2,230 research outputs found

    Miniature distributed filters for software re-configurable radio applications

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    Mixer linearisation for software defined radio applications

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    A software defined radio receiver test-bed

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    Enabling technologies for software defined radio transceivers

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    Overexpression of connexin 43 using a retroviral vector improves electrical coupling of skeletal myoblasts with cardiac myocytes in vitro.

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    BACKGROUND: Organ transplantation is presently often the only available option to repair a damaged heart. As heart donors are scarce, engineering of cardiac grafts from autologous skeletal myoblasts is a promising novel therapeutic strategy. The functionality of skeletal muscle cells in the heart milieu is, however, limited because of their inability to integrate electrically and mechanically into the myocardium. Therefore, in pursuit of improved cardiac integration of skeletal muscle grafts we sought to modify primary skeletal myoblasts by overexpression of the main gap-junctional protein connexin 43 and to study electrical coupling of connexin 43 overexpressing myoblasts to cardiac myocytes in vitro. METHODS: To create an efficient means for overexpression of connexin 43 in skeletal myoblasts we constructed a bicistronic retroviral vector MLV-CX43-EGFP expressing the human connexin 43 cDNA and the marker EGFP gene. This vector was employed to transduce primary rat skeletal myoblasts in optimised conditions involving a concomitant use of the retrovirus immobilising protein RetroNectin and the polycation transduction enhancer Transfectam. The EGFP-positive transduced cells were then enriched by flow cytometry. RESULTS: More than four-fold overexpression of connexin 43 in the transduced skeletal myoblasts, compared with non-transduced cells, was shown by Western blotting. Functionality of the overexpressed connexin 43 was demonstrated by microinjection of a fluorescent dye showing enhanced gap-junctional intercellular transfer in connexin 43 transduced myoblasts compared with transfer in non-transduced myoblasts. Rat cardiac myocytes were cultured in multielectrode array culture dishes together with connexin 43/EGFP transduced skeletal myoblasts, control non-transduced skeletal myoblasts or alone. Extracellular field action potential activation rates in the co-cultures of connexin 43 transduced skeletal myoblasts with cardiac myocytes were significantly higher than in the co-cultures of non-transduced skeletal myoblasts with cardiac myocytes and similar to the rates in pure cultures of cardiac myocytes. CONCLUSION: The observed elevated field action potential activation rate in the co-cultures of cardiac myocytes with connexin 43 transduced skeletal myoblasts indicates enhanced cell-to-cell electrical coupling due to overexpression of connexin 43 in skeletal myoblasts. This study suggests that retroviral connexin 43 transduction can be employed to augment engineering of the electrocompetent cardiac grafts from patients own skeletal myoblasts

    Egg shape changes at the theropod–bird transition, and a morphometric study of amniote eggs

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    The eggs of amniotes exhibit a remarkable variety of shapes, from spherical to elongate and from symmetrical to asymmetrical. We examine eggshell geometry in a diverse sample of fossil and living amniotes using geometric morphometrics and linear measurements. Our goal is to quantify patterns of morphospace occupation and shape variation in the eggs of recent through to Mesozoic birds (neornithe plus non-neornithe avialans), as well as in eggs attributed to non-avialan theropods. In most amniotes, eggs show significant deviation from sphericity, but departure from symmetry around the equatorial axis is mostly confined to theropods and birds. Mesozoic bird eggs differ significantly from extant bird eggs, but extinct Cenozoic bird eggs do not. This suggests that the range of egg shapes in extant birds had already been attained in the Cenozoic. We conclude with a discussion of possible biological factors imparting variation to egg shapes during their formation in the oviduct

    What do variable magnetic fabrics in gabbros of the Oman ophiolite reveal about lower oceanic crustal magmatism at fast spreading ridges?

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    The magmatic processes responsible for accretion of the lower oceanic crust remain one of the least-constrained components of the global seafloor spreading system. Samples of gabbroic rocks recovered by scientific ocean drilling are too limited to allow effective assessment of spatial variations in magmatic flow within in situ lower crust. Extensive exposures of gabbros in ophiolites, on the other hand, provide opportunities to study accretion processes in three dimensions across wide areas and at a resolution that allows variations in magmatic fabrics through the crust to be quantified. Here, we show that magnetic anisotropy provides a reliable proxy for lower-crustal magmatic fabrics in the world’s largest ophiolite in Oman. Important differences in magnetic fabrics are detected that reflect variations in magmatic processes on a range of scales. Fabrics in layered gabbros are aligned with modal layering and display a consistency in the orientation of maximum principal axes of anisotropy between localities at a regional scale. These fabrics are compatible with subhorizontal preferred alignment of crystals orthogonal to the inferred orientation of the Oman spreading axis, resulting from magmatic flow or deformation of melt-rich crystal mushes during spreading. In contrast, magnetic anisotropy in foliated gabbros at the top of the lower crust reveals for the first time distinctly different linear and anastomosing fabric styles between localities sampled at the same pseudostratigraphic level. These differences reflect spatial variations in the style and trajectory of flow in the crystal mush beneath the axial melt lens during upward melt migration at the spreading axis