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4 research outputs found
Facies analysis and palaeoclimatic significance of ironstones formed during the Eocene greenhouse
Aigner T.
Aref M.M.
+22 more
Beauvais A.
Bhattacharya D.P.
Boukhary M.
Chan M.A.
Cotter E.
Davis H.R.
El Aref M.M.
Germann K.
Gygi R.A.
Helba A.A.
Kimberley M.M
Knox R.W.O΄B.
Madon M.B.H.
Moustafa A.R.
Petranek J.
Prothero D.R.
Prothero D.R.
Said R.
Sehim A.A.
Serra‐Kiel J.
Speijer R.P.
Youssef M.M
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Depositional environments and iron ooid formation in condensed sections (Callovian-Oxfordian, south-eastern Paris basin, France)
Bayer U.
Bhattacharyya D.P.
+45 more
Burkhalter R.M.
Cariou E.
Cariou E.
Chan M.A.
Chauvel J.J.
Collin P.Y.
Collin P.Y.
Courville P.
Courville P.
Courville P.
Courville P.
Courville P.
Curtis C.
Floquet M.
Gehring A.U.
Gehring A.U.
Gehring A.U.
Graciansky P.C.
Gygi R.A.
Harder H.
Hughes C.R.
Jacquin T.
James H.E.
Kearsley A.T.
Kimberley M.M.
Kimberley M.M.
Loreau J.P.
Loreau J.P.
Loreau J.P.
Lorin S.
Loutit T.S.
Mackenzie R.C.
Macquaker J.H.S.
Madon M.B.H.
Marchand D.
Marchand D.
Maynard J.B.
Palinska K.A.
Siehl A.
Sorby H.C.
Taylor K.G.
Tintant H.
Vernet J.P.
Westermann E.G.
Young T.P.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Gravity anomalies, subsidence history and the tectonic evolution of the Malay and Penyu Basins (offshore Peninsular Malaysia)
D aines S.R
D ewey J.F
+28 more
E binger C.J.
G abel J.
H all R
H amilton W
H utchison C.S
I ssler D.R
K ingston D.R.
M adon M.B.H
M adon M.B.HJ
M adon M.B.HJ.
M cKenzie D.P.
M cNutt M.K.
M etcalfe I
M ohd Firdaus Abdul Halim
Mazlan B. Madon*
P arker R
P olachan S.
R uppel C.
S engor A.M.C.
T alwani M.
T horne J.A.
T jia H.D.
T urcotte D.L.
W atts A.B.
W ernicke B
W hite J.M.
W hite R.S.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Debate about ironstone: has solute supply been surficial weathering, hydrothermal convection, or exhalation of deep fluids?
Ave Lallemant H.G
Barrett T.J.
+46 more
Bhattacharyya D.P.
Bhattacharyya D.P.
Bleahu M.
Brasier M.D.
Buhn B.
Carnevali J.O.
Cook P.J.
Ernst A.
Fiedler G.
Frakes L.
Giblin A.M.
Goldring D.C.
Gross G.A.
Hallimond A.F.
Handford C.R.
Hangari K.M.
Herzig P.M.
Horvath L.
Hutchinson R.W.
Jones B.
Kimberley M.M.
Kimberley M.M.
Kimberley M.M.
Madon M.B.H.
Maynard J.B.
Morris R.C.
Myakon'kiy A.G.
Odin G.S.
Odin G.S.
Pavlov D.I.
Pedersen T.F.
Perez O.J.
Robbins EI.
Robertson P.
Ronov A.B.
Schellmann W.
Schissel D.
Schweigart H.
Tendall A.F.
Tsykin R.A.
Vierbuchen R.C.
Wagner P.A.
Williams-Jones A.E.
Yakontova L.K.
Young T.P.
Zambrano E.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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