3 research outputs found

    Региональные особенности демократизации: демократические транзиты и проблемы консолидации демократии в Латинской Америке. Статья 1

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    The article is a continuation of the previous ones concerning the regional features of democratic transition and consolidation. The author considers the particularities of democratic transformation in the continent in its initial stage. Special part of the article dedicates to the dynamic of the Latin American civilization. On the case studies (Brazil, Chile etc.) the processes of the collapse of authoritarian regimes and democratic transitions are considered.Данная статья продолжает начатую в предыдущем году серию, посвященную анализу региональной специфики демократических транзитов в рамках современной глобальной общемировой волны демократизации, которая началась в 70-е годы прошлого века в странах Южной Европы. Несмотря на то, что государства латиноамериканского континента сближает с южноевропейскими странами принадлежность к странам среднеразвитого капитализма, а также относительное цивилизационное сходство с такими государствами иберийской цивилизации, как Испания и Португалия, переход от авторитаризма к демократии в Латинской Америке носил менее однолинейный и более противоречивый характер


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    The article specifies the method of typologization of the Russian regions as the subjects of the Russian Federation. An attempt is made to update the existing scientific and practical model of classification of regions of modern Russia. The features of socio-economic and political criteria in assessing the status and resource capabilities of the region are emphasized. The article describes the differences in determining the ratings of Russian regions in the context of assessing the effectiveness of regional governments and in determining the types of relevant regions

    Preparation of N-Si-P-GaSe Heterojunctions Based on an Amorphous GaSe Layer Without Impurities and Study of Their Electrical Properties

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    The electrical and photoelectric properties of anisotype n-Si−p-GaSe heterojunctions obtained as a result of the deposition of a GaSe thin layer on a cold n-Si single crystal substrate by the thermal evaporation method were studied. It was determined that the height of the potential barrier in thermal annealing structures at T = 200 °C during t = 3 hours occurs due to the decrease in the density of states of local levels located near the Fermi level in the amorphous layer. The mechanism of photosensitivity in an isotype heterostructures was analyzed and it was found that the photosensitivity of the heterojunction increases as a result of a decrease in the surface density of state at the contact boundary of the components, by thermal means. The spectral distribution of the quantum efficiency in the n‑Si – p‑GaSe heterojunction was studied and their perspective was determined