14 research outputs found

    An unbiased approach of molecular characterization of the endometrium: toward defining endometrial-based infertility

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    Infertility is a complex condition affecting millions of couples worldwide. The current definition of infertility, based on clinical criteria, fails to account for the molecular and cellular changes that may occur during the development of infertility. Recent advancements in sequencing technology and single-cell analysis offer new opportunities to gain a deeper understanding of these changes. The endometrium has a potential role in infertility and has been extensively studied to identify gene expression profiles associated with (impaired) endometrial receptivity. However, limited overlap among studies hampers the identification of relevant downstream pathways that could play a role in the development of endometrial-related infertility. To address these challenges, we propose sequencing the endometrial transcriptome of healthy and infertile women at the single-cell level to consistently identify molecular signatures. Establishing consensus on physiological patterns in endometrial samples can aid in identifying deviations in infertile patients. A similar strategy has been used with great success in cancer research. However, large collaborative initiatives, international uniform protocols of sample collection and processing are crucial to ensure reliability and reproducibility. Overall, the proposed approach holds promise for an objective and accurate classification of endometrial-based infertility and has the potential to improve diagnosis and treatment outcomes

    Endometrial scratching in women undergoing IVF/ICSI : an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Funding No specific funding was sought for this project. The sponsor of this project is the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht), Utrecht, the Netherlands. The sponsor was not involved in the study design, data interpretation, or writing of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The endometrial transcriptome of infertile women with and without implantation failure

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    INTRODUCTION: Implantation failure after transferring morphologically "good-quality" embryos in in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (IVF/ICSI) may be explained by impaired endometrial receptivity. Analyzing the endometrial transcriptome analysis may reveal the underlying processes and could help in guiding prognosis and using targeted interventions for infertility. This exploratory study investigated whether the endometrial transcriptome profile was associated with short-term or long-term implantation outcomes (ie success or failure). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Mid-luteal phase endometrial biopsies of 107 infertile women with one full failed IVF/ICSI cycle, obtained within an endometrial scratching trial, were subjected to RNA-sequencing and differentially expressed genes analysis with covariate adjustment (age, body mass index, luteinizing hormone [LH]-day). Endometrial transcriptomes were compared between implantation failure and success groups in the short term (after the second fresh IVF/ICSI cycle) and long term (including all fresh and frozen cycles within 12 months). The short-term analysis included 85/107 women (33 ongoing pregnancy vs 52 no pregnancy), excluding 22/107 women. The long-term analysis included 46/107 women (23 'fertile' group, ie infertile women with a live birth after ≀3 embryos transferred vs 23 recurrent implantation failure group, ie no live birth after ≄3 good quality embryos transferred), excluding 61/107 women not fitting these categories. As both analyses drew from the same pool of 107 samples, there was some sample overlap. Additionally, cell type enrichment scores and endometrial receptivity were analyzed, and an endometrial development pseudo-timeline was constructed to estimate transcriptomic deviations from the optimum receptivity day (LH + 7), denoted as ΔWOI (window of implantation). RESULTS: There were no significantly differentially expressed genes between implantation failure and success groups in either the short-term or long-term analyses. Principal component analysis initially showed two clusters in the long-term analysis, unrelated to clinical phenotype and no longer distinct following covariate adjustment. Cell type enrichment scores did not differ significantly between groups in both analyses. However, endometrial receptivity analysis demonstrated a potentially significant displacement of the WOI in the non-pregnant group compared with the ongoing pregnant group in the short-term analysis. CONCLUSIONS: No distinct endometrial transcriptome profile was associated with either implantation failure or success in infertile women. However, there may be differences in the extent to which the WOI is displaced

