New Insight into Electron Acceleration Properties from Theoretical Modeling of Double-Peaked Radio Light Curves in Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    It is recognized that some core-collapse supernovae (SNe) show a double-peaked radio light curve within a few years since the explosion. A shell of circumstellar medium (CSM) detached from the SN progenitor has been considered to play a viable role in characterizing such a re-brightening of radio emission. Here, we propose another mechanism that can give rise to the double-peaked radio light curve in core-collapse SNe. The key ingredient in the present work is to expand the model for the evolution of the synchrotron spectral energy distribution (SED) to a generic form, including fast and slow cooling regimes, as guided by the widely-accepted modeling scheme of gamma-ray burst afterglows. We show that even without introducing an additional CSM shell, the radio light curve would show a double-peaked morphology when the system becomes optically thin to synchrotron self-absorption at the observational frequency during the fast cooling regime. We can observe this double-peaked feature if the transition from fast cooling to slow cooling regime occurs during the typical observational timescale of SNe. This situation is realized when the minimum Lorentz factor of injected electrons is initially large enough for the non-thermal electrons' SED to be discrete from the thermal distribution. We propose SN 2007bg as a special case of double-peaked radio SNe that can be explained by the presented scenario. Our model can serve as a potential diagnostic for electron acceleration properties in SNe.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Integral field spectroscopy of supernova explosion sites: constraining mass and metallicity of the progenitors -- II. Type II-P and II-L supernovae

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    Thirteen explosion sites of type II-P and II-L supernovae in nearby galaxies have been observed using integral field spectroscopy, enabling both spatial and spectral study of the explosion sites. We used the properties of the parent stellar population of the coeval supernova progenitor star to derive its metallicity and initial mass (c.f. Paper I). The spectrum of the parent stellar population yields the estimates of metallicity via strong-line method, and age via comparison with simple stellar population (SSP) models. These metallicity and age parameters are adopted for the progenitor star. Age, or lifetime of the star, was used to derive initial (ZAMS) mass of the star by comparing with stellar evolution models. With this technique, we were able to determine metallicity and initial mass of the SN progenitors in our sample. Our result indicates that some type-II supernova progenitors may have been stars with mass comparable to SN Ib/c progenitors.Comment: Accepted to the Astronomical Journa

    Kernelized Back-Projection Networks for Blind Super Resolution

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    Since non-blind Super Resolution (SR) fails to super-resolve Low-Resolution (LR) images degraded by arbitrary degradations, SR with the degradation model is required. However, this paper reveals that non-blind SR that is trained simply with various blur kernels exhibits comparable performance as those with the degradation model for blind SR. This result motivates us to revisit high-performance non-blind SR and extend it to blind SR with blur kernels. This paper proposes two SR networks by integrating kernel estimation and SR branches in an iterative end-to-end manner. In the first model, which is called the Kernel Conditioned Back-Projection Network (KCBPN), the low-dimensional kernel representations are estimated for conditioning the SR branch. In our second model, the Kernelized BackProjection Network (KBPN), a raw kernel is estimated and directly employed for modeling the image degradation. The estimated kernel is employed not only for back-propagating its residual but also for forward-propagating the residual to iterative stages. This forward-propagation encourages these stages to learn a variety of different features in different stages by focusing on pixels with large residuals in each stage. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed networks for kernel estimation and SR. We will release the code for this work.Comment: The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Anisotropy of upper critical fields and interface superconductivity in FeSe/SrTiO3 grown by PLD

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    In this study, we grow FeSe/SrTiO3_{3} with thicknesses of 4-19 nm using pulsed laser deposition and investigate their magneto-transport properties. The thinnest film (4 nm) exhibit negative Hall effect, indicating electron transfer into FeSe from the SrTiO3_{3} substrate. This is in agreement with reports on ultrathin FeSe/SrTiO3_{3} grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The upper critical field is found to exhibit large anisotropy (Îł>\gamma > 11.9), estimated from the data near the transition temperature (TcT_{\mathrm{c}}). In particular, the estimated coherence lengths in the perpendicular direction are 0.15-0.27 nm, which are smaller than the c-axis length of FeSe, and are found to be almost independent of the total thicknesses of the films. These results indicate that superconductivity is confined at the interface of FeSe/SrTiO3_{3}.Comment: 5pages, 3figure
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