27 research outputs found

    Antitumor Activities of Iodoacetate and Dimethylsulphoxide Against Solid Ehrlich Carcinoma Growth in Mice

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    Treatment of tumor-bearing mice with LD12.5 values of iodoacetate; IAA (1.84 mg/100g b.w.) and/or dimethylsulphoxide; DMSO (350 mg/ 100g b.w.) significantly increased the cumulative mean survival time and percentage of survivors and reduced the mean tumor weight, compared to tumor-bearing controls, however, a more pronounced effect is recorded in the combined treatment. Also, an increase in the life span (ILS%) and tumor growth inhibition ratio (T/C%) are reported and amounted to 145.78 and 43.80%, 195.54 and 61.30% and 220.77 and 78.40% in IAA, DMSO and combined-treated groups, respectively. Results obtained from biochemical studies reveal that a single IAA treatment of tumor-bearing mice significantly increased the levels of plasma lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, while it also significantly decreased the levels of plasma glucose and liver total protein, RNA and DNA, compared to normal controls. On the other hand, a single DMSO treatment significantly elevated the activities of blood antioxidant enzymes, i.e. glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and decreased the liver RNA and DNA levels. Combined treatment increased significantly the levels of plasma LDH and erythrocytes G6PDH activities, as well as liver glycogen, and in contrast it decreased the levels of liver total protein, RNA and DNA, compared to normal controls

    Effect of Organic Manure and Plant Growth Promoting Microbes on Yield, Quality and Essential Oil Constituents of Fennel Bulb (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

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    Bulb fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) has gained importance for its high-value bulb production. A field experiment was conducted in a farm in El-Santa, Gharbia, Egypt, to enhance productivity and quality attributes of F. vulgare bulbs using different fertilizers: biofertilizer, organic fertilizer (rabbit manure), and mineral fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)]. The biofertilizers included nitrogen fixer bacteria (Azos), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (Bm), and potassium solubilizing bacteria (Bc) with/without vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi. Application of NPK at 150% of the RD and rabbit manure at 60 m3/fed resulted in the highest values of branch number, bulb weight, bulb yield, percentages of total carbohydrates, N, P, and K, as well as features of marketable bulbs including firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, vitamin C, and bulb essential oil. Moreover, the GC/MS analyses of bulb essential oil of the organically and chemically fertilized plants showed the increase of trans-anethole, the predominant constituent responsible for bulb’s flavor. However, the highest proportion of estragole (9.65%), an undesirable compound, was recorded with 150% of recommended NPK. In comparison, the lowest estragole content (4.09% and 5.64%) was obtained by organic fertilizer (rabbit manure at 60 m3/fed) and biofertilizer (Azos+Bm+Bc+VAM), respectively. The increase in bulb yield (11.76–11.99 ton/fed) and essential oil content (0.076–0.080%) of bulbs obtained with organic manure (rabbit manure at 60 m3/fed) was accompanied by a marked decrease in estragole and an increase in the most important constituents, α-pinene, ß-pinene, limonene, trans-anethole, and anisaldehyde. Hence, the organic fennel bulb can be produced with an abundant and highquality crop which consolidates the concept of ecological and organic farming for this important crop

    Seed Quality and Protein Classification of Some Quinoa Varieties

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    Quinoa plants, originating from the Andean mountains in South America, have a large scale of biological diversity. Along with the cultivation favorableness of quinoa, it reveals superior nutrition aspects. In comparison with cereal crops, like rice, maize, and wheat, quinoa seeds contain valuable quantities of protein of remarkable quality. The current study compared four quinoa cultivars from different origins in terms of protein composition and germinability. In addition, this study focused on the effect of different geographical cultivation areas on the protein composition of wild Egyptian quinoa seeds and three other cultivars that vary in their cultivation origins. Significant differences were observed among the quinoa varieties in the germination percentage (GP), shoot length (SL), and root length (RL). Using the technology of Near-InfraRed Spectroscopy, the highest protein value was recorded for the American variety (18.39%), followed by the Wild Egyptian variety (17.16%). The aromatic phenylalanine recorded the highest concentration of the essential amino acid bulk. The Rainbow variety contained 12.7 g-aa/kg protein, followed by the wild Egyptian variety with 4.9 g-aa/kg protein. In turn, glutamic was the most abundant amino acid of the non-essential amino acids, with 10.1, 4, 23.4, and 4 (g-aa/kg protein) for quinoa varieties, Wild Egyptian, American, Rainbow, Black, respectively. SDS-PAGE was used to identify the allelic variations in the seed storage protein profiles among the studied quinoa varieties. The studied quinoa varieties showed 23.81% of the polymorphism in the protein bands, with the mean band frequency of 0.881. The resulting protein bands fluctuated in the range between 115.02 and 16 kDa. With a similarity percentage (90%), Wild Egyptian and the Rainbow quinoa varieties can be classified in one clade

