172 research outputs found

    Corrupted Sensing: Novel Guarantees for Separating Structured Signals

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    We study the problem of corrupted sensing, a generalization of compressed sensing in which one aims to recover a signal from a collection of corrupted or unreliable measurements. While an arbitrary signal cannot be recovered in the face of arbitrary corruption, tractable recovery is possible when both signal and corruption are suitably structured. We quantify the relationship between signal recovery and two geometric measures of structure, the Gaussian complexity of a tangent cone and the Gaussian distance to a subdifferential. We take a convex programming approach to disentangling signal and corruption, analyzing both penalized programs that trade off between signal and corruption complexity, and constrained programs that bound the complexity of signal or corruption when prior information is available. In each case, we provide conditions for exact signal recovery from structured corruption and stable signal recovery from structured corruption with added unstructured noise. Our simulations demonstrate close agreement between our theoretical recovery bounds and the sharp phase transitions observed in practice. In addition, we provide new interpretable bounds for the Gaussian complexity of sparse vectors, block-sparse vectors, and low-rank matrices, which lead to sharper guarantees of recovery when combined with our results and those in the literature.Comment: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=671204

    Multivariate Stein Factors for a Class of Strongly Log-concave Distributions

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    We establish uniform bounds on the low-order derivatives of Stein equation solutions for a broad class of multivariate, strongly log-concave target distributions. These "Stein factor" bounds deliver control over Wasserstein and related smooth function distances and are well-suited to analyzing the computable Stein discrepancy measures of Gorham and Mackey. Our arguments of proof are probabilistic and feature the synchronous coupling of multiple overdamped Langevin diffusions.Comment: 14 pages. The strong continuity argument in an earlier version did not identify an appropriate Banach space; this version does so. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1506.0303

    Empirical Bayesian analysis of simultaneous changepoints in multiple data sequences

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    Copy number variations in cancer cells and volatility fluctuations in stock prices are commonly manifested as changepoints occurring at the same positions across related data sequences. We introduce a Bayesian modeling framework, BASIC, that employs a changepoint prior to capture the co-occurrence tendency in data of this type. We design efficient algorithms to sample from and maximize over the BASIC changepoint posterior and develop a Monte Carlo expectation-maximization procedure to select prior hyperparameters in an empirical Bayes fashion. We use the resulting BASIC framework to analyze DNA copy number variations in the NCI-60 cancer cell lines and to identify important events that affected the price volatility of S&P 500 stocks from 2000 to 2009.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figures v3: Modify synthetic data comparisons based on reviewer feedbac

    Measuring Sample Quality with Stein's Method

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    To improve the efficiency of Monte Carlo estimation, practitioners are turning to biased Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures that trade off asymptotic exactness for computational speed. The reasoning is sound: a reduction in variance due to more rapid sampling can outweigh the bias introduced. However, the inexactness creates new challenges for sampler and parameter selection, since standard measures of sample quality like effective sample size do not account for asymptotic bias. To address these challenges, we introduce a new computable quality measure based on Stein's method that quantifies the maximum discrepancy between sample and target expectations over a large class of test functions. We use our tool to compare exact, biased, and deterministic sample sequences and illustrate applications to hyperparameter selection, convergence rate assessment, and quantifying bias-variance tradeoffs in posterior inference.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Improving Gibbs Sampler Scan Quality with DoGS

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    The pairwise influence matrix of Dobrushin has long been used as an analytical tool to bound the rate of convergence of Gibbs sampling. In this work, we use Dobrushin influence as the basis of a practical tool to certify and efficiently improve the quality of a discrete Gibbs sampler. Our Dobrushin-optimized Gibbs samplers (DoGS) offer customized variable selection orders for a given sampling budget and variable subset of interest, explicit bounds on total variation distance to stationarity, and certifiable improvements over the standard systematic and uniform random scan Gibbs samplers. In our experiments with joint image segmentation and object recognition, Markov chain Monte Carlo maximum likelihood estimation, and Ising model inference, DoGS consistently deliver higher-quality inferences with significantly smaller sampling budgets than standard Gibbs samplers.Comment: ICML 201

