11 research outputs found

    The comparison of tone and viscoelastic properties of superior orbicularis oris muscle in multiple sclerosis patients to healthy individuals

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    Background: The orbicularis oris muscle is an important muscle for oral perception in mouth and swallowing rehabilitation. The muscle can be affected in patients with multiple sclerosis for many reasons. It is important to understand the quantitative changes in this muscle to determine the many problems associated with the cranio-facial region in multiple sclerosis. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the mechanical properties of the orbicularis oris muscle between MS patients and healthy individuals. Methods: A total of 55 individuals (28 with multiple sclerosis and 27 healthy) who met the inclusion criteria were evaluated. The tone and viscoelastic properties (elasticity and stiffness) of the superior orbicularis oris muscle of both groups were evaluated bilaterally in the supine position with the MyotonPro® (Myoton AS, Estonia) device. The reference point of the muscle is accepted as the right and left paramedial philtrum dimple. Results: It was observed that there was no difference in terms of stiffness values of the right and left orbicularis oris muscles of both groups (p>0.05). The tone and the elasticity of the muscle on both sides were higher in the HI group than MS group (p<0.05). Conclusion: We think that the orbicularis oris muscle has a central location in the facial region, and that this muscle may be the key muscle for the symptoms arising from many neurological mechanisms. The decrease in muscle tone and elasticity may be the beginning of the changes in MS patients. We believe that the data from this muscle will be useful for comparative studies. © 202

    Investigating the effects of head posture muscles’ viscoelastic parameters on pulmonary and functional capacity in healthy individuals

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    Introduction. Forward head posture (FHP) is known to have a large influence on respiratory function by weakening the respiratory muscles. This cross-sectional study is designed to examine the relationship between the tonus, stiffness, and elasticity of head posture muscles and pulmonary capacity. Methods. overall, 16 FHP and 17 non-forward head posture (NFHP) individuals were evaluated. The tonus, stiffness, and elasticity of the upper trapezius, semispinalis capitis, pectoral muscles, and sternocleidomastoid muscles were measured with a MyotonPRo® device. Functional capacity was assessed with the 6-minute walk test. Pulmonary function tests employed a spirometer. The Neck Disability index was applied. FHP was determined by measuring the craniovertebral angle. Physical activity levels were evaluated with the Physical Activity index. Results. The study involved 18 (54.54%) female and 15 (45.45%) male students. Their mean age was 21.24 ± 1.82 years. Neck Disability index scores were higher in participants with FHP than in NFHP individuals (p = 0.037). There were no significant differences in the myotonometric measurements of the analysed muscles between FHP and NFHP groups (p > 0.05). Physiological characteristics of FHP and NFHP participants were different in terms of vital capacity, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and peak forced expiratory volume (p < 0.05). Conclusions. owing to the pulmonary capacity differences between FHP and NFHP individuals, it can be concluded that FHP affects pulmonary capacity. Also, pectoral muscles and semispinalis capitis muscles play an important role in thoracic expansion and therefore influence vital capacity. © Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Science

    Kistik Fibrozisli Hastalarda Üst Ekstremite Kas Kuvveti İle Fonksiyonel Kapasite, Kassal Endurans Ve Yaşam Kalitesi Arasındaki İlişki

