519 research outputs found

    Correlating galaxy morphologies and spectra in the 2dFGRS

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    The correlation between a galaxy's morphology and its observed optical spectrum is investigated. As an example, 4000 galaxies from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey, which possess both good quality spectra and have visually determined morphologies are analysed. Of particular use is the separation of Early and Late type galaxies present in a redshift survey since these can then be used in their respective redshift-independent distance estimators (Dn-sigma and Tully-Fisher). It is determined that galaxies in this sample can be relatively successfully separated into these two types by the use of various statistical methods. These methods are briefly outlined in this paper and are also compared to the default 2dFGRS spectral classification (eta). In addition it is found that the 4000Ang break in the spectrum is the best discriminant in determining its morphological type.Comment: LaTex, 12 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The 2dF gravitational lens survey

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    The 2 degree Field (2dF) galaxy redshift survey will involve obtaining approximately 2.5 x 10^5 spectra of objects previously identified as galaxy candidates on morphological grounds. Included in these spectra should be about ten gravitationally-lensed quasars, all with low-redshift galaxies as deflectors (as the more common lenses with high-redshift deflectors will be rejected from the survey as multiple point-sources). The lenses will appear as superpositions of galaxy and quasar spectra, and both cross-correlation techniques and principal components analysis should be able to identify candidates systematically. With the 2dF survey approximately half-completed it is now viable to begin a systematic search for these spectroscopic lenses, and the first steps of this project are described here.Comment: PASA (OzLens edition), in press; 4 pages, 0 figure

    The Spectroscopic Age of 47 Tuc

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    High signal-to-noise integrated spectra of the metal-rich globular cluster 47 Tuc, spanning the H-gamma(HR) and Fe4668 line indices, have been obtained. The combination of these indices has been suggested (Jones & Worthey 1995, ApJ, 446, L31) as the best available mechanism for cleanly separating the age-metallicity degeneracy which hampers the dating of distant, unresolved, elliptical galaxies. For the first time, we apply this technique to a nearby spheroidal system, 47 Tuc, for which independent ages, based upon more established methods, exist. Such an independent test of the technique's suitability has not been attempted before, but is an essential one before its application to more distant, unresolved, stellar populations can be considered valid. Because of its weak series of Balmer lines, relative to model spectra, our results imply a spectroscopic ``age'' for 47 Tuc well in excess of 20 Gyr, at odds with the colour-magnitude diagram age of 14+/-1 Gyr. The derived metal abundance, however, is consistent with the known value. Emission ``fill-in'' of the H-gamma line as the source of the discrepancy cannot be entirely excluded by existing data, although the observational constraints are restrictive.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, also available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~bgibson/publications.htm

    Measuring Galaxy Environments with Deep Redshift Surveys

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    We study the applicability of several galaxy environment measures (n^th-nearest-neighbor distance, counts in an aperture, and Voronoi volume) within deep redshift surveys. Mock galaxy catalogs are employed to mimic representative photometric and spectroscopic surveys at high redshift (z ~ 1). We investigate the effects of survey edges, redshift precision, redshift-space distortions, and target selection upon each environment measure. We find that even optimistic photometric redshift errors (\sigma_z = 0.02) smear out the line-of-sight galaxy distribution irretrievably on small scales; this significantly limits the application of photometric redshift surveys to environment studies. Edges and holes in a survey field dramatically affect the estimation of environment, with the impact of edge effects depending upon the adopted environment measure. These edge effects considerably limit the usefulness of smaller survey fields (e.g. the GOODS fields) for studies of galaxy environment. In even the poorest groups and clusters, redshift-space distortions limit the effectiveness of each environment statistic; measuring density in projection (e.g. using counts in a cylindrical aperture or a projected n^th-nearest-neighbor distance measure) significantly improves the accuracy of measures in such over-dense environments. For the DEEP2 Galaxy Redshift Survey, we conclude that among the environment estimators tested the projected n^th-nearest-neighbor distance measure provides the most accurate estimate of local galaxy density over a continuous and broad range of scales.Comment: 17 pages including 16 figures, accepted to Ap

    Improving the Estimation of Star formation Rates and Stellar Population Ages of High-redshift Galaxies from Broadband Photometry

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    We explore methods to improve the estimates of star formation rates and mean stellar population ages from broadband photometry of high redshift star-forming galaxies. We use synthetic spectral templates with a variety of simple parametric star formation histories to fit broadband spectral energy distributions. These parametric models are used to infer ages, star formation rates and stellar masses for a mock data set drawn from a hierarchical semi-analytic model of galaxy evolution. Traditional parametric models generally assume an exponentially declining rate of star-formation after an initial instantaneous rise. Our results show that star formation histories with a much more gradual rise in the star formation rate are likely to be better templates, and are likely to give better overall estimates of the age distribution and star formation rate distribution of Lyman break galaxies. For B- and V-dropouts, we find the best simple parametric model to be one where the star formation rate increases linearly with time. The exponentially-declining model overpredicts the age by 100 % and 120 % for B- and V-dropouts, on average, while for a linearly-increasing model, the age is overpredicted by 9 % and 16 %, respectively. Similarly, the exponential model underpredicts star-formation rates by 56 % and 60 %, while the linearly-increasing model underpredicts by 15 % 22 %, respectively. For U-dropouts, the models where the star-formation rate has a peak (near z ~ 3) provide the best match for age -- overprediction is reduced from 110 % to 26 % -- and star-formation rate -- underprediction is reduced from 58 % to 22 %. We classify different types of star-formation histories in the semi-analytic models and show how the biases behave for the different classes. We also provide two-band calibration formulae for stellar mass and star formation rate estimations.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures, minor changes; published in Ap
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