    Measuring Sample Quality with Kernels

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    Approximate Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) offers the promise of more rapid sampling at the cost of more biased inference. Since standard MCMC diagnostics fail to detect these biases, researchers have developed computable Stein discrepancy measures that provably determine the convergence of a sample to its target distribution. This approach was recently combined with the theory of reproducing kernels to define a closed-form kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) computable by summing kernel evaluations across pairs of sample points. We develop a theory of weak convergence for KSDs based on Stein's method, demonstrate that commonly used KSDs fail to detect non-convergence even for Gaussian targets, and show that kernels with slowly decaying tails provably determine convergence for a large class of target distributions. The resulting convergence-determining KSDs are suitable for comparing biased, exact, and deterministic sample sequences and simpler to compute and parallelize than alternative Stein discrepancies. We use our tools to compare biased samplers, select sampler hyperparameters, and improve upon existing KSD approaches to one-sample hypothesis testing and sample quality improvement

    Random Feature Stein Discrepancies

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    Computable Stein discrepancies have been deployed for a variety of applications, ranging from sampler selection in posterior inference to approximate Bayesian inference to goodness-of-fit testing. Existing convergence-determining Stein discrepancies admit strong theoretical guarantees but suffer from a computational cost that grows quadratically in the sample size. While linear-time Stein discrepancies have been proposed for goodness-of-fit testing, they exhibit avoidable degradations in testing power---even when power is explicitly optimized. To address these shortcomings, we introduce feature Stein discrepancies (Φ\PhiSDs), a new family of quality measures that can be cheaply approximated using importance sampling. We show how to construct Φ\PhiSDs that provably determine the convergence of a sample to its target and develop high-accuracy approximations---random Φ\PhiSDs (RΦ\PhiSDs)---which are computable in near-linear time. In our experiments with sampler selection for approximate posterior inference and goodness-of-fit testing, RΦ\PhiSDs perform as well or better than quadratic-time KSDs while being orders of magnitude faster to compute.Comment: In Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018). Code available at: https://bitbucket.org/jhhuggins/random-feature-stein-discrepancie

    Orthogonal Machine Learning: Power and Limitations

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    Double machine learning provides n\sqrt{n}-consistent estimates of parameters of interest even when high-dimensional or nonparametric nuisance parameters are estimated at an n−1/4n^{-1/4} rate. The key is to employ Neyman-orthogonal moment equations which are first-order insensitive to perturbations in the nuisance parameters. We show that the n−1/4n^{-1/4} requirement can be improved to n−1/(2k+2)n^{-1/(2k+2)} by employing a kk-th order notion of orthogonality that grants robustness to more complex or higher-dimensional nuisance parameters. In the partially linear regression setting popular in causal inference, we show that we can construct second-order orthogonal moments if and only if the treatment residual is not normally distributed. Our proof relies on Stein's lemma and may be of independent interest. We conclude by demonstrating the robustness benefits of an explicit doubly-orthogonal estimation procedure for treatment effect

    Efron-Stein Inequalities for Random Matrices

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    This paper establishes new concentration inequalities for random matrices constructed from independent random variables. These results are analogous with the generalized Efron-Stein inequalities developed by Boucheron et al. The proofs rely on the method of exchangeable pairs.Comment: 42 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.061

    Global Non-convex Optimization with Discretized Diffusions

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    An Euler discretization of the Langevin diffusion is known to converge to the global minimizers of certain convex and non-convex optimization problems. We show that this property holds for any suitably smooth diffusion and that different diffusions are suitable for optimizing different classes of convex and non-convex functions. This allows us to design diffusions suitable for globally optimizing convex and non-convex functions not covered by the existing Langevin theory. Our non-asymptotic analysis delivers computable optimization and integration error bounds based on easily accessed properties of the objective and chosen diffusion. Central to our approach are new explicit Stein factor bounds on the solutions of Poisson equations. We complement these results with improved optimization guarantees for targets other than the standard Gibbs measure.Comment: 19 pages, NeurIPS 2018 camera ready versio
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