614 research outputs found

    Ceiling Lamp: Poltergiest

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    Tiffany: “Alright so maybe four or five years ago, my cousin Nick who was mmm
probably like 25 at the time, told me a story about how he was house sitting for this family and this house was huge, it was like a big mansion, umm kind of in the foothills of Boise and he had house sat for them plenty of times before,
 but this one time he was house sitting, and he was laying on their couch in this like
back room. It wasn’t like their main living room but this back room and it had this big high ceiling probably like
oh I’m gonna like totally mess it up if I try it-it was tall enough that if you wanted to replace the light bulbs you had to have a ladder like there was just no way
. and you had to have a tall ladder..” Me: “Right.” Tiffany: “There was just no way to change the light bulbs without having a tall ladder. So probably like what
 what’s an average ceiling? Ten feet?” Me: “Yeah like eight...ten feet.. Around there.” Tiffany: “

..So it was probably like fifteen to twenty feet tall
and on the ceiling was a light,
it was one of those ones that was- oh
..can you hear me?” Me: “Yeah, yeah
.oh wait oh NO! DANG IT!!! [Clicking from me trying to fix the connection.] “The connection was lost I am trying to redial Tiffany
.Right now
..We’re calling her back! [Laughing.]” [Click from me repressing the record button.] Tiffany: “Ok so there-there was this light and it was one of those globe lights,
so it looks like a crystal ball on your ceiling! [laughs] you know the ones
and Nick, Nick was lying on this couch and he was just looking up at the light letting his mind wander, but he started wondering ‘ I wonder if that globe is a twist on glass ball or if there’s those like little pins in it to hold it up there.’ And so this was just a passing thought he had as he was falling asleep on this couch and when he woke up that light fixture
. [Laughs] the globe was on the floor in the middle of the floor
.right next to three scores all placed neatly together and I- if I remember correctly...and the light bulb so the three pieces he was wondering about were just sitting in the middle of the floor when he woke up and there’s just- there’s no way
” Me: “Right” Tiffany: “No way that could have happened by human interactions and-and even if it was it-it would have taken an elaborate- like somebody to sneak into the house
 and doing that independent of knowing that he even had that thought!” Me: “Right” Tiffany: “So...anyway when the people like got back from there trip [starts to laugh] he had to tell them what happened! [Laughs mercilessly.]” Me: “[laughing hard.] No! [Continued laughing.] Like some ghost...uhhhh took the light fixture off
” Tiffany: “And he said ‘I don’t know how to tell you this but this stuff just ended up on the floor and I couldn’t put it back because the ceiling is so high.’ And they were-they were really confused and he- Nick told me ‘I think they thought I was lying to them, but
I didn’t- I didn’t know what to do!
[laughs] I just told them the truth!’ So they ended up hiring him back a-again to watch their house another time [Starts to laugh while talking] and the time after that that he went to watch their house that room was closed off and it said do not enter!” [Laughs.] Me: “Oh my gosh
they were just so worried!” Tiffany: “So they were just a little spooked too!” [Continues laughing.] Me: “That’s so funny...oh my gosh
They were just like ‘we don’t want that crazy guy taking stuff off our ceiling anymore!’” Tiffany: “Yeah! It was just really weird though
..ya know? Yeah

    Miss Susie Song

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    Miss Susie had a steamboat, The steamboat had a bell, DING DING! Miss Susie went to heaven, The steam boat went to- HELLo operator please give me number nine, And if you disconnect me, I’ll chop of your- BEHIND the ‘fridgerator, There lay a piece of glass, Miss Susie sat upon it, And cut her little- ASK me no more questions’ Tell me no more lies, The boys are in the bathroom, Zipping up their- FLIES are in the meadow, The bees are in the park, Miss Susie and her boyfriend are kissing in the, D-A-R-K D-A-R-K DARK! DARK! DARK! Darker than the ocean, Darker than the sea! Darker than the underwear my mother puts on me! I know I know my ma! I know I know my Pa! I know I know my sister with the FORTY ACRE BRA! My mother is Godzilla, My Father is King-Kong! My brother is the stupid one who taught me this DUMB SONG

