16 research outputs found

    Pengrajin tradisional di daerah Bali

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    Dengan me,ngucapkan puji syukur kehadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa (Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam tahun anggaran 1995/1996 melalui Bagian Proyek Pengkajian Dan Pembinaan Nilai Nilai Budaya Bali telah dapat menerbitkan buku berjudul : "PENGERAJIN TRADISIONAL DI DAERAH BALI "

    Pengerajin Tradisional di Daerah Bali

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    Indonesia termasuk kategori negara sedang berkembang dalam struktur kependudukan, penduduknya mayoritas memiliki okupasi petani. Dalam bidang produksi pertanian secara kuantitas jelas sumber daya manusia sangat dominan. Disamping unsur budaya petani, sub unsur budaya lainnya seperti kerajinan tradisional sebagai kegiatan tambahan atau pengisi luang waktu juga tidak kalah pentingnya dengan hasil produksi pertanian dipandang dari sudut kepentingan atau kebutuhan hidup manusia secara mendasar. Begitupula dengan struktur masyarakat dan kebudayaan orang Bali, unsur budaya petani menempati posisi paling mendasar, bertalian erat dengan sistem kepercayaan atau keagamaan, siklus, dan rentangan waktu serta alam lingkungan, yang perkembangannya mengakar sejak masa prasejarah

    4T Zikr in Anxiety Reduction in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients

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    Anxiety is a psychological problem that often arises in heart disease, especially in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Anxiety could prolong the healing process of ACS and increase the cost of care and treatment. Purpose of the study was to evaluaste the effect of 4T Zikr on anxiety in patients with ACS in the CICU. This research was a quasi-experimental two group pre post design. 64 subjects were recruited by purposive sampling; 28 subjects in intervention group and 28 subjects in control group. Anxiety was measured by NRS 0-10. 4T zikr composes of subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahuakbar and laailahaillah with intensity 60 dB, beat rate 60-80 mm, pitch 220-800 Hz, volume 4-5 for 30 minutes. The results show that 4T zikr could reduce anxiety at 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, 60 hours, and 72 hours in patients with ACS (p<0,05). There were significant differences in anxiety reduction at 24 hours (p<0,001) and 72 hours (p<0,001) between group after 4T zikkr in patients with ACS. In conclusion, 4T zikr can reduce anxiety within 72 hours after admission in patients with ACS

    4T Zikr in Anxiety Reduction in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients

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    Anxiety is a psychological problem that often arises in heart disease, especially in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Anxiety could prolong the healing process of ACS and increase the cost of care and treatment. Purpose of the study was to evaluaste the effect of 4T Zikr on anxiety in patients with ACS in the CICU. This research was a quasi-experimental two group pre post design. 64 subjects were recruited by purposive sampling; 28 subjects in intervention group and 28 subjects in control group. Anxiety was measured by NRS 0-10. 4T zikr composes of subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahuakbar and laailahaillah with intensity 60 dB, beat rate 60-80 mm, pitch 220-800 Hz, volume 4-5 for 30 minutes. The results show that 4T zikr could reduce anxiety at 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, 60 hours, and 72 hours in patients with ACS (p<0,05). There were significant differences in anxiety reduction at 24 hours (p<0,001) and 72 hours (p<0,001) between group after 4T zikkr in patients with ACS. In conclusion, 4T zikr can reduce anxiety within 72 hours after admission in patients with ACS

    Senjata tradisional daerah Bali

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    Senjata adalah salah satu alat yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Manusia mempunyai kebutuhan pokok, seperti sandang, pangan, dan papan. Kebutuhan manusia tersebut perlu diusahakan dengan berbagai pengetahuan dan teknik untuk mengatasi keterbatasan kemampuan manusia yaitu dengan membuat senjata untuk menyerang atau berperang, senjata untuk membela diri, dan senjata untuk berburu. Ruang lingkup materi yang akan direkam dalam penelitian senjata tradisional di daerah Bali adalah meliputi sistem teknologi, tujuan, fungsi, arti simbolik

    Open and Closed Suction Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention of Patient On Ventilator Installed

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    The objective of studys is to evaluate the differences of CPIS in applying CSS and OSS with oral hygiene chlorhexidine in critical patients with ventilators. In two hospitals in Semarang for two months. There were 30 subjects recruited by purposive sampling and divided in two groups equally (n=15). VAP was measured by CPIS on the third day after invasion. The interventions are OSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day and CSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day during inserted ventilators. CPIS in the two groups were no significant difference. The OSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day was similarly effective to the CSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day to prevent VAP in critical patients with ventilator (U=105; p=0,766). The application of the OSS with oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day is instead of the CSS with oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day, which is more expensive to prevent VAP. Since there is no difference of CPIS in patients with OSS and CSS, at is recommended the use of SCC due to its lower cost compered to CSS method

    Open and Closed Suction Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Prevention of Patient on Ventilator Installed

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    The objective of studys is to evaluate the differences of CPIS in applying CSS and OSS with oral hygiene chlorhexidine in critical patients with ventilators. In two hospitals in Semarang for two months. There were 30 subjects recruited by purposive sampling and divided in two groups equally (n=15). VAP was measured by CPIS on the third day after invasion. The interventions are OSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day and CSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day during inserted ventilators. CPIS in the two groups were no significant difference. The OSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day was similarly effective to the CSS and oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day to prevent VAP in critical patients with ventilator (U=105; p=0,766). The application of the OSS with oral hygiene with clorhexidine twice a day is instead of the CSS with oral hygiene with clorhexidine once a day, which is more expensive to prevent VAP. Since there is no difference of CPIS in patients with OSS and CSS, at is recommended the use of SCC due to its lower cost compered to CSS method


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    Dimasa sekarang ini, pentingnya bagi wanita untuk menjaga personal hygiene genitalia dikarenakan dengan kurang nya informasi, kesalahan dalam bersikap dan berperilaku dapat menyebabkan morbiditas khususnya dimasa pandemi sekarang ini, salah duanya adalah kanker serviks dan infeksi saluran reproduksi. Sangat penting bagi wanita agar untuk mengetahui dan memperhatikan personal hygiene genitalianya. Metode : Desain penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh pasien wanita yang berjumlah 743 orang responden dengan sampel sebanyak 75 orang responden dengan teknik purposive sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner kemudian data yang didapat dianalisa menggunakan aplikasi analisis data. Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan pasien wanita di RSDC Wisma Atlet Kemayoran tergolong baik dengan persentase 73,3%, sikap terbanyak di hasil yang baik dengan persentase 50,7% cukup 41,3% dan perilaku terbanyak dengan perilaku baik dengan persentase 78,7%. Saran : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diharapkan semua pihak untuk selalu mengedukasi terkait personal hygiene genitalia khususnya institusi kesehatan dan tenaga kesehatan supaya dapat menghindari penyakit genital