    Chemical, Anatomical, and Productivity Responses of Cowpea (<i>Vigna unguiculata</i> L.) to Integrated Biofertilizer Applications with PGPR, Cyanobacteria, and Yeast

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    Integrated biofertilizers such as Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPRs), cyanobacteria, and yeast can considerably improve the growth, integrity, and overall health of crops, including cowpea. In this study, we assess the benefits of applying microbial fertilizers as an eco-friendly approach to partially substitute chemical fertilizers while maintaining growth and yield characteristics in cowpea plants. We investigated the role of the three microorganisms, Bacillus amyloliquefacien (B), Nostoc mucorum (C), and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Y), individually and in four possible combinations (B + C, B + Y, C + Y, and B + C + Y) as integrated bio-fertilizers on the microbial enzyme activities, plant growth parameters, and yield characteristics of cowpea. Plants inoculated with B + C + Y mixture resulted in significant improvement in dehydrogenase enzyme activity by 390%, chlorophyll by 180%, plant dry weight by 130%, and in the pod length and dry weight by 68% and 190%, respectively, compared to non-inoculated plants. The grain total carbohydrates increased by 170% over the control due to treatment with B + C + Y. The B + C + Y treatment also positively influenced the anatomy of the terminal leaflet with a 16.6% higher thickness of the midrib zone, 22.6% increase in vascular bundle length, and 42.4% and 33.5% increases in upper and lower epidermal leaf layers, respectively. Additionally, palisade and spongy tissues increased by 36.9% and 26.5%, respectively, compared to the control. An integrated nutrient management program using biofertilizers is recommended for achieving higher yields and environmentally safe cowpea production

    Evaluation of Salicylic Acid Effects on Growth, Biochemical, Yield, and Anatomical Characteristics of Eggplant (<i>Solanum melongena</i> L.) Plants under Salt Stress Conditions

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    Salt stress is a major issue in agriculture and crop production that influences global food security. Mitigation options to address salt stress through agronomic practices can help manage this issue. Experiments were performed in two summer seasons in an experimental farm to test the impact of three salinity levels (S): 300 (control), 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm, and two salicylic acid (SA) levels, including 1.0 and 1.50 mM, and their interaction on growth and yield of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) hybrid Suma. The results showed that increasing S levels up to 3000 ppm reduced plant and fruit physical characteristics, as well as leaf and fruit chemical characteristics, especially leaf total chlorophyll, carotenoids, relative water, fruit nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium contents, which led to a reduction in total yield per plant. However, an insignificant effect was observed in the control level and 1000 ppm saline water in leaf area, fruit length, leaf total chlorophyll content, fruit phosphorus content, and total yield per plant. In contrast, leaf sugars, proline contents, electrolyte leakage, fruit TSS (total soluble solids), and ascorbic acid contents were improved with S levels up to the concentration of 3000 ppm compared to the control. However, tested parameters were significantly higher due to the SA foliar spray of 1.0 mM besides photosynthetic pigments of leaves enhanced by using 1.0 and 1.50 mM. Using 1.0 mM SA concentration alleviated the adverse impact of S on eggplant plants until 1000 ppm saline water, reflecting an increase in eggplant yield. The anatomical structure of eggplant leaves revealed positive variations in mature leaf blades in both the stressed and SA-treated plants. Based on these results, the use of SA at a concentration of 1.0 mM may lessen the negative impacts of salt on the growth of eggplant, which increases the overall yield

    Characterization of Some <i>Cichorium</i> Taxa Grown under Mediterranean Climate Using Morphological Traits and Molecular Markers

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    The verification of taxonomic identities is of the highest significance in the field of biological study and categorization. Morpho-molecular characterization can clarify uncertainties in distinguishing between taxonomic groups. In this study, we characterized five local taxa of the genus Cichorium using morphological and molecular markers for taxonomic authentication and probably future genetic improvement. The five Cichorium taxa grown under the Mediterranean climate using morphological traits and molecular markers showed variations. The examined taxa showed a widespread range of variations in leaf characteristics, i.e., shape, type, texture, margin, and apex and cypsela characteristics i.e., shape, color, and surface pattern. The phylogenetic tree categorized the Cichorium intybus var. intybus and C. intybus var. foliosum in a single group, whereas C. endivia var. endivia was grouped separately. However, C. endivia var. crispum and C. endivia subsp. pumilum were classified as a cluster. The recorded variance between classes using the molecular markers SCoT, ISSR, and RAPD was documented at 34.43%, 36.62%, and 40.34%, respectively. Authentication using molecular tools proved the usefulness of a dichotomous indented key, as revealed by morphological identification. The integrated methodology using morphological and molecular assessment could support improved verification and authentication of the various taxa of chicory. It seems likely that the Egyptian chicory belongs to C. endivia subsp. pumilum