1 research outputs found

    Study of hydrodynamics in counterflow cooling tower with corrugated contact elements

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    Packing for liquid cooling with counter flow of liquid and gas phases had developed by authors of paper. This packing is different from other devices in that it has quite simple design where self distribution of liquid in apparatus working area is organized. In paper an estimating calculations of packing operating mode with maximum efficiency of performed heat and mass transfer processes had conducted. The performed numerical study is showing that at mean gas velocity up to 4 m/s, contact device width equal to 0.1 m and liquid column height on contact stage – 0.02 m the share of liquid that forced through by gas flow is not more then 2 %. Decreasing of holes diameter on inclined contact elements results in increasing of bubbled liquid share.The reported study was funded by grant of the President of the Russian Federation, project number MK-417.2019.8