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    Bu çalışma, kistik fibrozisli hastalarda üst ekstremite kas kuvveti ile fonksiyonel kapasite, kassal endurans ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak için yapıldı. Çalışmaya 15‘i kız 14’ü erkek, 6 yaş ve üzerinde olan toplam 29 hasta katıldı. Bireyler üst ekstremite kas kuvveti, solunum fonksiyon testi, kassal endurans, fonksiyonel kapasite ve yaşam kalitesi yönünden değerlendirildi. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara bakıldığında; omuz abdüktörleri kas kuvveti ile kassal endurans arasında orta şiddette ilişki (r: 0,462 p<0,05), biceps kas kuvveti ile kassal endurans arasında orta şiddette ilişki (r:0,402 p<0,05), el kavrama kuvveti (sol) ile kassal endurans arasında hafif şiddette ilişki (r: 0,381 p<0,05), el kavrama kuvveti (sağ) ile kassal endurans arasında orta şiddette ilişki (r:0,456 p<0,05) olduğu saptandı. Biceps kas kuvvetinin FEV1(%) ,FVC(%) ve PEF(L) değerleri ile hafif şiddetli bir ilişkisi (r1:0,388 r2:0,398 r3:0,392 p<0,05) olduğu ve diğer kas kuvvetleriyle bir ilişkisi olmadığı tespit edildi. Yaşam kalitesinin yeme bozukluğu bölümü puanı ile biceps kas kuvveti arasında hafif şiddetli bir ilişki olduğu (r:0,381 p<0,05), üst ekstremite kas kuvveti ile 6 dakika yürüme testi yüzdesi arasında ilişki olmadığı tespit edildi (p>0,05). Sonuç olarak, kistik fibrozisli hastalarda üst ekstremite kas kuvvetinin azaldığı ve fizyoterapistlerin kuvvetlendirme eğitimi verirken üst ekstremite kas kuvvetini de dikkate alması gerektiği, bununda akciğer fonksiyonları ve yaşam kalitesini etkileyeceği görüşündeyiz

    Investigating the effects of appropriate fitting footwear on functional performance level, balance and fear of falling in older adults: A comparative-observational study

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    The aim of the study was to assess the characteristics of footwear altogether and to compare the effect of appropriate-fitting and ill-fitting footwear on functional performance, balance, and fear of falling (FoF) in older adults. Individuals who wore appropriate-fitting (n = 61) or ill-fitting footwear (n = 92) were enrolled in the study. Footwear was evaluated using the Footwear Assessment Scale (FAS). The participants were assessed using the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) for balance, the Timed Up and Go test for functional performance and the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale for FoF. Tests were conducted twice for each individual with or without footwear. Differences between the groups were analyzed using the MANOVA for scores of balance, performance and fear of falling and Chi-squared test for homogeneity. The Paired t-test was used to compare test scores with or without footwear. It was concluded that appropriate-fitting footwear improves balance, reduces fear of falling and may affect functional performance positively. ClinicalTrials.gov No: NCT04151654 © 2021 Elsevier Inc

    Effects of virtual Reality-Based Training and aerobic training on gaming disorder, physical activity, physical fitness, and anxiety: A randomized, controlled trial

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    Background and aim: The effects of physical activity and exercise on gaming disorder severity in individuals with gaming disorder are unknown. The present study aimed to address the empirical gap in the current literature by comparing the effects of virtual reality-based training (VRT) and aerobic training (AT) exercise programs on gaming disorder severity, physical activity, physical fitness, and anxiety versus control group. Materials and methods: Forty-four young male adults (18–28 years) with gaming disorder and a sedentary lifestyle were included in the study. The primary outcomes of the study were changes in gaming disorder severity and physical activity, and secondary outcomes included changes in physical fitness and anxiety levels. The participants were randomly assigned to VRT (n = 15), AT (n = 14) and control (n = 15) groups. Training sessions were performed at 50–70% of the maximal heart rate. Exercise programs consisted of 6 weeks of training 3 times a week for 30 min. Results: There was a decrease in the severity of gaming disorder as well as an increase in the level of physical activity in the VRT and AT exercise groups compared to the control group. In addition, a reduction was observed in the gaming time and sedentary time in both exercise groups versus control group. VRT group experienced greater improvements in physical fitness parameters than the AT group. Conclusion: VRT and AT were effective in reducing gaming time and the severity of gaming disorder in individuals with gaming disorder. The therapeutic effects of VRT and AT can be used for reducing the severity of gaming disorder. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Investigating the effects of video-based and aerobic exercise trainings on functional capacity, physical fitness and level of gaming disorders