    Endometrial scratching in women undergoing IVF/ICSI: an individual participant data meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: In IVF/ICSI treatment, the process of embryo implantation is the success rate-limiting step. Endometrial scratching has been suggested to improve this process, but it is unclear if this procedure increases the chance of implantation and live birth (LB) and, if so, for whom, and how the scratch should be performed. OBJECTIVE AND RATIONALE: This individual participant data meta-analysis (IPD-MA) aims to answer the question of whether endometrial scratching in women undergoing IVF/ICSI influences the chance of a LB, and whether this effect is different in specific subgroups of women. After its incidental discovery in 2000, endometrial scratching has been suggested to improve embryo implantation. Numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been conducted, showing contradicting results. Conventional meta-analyses were limited by high within- and between-study heterogeneity, small study samples, and a high risk of bias for many of the trials. Also, the data integrity of several trials have been questioned. Thus, despite numerous RCTs and a multitude of conventional metaanalyses, no conclusion on the clinical effectiveness of endometrial scratching could be drawn. An IPD-MA approach is able to overcome many of these problems because it allows for increased uniformity of outcome definitions, can filter out studies with data integrity concerns, enables a more precise estimation of the true treatment effect thanks to adjustment for participant characteristics and not having to make the assumptions necessary in conventional meta-analyses, and because it allows for subgroup analysis. SEARCH METHODS: A systematic literature search identified RCTs on endometrial scratching in women undergoing IVF/ICSI. Authors of eligible studies were invited to share original data for this IPD-MA. Studies were assessed for risk of bias (RoB) and integrity checks were performed. The primary outcome was LB, with a one-stage intention to treat (ITT) as the primary analysis. Secondary analyses included as treated (AT), and the subset of women that underwent an embryo transfer (ATĂŸET). Treatment-covariate interaction for specific participant characteristics was analyzed in ATĂŸET. OUTCOMES: Out of 37 published and 15 unpublished RCTs (7690 participants), 15 RCTs (14 published, one unpublished) shared data. After data integrity checks, we included 13 RCTs (12 published, one unpublished) representing 4112 participants. RoB was evaluated as ‘low’ for 10/13 RCTs. The one-stage ITT analysis for scratch versus no scratch/sham showed an improvement of LB rates (odds ratio (OR) 1.29 [95% CI 1.02–1.64]). AT, ATĂŸET, and low-RoB-sensitivity analyses yielded similar results (OR 1.22 [95% CI 0.96–1.54]; OR 1.25 [95% CI 0.99–1.57]; OR 1.26 [95% CI 1.03–1.55], respectively). Treatment-covariate interaction analysis showed no evidence of interaction with age, number of previous failed embryo transfers, treatment type, or infertility cause. WIDER IMPLICATIONS: This is the first meta-analysis based on IPD of more than 4000 participants, and it demonstrates that endometrial scratching may improve LB rates in women undergoing IVF/ICSI. Subgroup analysis for age, number of previous failed embryo transfers, treatment type, and infertility cause could not identify subgroups in which endometrial scratching performed better or worse. The timing of endometrial scratching may play a role in its effectiveness. The use of endometrial scratching in clinical practice should be considered with caution, meaning that patients should be properly counseled on the level of evidence and the uncertainties

    Identification and evaluation of the microbiome in the female and male reproductive tracts

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    BACKGROUND: The existence of an extensive microbiome in and on the human body has increasingly dominated the scientific literature during the last decade. A shift from culture-dependent to culture-independent identification of microbes has occurred since the emergence of next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques, whole genome shotgun and metagenomic sequencing. These sequencing analyses have revealed the presence of a rich diversity of microbes in most exposed surfaces of the human body, such as throughout the reproductive tract. The results of microbiota analyses are influenced by the technical specifications of the applied methods of analyses. Therefore, it is difficult to correctly compare and interpret the results of different studies of the same anatomical niche. OBJECTIVES AND RATIONALE: The aim of this narrative review is to provide an overview of the currently used techniques and the reported microbiota compositions in the different anatomical parts of the female and male reproductive tracts since the introduction of NGS in 2005. This is crucial to understand and determine the interactions and roles of the different microbes necessary for successful reproduction. SEARCH METHODS: A search in Embase, Medline Ovid, Web of science, Cochrane and Google scholar was conducted. The search was limited to English language and studies published between January 2005 and April 2018. Included articles needed to be original microbiome research related to the reproductive tracts. OUTCOMES: The review provides an extensive up-to-date overview of current microbiome research in the field of human reproductive medicine. The possibility of drawing general conclusions is limited due to diversity in the execution of analytical steps in microbiome research, such as local protocols, sampling methods, primers used, sequencing techniques and bioinformatic pipelines, making it difficult to compare and interpret results of the available studies. Although some microbiota are associated with reproductive success and a good pregnancy outcome, it is still unknown whether a causal link exists. More research is needed to further explore the possible clinical implications and therapeutic interventions. WIDER IMPLICATIONS: For the field of reproductive medicine, determination of what is a favourable reproductive tract microbiome will provide insight into the mechanisms of both unsuccessful and successful human reproduction. To increase pregnancy chances with live birth and to reduce reproduction-related health costs, future research could focus on postponing treatment or conception in case of the presence of unfavourable microbiota and on the development of therapeutic interventions, such as microbial therapeutics and lifestyle adaptations

