2,401 research outputs found

    On the Value Premium in Malaysia

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    Davis, Fama and French (2000) report that the value premium in United States’ stocks is robust. Herein, we present out-of-sample evidence for Malaysia, finding that value stocks outperform growth stocks and document an arbitrage opportunity. We observe that the mean monthly returns are substantially higher for the two mimic portfolios (SMB and HML) when compared with the market portfolio. For the period 1991 through 1999, an investor generated 1.92% (annually) holding the market portfolio in Malaysia, compared with the two mimic portfolios, SMB and HML with returns of 17.70% and 17.69% respectively. We also observe that the standard deviations for the two mimic portfolios are significantly lower than the standard deviation of the market portfolio. Moreover, the findings presented in this study reject the notion of survivorship bias advanced by Kothari, Shanken and Sloan (1995) and the data-snooping hypothesis attributed to Black (1993) and Mackinlay (1995) as an explanation for the value premium.Asset pricing, multifactor models, value premium, arbitrage


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    In this asset pricing study, three questions are addressed. First, does the multifactor model of Fama and French (1993) capture returns in Asian stock markets in a meaningful manner? Second, do small firms and high book-to-market equity firms carry a risk premia? Third, can competing hypotheses (such as survivorship bias, data-snooping and irrationality) explain the multifactor model results? The answers from this study are as follows: The multifactor model of Fama and French (1993) provides a parsimonious description of the cross-section of returns, with the relationship between firm size, book-to-market equity and average stock returns being robust for Asian markets over the 1990s. We find that small firms and high book-to-market equity firms carry a risk premia, providing opportunities for mean-variance efficient investors. Finally, our findings reject the claim that the results of multifactor model can be explained by competing hypotheses for the Asian experience.Multifactor asset pricing models, Asian region, size effect, book-to-market equity effect.

    Multifactor Models are Alive and Well

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    A large number of studies have investigated the cross-section of average returns on common stocks in the United States and have found little relationship with the estimated beta of the single-factor model. This paper tests the joint roles of an overall market factor, and factors related to firm size (market equity) and style (book equity to market equity) in the cross-section of average stock returns in Australia, as there is little evidence available on the asset pricing theory in markets outside the United States. This paper also tests the claim that the size and style effect is the result of seasonal phenomena. We report that the three-factor model largely explains the variation in stock returns in a meaningful pattern. We also observe that size and style factors do a good job throughout the sample period and reject the claim that these effects are due to seasonal phenomena. Our results document that the explanatory power of the three-factor model is not restricted to a limited set of portfolios. Moreover, our findings do not support the data-snooping hypothesis.Asset Pricing, Multifactor Models, Seasonality Premium, Size and Book-to-Market

    Small Firm Effect, Liquidity and Security Returns: Australian Evidence

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    Standard asset pricing models ignore the costs of liquidity. In this study we advance the ongoing debate on empirical asset pricing and test if liquidity costs (as proxied by turnover rate, turnover ratio and bid-ask spread) affect stock returns for Australian stocks. Our tests use the factor portfolio mimicking approach of Fama and French (1993, 1996). We find small and less liquid firms generate positive risk premia after controlling for market returns and firm size. We find no evidence of any seasonal effects that can explain our multifactor asset pricing model findings. In summary, our study provides support for a broader asset-pricing model with multiple risk factors.Liquidity, Turnover, Asset Pricing, and Closing Bid-Ask Spread

    Asset Pricing in China: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange

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    Capital market theory is concerned with the equilibrium relationship between risk and expected return on financial claims. Within this framework, this paper seeks to extend the mounting evidence against the view that the beta coefficient of the Capital Asset Pricing Model is the sole measure of risk. In this paper we test the multifactor approach to asset pricing in one of the most challenging international markets, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, China. Firstly, we seek to determine whether size and value premia exist in China. Secondly, we address the challenge that size and value premia are largely determined by seasonal factors (such as the January and/or Chinese New Year effect). Our findings suggest that mean-variance efficient investors in China can select some combination of small and low book-to-market equity firms in addition to the market portfolio to generate superior risk-adjusted returns. Moreover, we find no evidence to support the view that seasonal effects explain the findings of the multifactor model. In summary, we suggest the market factor alone is not sufficient to describe the cross-section of average stock returns in China.Asset Pricing; Seasonal Effects; China.