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    Bu çalışma, oyun oynama bozukluğu olan bireylerde video tabanlı ve aerobik egzersiz eğitimlerinin fonksiyonel kapasite, fiziksel uygunluk ve oyun oynama bozukluğu düzeyine etkilerinin araştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada 44 erkek birey rastgele yöntemle video tabanlı egzersiz eğitim (VTE) grubu (n=15), aerobik egzersiz eğitim (AE) grubu (n=14) ve kontrol grubu (n=15) olmak üzere 3 gruba ayrıldı. VTE grubuna, Xbox 360 Kinect cihazı ile bireysel hareketleri eş zamanlı simule eden boks, engelli koşu ve plaj voleybolu oyunları algılanan zorluk düzeyi orta olacak şekilde oynatıldı. AE grubuna, yine algılanan zorluk düzeyi orta olacak şekilde koşu bandında eğitim verildi. Kontrol grubuna ise 6 hafta müdahale edilmedi ve bu gruptaki gönüllü bireylere değerlendirme sonrası her iki eğitimden biri verildi. Bireylerin fonksiyonel kapasiteleri 6 Dakika Yürüme Testi (6 DYT), fiziksel uygunlukları The Senior Fitness Test ve oyun oynama bozukluk düzeyleri İnternet Oyun Oynama Bozukluğu Ölçeği Kısa Formu (İOOBÖ9-KF) ile değerlendirildi. Ayrıca tüm bireylerin oyun oynama süresi, maksimal egzersiz kapasitesi, anksiyete durumu, uyku kalitesi ve yaşam kalitesi değerlendirildi. Çalışma sonucunda VTE ve AE eğitimlerinin fonksiyonel kapasiteyi arttırdığı, oyun oynama bozukluğu düzeyini azalttığı, maksimal egzersiz kapasitesini geliştirdiği, anksiyete düzeyinde iyileşme sağladığı, yaşam kalitesinde gelişme sağladığı gözlendi (p0,05). VTE ve AE eğitimlerinin bu bireylerde aerobik kapasiteyi artırdığı, oyun oynama bozukluk düzeyini ve günlük oyun oynama süresini azalttığı, VTE eğitiminin fiziksel uygunluk parametrelerini, AE eğitiminden daha fazla geliştirdiği sonucuna ulaşıldı. Anahtar kelime: Oyun Oynama Bozukluğu, Sanal Gerçeklik Tabanlı Egzersiz, Aerobik Egzersiz, Fonksiyonel Kapasite, Fiziksel UygunlukThis study was conducted to investigate the effects of video-based and aerobic exercise training on functional capacity, physical fitness, and the level of gaming disorders in individuals with gaming disorders. In the study, 44 male individuals were randomly divided into 3 groups as video-based exercise training (VTE) group (n = 15), aerobic exercise training (AE) group (n = 14) and control group (n = 15). Boxing, jogging and beach volleyball games simulating individual movements simultaneously with the Xbox 360 Kinect device were played to the VTE group at a moderate intensity Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE). AE group was trained on the treadmill with a moderate intensity of RPE. The control group was not intervened for 6 weeks and volunteers in this group were given one of the two trainings later. The functional capacity assessed with 6 Minute Walking Test (6 MWT), their physical fitness assessed with The Senior Fitness Test, gaming disorders level assessed with the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale Short Form (İOOBÖ9-SF). In addition, playing time, maximal exercise capacity, anxiety state, sleep quality and quality of life were evaluated. As a result of the study, it was observed that VTE and AE trainings increased functional capacity, decreased the level of gaming disorders, improved maximal exercise capacity, reduced anxiety, and improved quality of life (p 0.05). It was concluded that VTE and AE trainings increased aerobic capacity in these individuals, decreased the level of game disorders and game playing time, and VTE training improved the physical fitness parameters more than AE training. Keywords: Gaming Disorder, Exergame, Aerobic Exercise, Functional Capacity, Physical Fitness

    An Investigation of the Relationship Between the Carotid Intima-media Thickness and Trunk Control in the Acute Phase of Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between the carotid intima-media thickness (tCIM) and trunk control in individuals in individuals who have the acute phase of ischemic cerebrovascular disease. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted between January 2016 and January 2017 at the intensive care unit and Neurology Department of Gaziantep University. Thirty-one patients who had ischemic cerebrovascular disease within the last 72 hours were included in the study. tCIM was measured using portable ultrasound. The Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) and Trunk Control Scale (TCS) were used for trunk assessment. Results: t was demonstrated that there was no significant relationship between the TIS, TCS, and right and left tCIM measurements in any subjects (p>0.05). When the risk factors were investigated, it was found that hypertension was the leading risk factor with 30%. A comparison of the subjects according to the affected side showed that there was no difference between trunk control, trunk impairment, and tCIM (p>0.05). Conclusion: There is no relationship between tCIM and trunk control. There is a need for further studies that investigate the relationship between functionality and risk factors