    IVF in women aged 43 years and older: a 20-year experience

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    Research question: What are the reproductive outcomes of women aged 43 years and older undergoing IVF and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment using their own eggs. Design: Retrospective study of 833 woman aged 43 years or older undergoing their first IVF and ICSI cycle using autologous oocytes at a tertiary referral hospital between January 1995 and December 2019. Live birth rate (LBR) after 24 weeks’ gestation was the primary outcome. Results: Ninety-five out of 833 (11.4%) had a positive HCG, whereas 59 (62.1% per positive HCG) had a miscarriage before 12 weeks’ gestation and 36 (4.3%) live births were achieved. Analysis by age showed that the number of cumulus–oocyte complexes retrieved was significantly different between the four age groups: 43 years (5 [3–9]); 44 years (5 [2–7]); 45 years (3 [2–8)]); ≄45 years (2.5 [2–6]); P < 0.01; the number of metaphase II oocytes, however, was similar. Positive HCG rates remained low: 43 years (78/580 [13.4%]); 44 years (14/192 [7.3%]); 45 years (1/39 [2.6%]; and ≄46 years (2/22 [9.1%]); P = 0.03, as did LBR: 43 years (28 [4.8%]); 44 (7 [3.6%]); 45 years (0 [0%]); and ≄46 years (1 [4.5%]); P = 0.5. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that only number of metaphase II was significantly associated with LBR, when age was considered as a continuous (OR 1.08, 96% CI 1.004 to 1.16) or categorical variable (OR 1.08, 95% CI 1.005 to 1.16). Conclusion: The chances of achieving a live birth in patients aged 43 years and older undergoing IVF/ICSI with their own gametes are low, even in cases of patients with a relatively ‘normal’ ovarian reserve for their age.SCOPUS: ar.jDecretOANoAutActifinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Culturomics to Investigate the Endometrial Microbiome: Proof-of-Concept

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    The microbiome of the reproductive tract has been associated with (sub)fertility and it has been suggested that dysbiosis reduces success rates and pregnancy outcomes. The endometrial microbiome is of particular interest given the potential impact on the embryo implantation. To date, all endometrial microbiome studies have applied a metagenomics approach. A sequencing-based technique, however, has its limitations, more specifically in adequately exploring low-biomass settings, such as intra-uterine/endometrial samples. In this proof-of-concept study, we demonstrate the applicability of culturomics, a high-throughput culturing approach, to investigate the endometrial microbiome. Ten subfertile women undergoing diagnostic hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy, as part of their routine work-up at Brussels IVF, were included after their informed consent. Biopsies were used to culture microbiota for up to 30 days in multiple aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Subsequent WASPLab&reg;-assisted culturomics enabled a standardized methodology. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization&ndash;time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) or 16S rRNA sequencing was applied to identify all of bacterial and fungal isolates. Eighty-three bacterial and two fungal species were identified. The detected species were in concordance with previously published metagenomics-based endometrial microbiota analyses as 77 (91%) of them belonged to previously described genera. Nevertheless, highlighting the added value of culturomics to identify most isolates at the species level, 53 (62.4%) of the identified species were described in the endometrial microbiota for the first time. This study shows the applicability and added value of WASPLab&reg;-assisted culturomics to investigate the low biomass endometrial microbiome at a species level

    The endometrial microbiota of women with or without a live birth within 12 months after a first failed IVF/ICSI cycle

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    The endometrial microbiota composition may be associated with implantation success. However, a ‘core’ composition has not yet been defined. This exploratory study analysed the endometrial microbiota by 16S rRNA sequencing (V1–V2 region) of 141 infertile women whose first IVF/ICSI cycle failed and compared the microbiota profiles of women with and without a live birth within 12 months of follow-up, and by infertility cause and type. Lactobacillus was the most abundant genus in the majority of samples. Women with a live birth compared to those without had significantly higher Lactobacillus crispatus relative abundance (RA) (p = 0.029), and a smaller proportion of them had ≀ 10% L. crispatus RA (42.1% and 70.4%, respectively; p = 0.015). A smaller proportion of women in the male factor infertility group had ≀ 10% L. crispatus RA compared to women in the unexplained and other infertility causes groups combined (p = 0.030). Women with primary infertility compared to secondary infertility had significantly higher L. crispatus RA (p = 0.004); lower proportions of them had ≀ 10% L. crispatus RA (p = 0.009) and > 10% Gardnerella vaginalis RA (p = 0.019). In conclusion, IVF/ICSI success may be associated with L. crispatus RA and secondary infertility with endometrial dysbiosis, more often than primary infertility. These hypotheses should be tested in rigorous well-powered longitudinal studies