    Market Timing and Selectivity: Evidence from Australian Equity Superannuation Funds

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    In this performance evaluation study, two questions are addressed. First, do active fund managers possess macro and micro forecasting skills that deliver superior risk-adjusted returns? Second, what is the nature of market timing/stock selectivity trade off in the generation of alpha? The answers from this study are as follows: as an industry, managers delivered inferior returns for superannuation investors for the period 1991 through 1999. The study provides little evidence that the Australian funds management industry holds sufficient macro and/or micro forecasting abilities to generate positive alpha. While previous research has found that inferior market timing decisions are compensated for by superior stock selection skills, this study finds no substantive inverse relationship between timing and selectivity.Performance evaluation; Timing; Selectivity.


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    In this paper we investigate the relationship between portfolio returns and idiosyncratic risk for Australian stocks. We report that the portfolio with highest idiosyncratic volatility generates an average annual return of over 45%. We observe additionally that the outcome is consistent with an exponential growth process for stock prices. Further, consistent with Malkiel and Xu, we observe that a stock’s idiosyncratic volatility is inversely correlated with the size of the underlying firm. Thus, our model advances an interpretation of the Fama and French finding that portfolios of stocks of small firms offer superior risk-adjusted returns. Moreover, our findings challenge the portfolio theory of Markowitz (1959) and the asset-pricing model of Sharpe (1964).Idiosyncratic risk, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Size effect

    Do Momentum Strategies Work?: - Australian Evidence

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    This paper investigates the profitability of momentum investment strategy and the predictive power of trading volume for equities listed in the Australian Stock Exchange. Recent research finds that momentum and trading volume appear to predict subsequent returns in U.S. market and past volume helps to reconcile intermediate-horizon “under reaction” and long-horizon “overreaction” effects. However, bulk of the evidence on this important relationship between past returns and future returns is limited to U.S. portfolios. This study provides an out of sample evidence by examining the relationship between “trading volume” (measured by the turnover ratio) and “momentum” strategies in an Australian setting. We document a strong momentum effect for the Australian market during the period 1988 through 2002 and find that momentum plays an important role in providing information about stocks. We also find that past trading volume predicts both the magnitude and persistence of price momentum. In summary, our findings are consistent with the U.S. evidence.

    Is Idiosyncratic Volatility Priced? Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange

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    This paper employs the mimicking portfolio approach of Fama and French (1996) and asks whether idiosyncratic volatility is priced. This paper also provides evidence on whether returns on small stocks are higher in January than in remaining months. Our findings reveal that (a) idiosyncratic volatility is priced; and, (b) the multifactor model provides a better description of average returns than the traditional CAPM. We also find that the absolute pricing errors of the CAPM are large when compared with the multifactor model. We argue that firm size and idiosyncratic volatility may serve as proxies for systematic risk. We also dismiss the claim that returns on small stocks are on average higher in January than in remaining months. In summary, investors interested in taking additional risks should invest in small and low idiosyncratic volatility firms in addition to the market portfolio. This is because our findings indicate that investors can generate substantial returns by investing in strategies unrelated to market movements.Idiosyncratic Volatility, Firm Size, Asset Pricing, China.

    Pricing of Equities in China: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange

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    In this paper we compare the performance of the traditional CAPM with the multifactor model of Fama and French (1996) for equities listed in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. We also investigate the explanatory power of idiosyncratic volatility and respond to the claim that multifactor model findings can be explained by the turn of the year effect. Our results show that firm size, book to market equity and idiosyncratic volatility are priced risk factors in addition to the theoretically well specified market factor. As far as the turn of the year effect is concerned we reject the claim that the findings are driven by seasonal factors. Our findings have implications for both academic researchers and practitioners. This is because we demonstrate that by following the investment strategies investigated in this paper superior returns could be generated – returns in addition to those offered by the market. Of course this is only applicable to those investors who are willing to take additional risks in order to generate additional returns. In summary, our results show that a broader asset pricing model such as the one investigated in this paper does a much better job than the single index CAPM.Asset Pricing, CAPM, China, Small Firm Effect, Turn of the Year Effect.
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