    The effects of breathing exercises on respiratory functions, functional capacity and quality of life in vehicle spray painters

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    Background/aims Workers engaged in vehicle spray painting are at a risk of developing respiratory problems because of the solvents in the spray paints. Changes in respiratory functions and functional capacities caused by spray painting can be improved with respiratory exercises. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of respiratory exercises on the respiratory functions, functional capacity and quality of life in vehicle spray painters. Methods A total of 70 volunteers with similar characteristics participated in the study. The groups were divided into two groups randomly (35 study group, 35 control group). Respiratory functions (value of forced expiratory volume percentage in 1 second [FEV1]), forced vital capacity percentage [FVC], FEV1/FVC percentage, peak expiratory flow percentage [PEF (%)] and maximum voluntary ventilation percentage [MVV (%)]), functional capacity (6-Minute Walk Test) and quality of life (Short Form Health Survey [SF-36]) were evaluated. The study group undertook supervised breathing exercises 3 days a week for 6 weeks. The same exercises were given to the control group as a home programme. Home programmes were followed up by telephone calls. Evaluations were performed again after 6 weeks. Results In the study group, FEV1 (%) increased more than in the control group (P[removed]0.05). In the study group, FEV1/FVC (%) and MVV (%) were significantly different before and after the intervention (P[removed]0.05). There was a greater increase in the study group than in the control group (P[removed]0.05). Before and after the intervention, a significant difference was found in the vitality and the social function domains of the SF-36 in the study group. In the comparisons of groups, a significant difference was found in the study group in the role-emotional, social function and bodily pain domains of the SF-36 after the intervention (P<0.05). conclusions Breathing exercises can be recommended for vehicle spray painters to avoid an increase in respiratory resistance and to improve their quality of life. © 2021 MA Healthcare Lt

    Comparison of physical activity, functional fitness and fatigue according to gender in young-old

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to compare physical activity, functional fitness and fatigue levels according to gender in young-old. Materials and Methods: The International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form was administered to a total of 55 young-old. Muscle strength, functional capacity, and fatigue were respectively evaluated with the Lafayette manual muscle tester, a 6-minute walking test, and the fatigue severity scale. Results: It was observed that there was no difference in terms of physical activity, functional capacity, and the percentage of normal values in the proximal muscles (p>0.05). The proximal muscle force of males was higher than female individuals (p<0.05). The scores of female individuals on the fatigue severity scale were higher than male individuals (p[removed

    The relationships between upper extremity muscle strength and endurance with respiratory function, functional capacity and quality of life in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis

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    Background/aims The number of studies exploring isolated upper extremity muscle strength and endurance in paediatric patients with cystic fibrosis is limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between upper extremity muscle strength and endurance with respiratory functions, functional capacity and quality of life in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Methods Children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis performed a flexed arm hang test to measure muscle endurance, movement against a dynamometer to measure muscle strength, a pulmonary function test and 6-minute walk test to measure functional capacity. The Cystic Fibrosis Questionnaire Revised was used to assess quality of life. Results A total of 29 children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis (15 girls, 14 boys) participated in the study. Biceps muscle strength moderately correlated with forced expiratory volume in 1 second predicted percentage, forced vital capacity predicted percentage and the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity predicted percentage (r=0.306, P=0.035; r=0.405; P=0.029; r=0.367, P=0.048, respectively). Biceps muscle strength, shoulder abductors muscle strength, hand grip strength and flexed arm hang test correlated with the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second to forced vital capacity predicted percentage. Biceps muscle strength, shoulder abductors muscle strength, hand grip strength and flexed arm hang test correlated with 6-minute walk test distance (r=0.678, p<0.001; r=0.732, p[removed