16,110 research outputs found

    High-harmonic generation from arbitrarily oriented diatomic molecules including nuclear motion and field-free alignment

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    We present a theoretical model of high-harmonic generation from diatomic molecules. The theory includes effects of alignment as well as nuclear motion and is used to predict results for N2_2, O2_2, H2_2 and D2_2. The results show that the alignment dependence of high-harmonics is governed by the symmetry of the highest occupied molecular orbital and that the inclusion of the nuclear motion in the theoretical description generally reduces the intensity of the harmonic radiation. We compare our model with experimental results on N2_2 and O2_2, and obtain very good agreement.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; legends revised on Figs. 1,3,4,6 and

    Spin squeezing and precision probing with light and samples of atoms in the gaussian approximation

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    We consider an ensemble of trapped atoms interacting with a continuous wave laser field. For sufficiently polarized atoms and for a polarized light field, we may approximate the non-classical components of the collective spin angular momentum operator for the atoms and the Stokes vectors of the field by effective position and momentum variables for which we assume a gaussian state. Within this approximation, we present a theory for the squeezing of the atomic spin by polarization rotation measurements on the probe light. We derive analytical expressions for the squeezing with and without inclusion of the noise effects introduced by atomic decay and by photon absorption. The theory is readily adapted to the case of inhomogeneous light-atom coupling [A. Kuzmich and T.A.B. Kennedy, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 92, 030407 (2004)]. As a special case, we show how to formulate the theory for an optically thick sample by slicing the gas into pieces each having only small photon absorption probability. Our analysis of a realistic probing and measurement scheme shows that it is the maximally squeezed component of the atomic gas that determines the accuracy of the measurement.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Chemical Evolution of Strongly Magnetized Quark Core in a Newborn Neutron Star

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    The chemical evolution of nascent quark matter core in a newborn compact neutron star is studied in presence of a strong magnetic field. The effective rate of strange quark production in degenerate quark matter core in presence of strong magnetic fields is obtained. The investigations show that in presence of strong magnetic fields a quark matter core becomes energetically unstable and hence a deconfinement transition to quark matter at the centre of a compact neutron star under such circumstances is not possible. The critical strength of magnetic field at the central core to make the system energetically unstable with respect to dense nuclear matter is found to be ∼4.4×1013\sim 4.4\times 10^{13}G. This is the typical strength at which the Landau levels for electrons are populated. The other possible phase transitions at such high density and ultra strong magnetic field environment are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, latex, eight EPS figures not included, available under request, REVTEX forma

    Charge and critical density of strange quark matter

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    The electric charge of strange quark matter is of vital importance to experiments. A recent investigation shows that strangelets are most likely highly negatively charged, rather than slightly positively charged as previously believed. Our present study indicates that negative charges can indeed lower the critical density, and thus be favorable to the experimental searches in heavy ion collisions. However, too much negative charges can make it impossible to maintain flavor equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, LATeX with REVTeX style, one PS figure. To be published in Phys. Rev. C 59(6), 199

    High Q Cavity Induced Fluxon Bunching in Inductively Coupled Josephson Junctions

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    We consider fluxon dynamics in a stack of inductively coupled long Josephson junctions connected capacitively to a common resonant cavity at one of the boundaries. We study, through theoretical and numerical analysis, the possibility for the cavity to induce a transition from the energetically favored state of spatially separated shuttling fluxons in the different junctions to a high velocity, high energy state of identical fluxon modes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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