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    A critical bibliography of Dr. Henry Sacheverell

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    xi, 341 p. ; 25 cm

    A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts: Collections received during the second half of the 19th Century and miscellaneous MSS. acquired between 1695 and 1890, Nos. 24331-31000

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    PREFACE THE general part of the Preface to vol. iii of the Summary Catalogue holds good for the present volume, except for a slight modification of the plan which makes it desirable to print the whole scheme as it now stands..

    A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts: Collections received during the first half of the 19th Century, Nos. 16670-24330

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    PREFACE The general part of the Preface to vol. iii of the Summary Catalogue holds good for the present volume, which contains the collections acquired in the first half of the 19th century (from 1801 to 1850, inclusive). In all, twenty-three collections have been dealt with, containing 7,959 MSS., and the preparation has occupied three and a half years. Vol. iii contained twenty collections or 7,959 MSS., acquired in 1698-1700, and its preparation occupied rather more than three and a half years. As before, in the place of the general Index, which will be issued in due course, a short account of the contents of the book, grouped under a few general subject-headings, is offered as a temporary substitute of a rough and ready kind. Some alterations in the pressmarks and numeration of the D'Orville and Gough collections have been introduced since the MSS. were catalogued

    A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts: Collections received before 1660 and miscellaneous MSS. acquired during the first half of the 17th Century

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    PREFACE The scheme of the Summary Catalogue, as set out in the Prefaces to vols. iii and v, provided that the first two volumes should contain a new edition of the Old Catalogue of 1697. This has been modified in one respect. Vol. i is reserved for a historical introduction and comparative tables of shelfmarks, and vol. ii is divided into two parts. It will also be found that the present volume is less summary than its predecessors, and that it is much more than a revision of seventeenth- century lists. Part i, here issued, covers nos. 1-3490, but of the manuscripts represented by those numbers, two-thirds (including the whole of classes i-v) are dealt with by way of cross-reference, and not more than eleven hundred are catalogued in full. Nos. 3491-8716 are reserved for part ii. The present part catalogues miscellaneous MS. accessions of 1600-46 (classis vi), and one collection, that of John Selden (classis vii). The miscellaneous western accessions are, with hardly an exception, manuscripts now referenced as 'Bodley' or 'Auct.', and this section may therefore be regarded as a catalogue of the 'Bodley' and 'Auctarium' collections so far as they have not been already catalogued in vol. v. All the more important of the donations included in it were made between the years 1601 and 1620. The chief of them are (in order of size) those made by The Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 1602: Latin patristic MSS., bibles, and biblical commentaries, canon law MSS., &c., from Exeter Cathedral library. The Dean and Chapter of Windsor, 1612 : Latin patristic and minor theology, biblical commentaries, &c., from Windsor chapter library. Sir Henry Savile, 1620: Greek patristic and miscellaneous Latin MSS. Sir Walter Cope, 1602: medieval Latin theology, from English libraries as St. Augustine's at Canterbury. William Burdet, 1608: medieval Latin theology, biblical commentaries, &c., in whole or part from Reading abbey. Sir George More, 1604: medieval Latin theology and biblical exegesis, from English libraries such as Newark priory. Thomas Twyne, 1612: medieval MSS., chiefly relating to medicine and science, some from St. Augustine's, Canterbury. Other donors of MSS. were Thomas Allen of Gloucester hall, 1601 ; William Ballow of Christ Church (Latin theology), 1604,; William Burton (Leland's Collectanea and Itinerary), 1632; Thomas Cecil, earl of Exeter (Greek MSS.), 1618; Dr. Richard Colfe's heirs (Biblical commentaries and Latin theology from the library of Christ Church, Canterbury), 1616; sir Robert Cotton (Latin theological and a few Hebrew MSS.), 1603; Dr. William Cotton, bishop of Exeter (Latin, and some Middle English, theological MSS.), 1605; William Harwood, prebendary of Winchester (Latin theology, &c.), 1611 ; Charles Howard, earl of Nottingham (chiefly Latin biblical commentaries, for the most part from the library of King Henry VIII), 1604; sir Paul Pindar (Syriac and Arabic MSS.), 1611; sir Ralph Winwood (Greek MSS.), 1604. It will be seen that Latin theology dominates c1assis vi. The MSS. contained in it are, for the most part, of English origin. It is almost exclusively medieval, and very few manuscripts of later date than 1500 are to be found in it, the chief exceptions being the Leland MSS. above mentioned, and two small collections of seventeenth-century University lectures, the o~e on Aristotelian philosophy, written in Spain and presented by Richard Grosvenor in 1603, the other on Thomas Aquinas, written in Portugal and given by Josias White in 1605. In this respect the present part shows a marked contrast to previous volumes. Catholicity, however, marks the collection of the learned Selden (c1assis vii). It consists in equal measure of oriental and of western MSS.; and among the latter are Greek, Latin, Middle English, medieval French, Russian, and even Mexican manuscripts. Its variety bars one from describing it in.a phrase. Law, medieval astronomy, and Middle English poetry are among its leading features. A rough subject-classification of the main contents of this part is here set out, following on the lines set in the prefaces to former volumes

    A summary catalogue of Western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford which have not hitherto been catalogued in the quarto series: with references to the Oriental and other manuscripts: Collections and miscellaneous MSS. acquired during the second half of the 17th century

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    PREFACE After an interval of fifteen years the text of the Summary Catalogue of all MSS. acquired by the Library before 1915 is completed with the issue of the present volume. This part (volume II, part ii) contains nos. 3491-8716, thus finishing the revision of the Old Catalogue of 1697. The methods adopted are as in preceding volumes, except that it has no longer been thought necessary to invent accession numbers, which in the last volume directly followed the catalogue number. It will also be noted that the oriental cross-references are taken, as in previous volumes, from the printed catalogues or from the hand-lists, and that they are therefore neither in modern nor necessarily consistent form. The bulk of e Mus., a draft for the Marshall collection, and a few other scattered pieces, were catalogued-in part many years ago by the late mr. Madan. The Hatton collection, MSS. Dodsworth 1-60, and Casaubon's Adversaria were done by dr. Craster when he was Keeper of Western Manuscripts; and MSS. Savile 1-14, with some other Greek pieces, were catalogued by mr. Lobel, the present Keeper. For the rest I am responsible, though my labours have been much lightened by the trouble which the Librarian and the Keeper have taken in reading not only their own proofs but mine as well. Others from whom I have sought assistance at one time or another are too numerous to mention and will I hope regard this expression of my gratitude as none the less sincere because it is general. This volume contains the accessions of the later seventeenth century to 1697. Among the great variety of manuscripts dealt with are some notable early codices, specified below, and a high proportion of seventeenth century antiquarian collections, including the extensive and valuable papers of Dodsworth, Dugdale, Junius, and Marshall. According to former practice the more important items in several categories are listed hereunder

    A catalogue of Shakespeareana,

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    "A remarkable collection ... here offered for sale."-Pref.Printed by Turnbull & Spears, Edinburgh.Mode of access: Internet