    Feral Girl

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    Tiffany: “Ok so, my brother Dylan, we lived in a different house we were probably man we were probably like
he was probably like
I don’t know
man he might have been ten at that point
he might have been way younger, umm
I don’t know your little brother is just like always the same age I guess! [laughs]
anyway we moved out to this house out in meridian Idaho and we had an acre of land and it was out like,
we lived next to a cow farmer and umm in the backyard of this house we had this big huge
I wanna say oak, an oak tree that was always dead
maybe it wasn’t always dead, I always thought it was dead [laughs] but Dylan said that there was this one night
that he woke up and he-he just woke up in the middle of the night and looked out the window and when he looked, a girl
jumped from the tree into the yard on all fours and then like, he just stared at her and she like looked over her shoulder at him and bolted and we lived-so we lived on an acre of land but we were also behind the corn maze field like that huge field that is right next to the- right next to the highway and so like yeah and she like bolted on all fours
” Me: “That is so scary [Laughs]” Tiffany: “I know! [Laughs]” Me: “I hate that story! That is my least favorite story so far!” Tiffany: [Laughs] Me: “That is disgusting!” Tiffany: “and
I know and he said like the closest thing he can compare it to is the picture in the scary stories book of the wolf girl, if you’ve seen that picture
he said it looked like that that was also the house I saw the shadow person. Yeah but that one’s not a really good story, it was just like I saw somebody like cross the back door and I was like ‘Oooh our neighbor must have like come into the backyard.’ And I like went out and looked like nooobody was back there.” Me: “Gross
. was he like scared when he told- when he told you this? Like I saw some creepy-A girl jump out of a tree last night?” Tiffany: ”Oh yeah [laughs] oh yeah he was terrified!” Me: ”He like didn’t go get his parents or anything like that or
?!” Tiffany: “
..I don’t think so I don’t remember him getting the parents. Umm but I don’t know if he like went like back to bed
he- at that time he shared a room with Kyle though so
and Kyle was sleeping at on the top bunk and Dylan was sleeping on the bottom bunk
so I don’t know if he woke up Kyle, I don’t know if he woke up the parents but
 I mean he would probably still tell you that story today...that he saw- but he’d probably tell you it was a dream
cause like I said Dylan is a super skeptic he doesn’t believe in that kind of stuff so I think by now he’s just rationalized the hell out of it that like
 it- ‘no it was just a dream there’s no way that could have happened.”, so I don’t know
We’ll never know!” Me: “Did-does he- like when he saw her did he describe her wearing clothes, was she completely naked, was she like- long hair, like, young girl, old girl?” Tiffany: “I-I think that she
the way he described her...it was the way she looked
 the-the girl looked in the scary stories book and so
. my mental image of what he described was that she had long hair she was kind of younger probably like eight-ish umm and I-I don’t think she had clothes on...I don’t know
I could ask him
oh wait
you’re on my phone...[Laughs] Me: “It’s all good! [Laughs] Umm” Tiffany: “Oh wait I can do that on my computer, I’ll just send him a text, and then we can update and re-record if we-if we need to.” Me: “Oh we don’t need to re-record and I’ll just add that in if it’s umm different later
 perfect! That’s so scary! [Laughs]” Tiffany: “I know!” Me: “I hate that story.

    Haunted Hotel: Poop Version

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    There once was a man driving on the highway home from a business trip. It was getting late and the man was getting really, really tired. So he decided he would pull of and stay at the next hotel he came across. He drove down a dark dirt road and came open a very old hotel with no light on except for the bottom floor. He parked the car and walked up to the reception desk and rang the bell. An old woman came from the back room and asked him, “What do you want?” [insert raspy scary voice] “I’m very tired and would like a room to stay for the night” “There’s only one room
.but I don’t think you’ll last the night
it’s haunted on the haunted floor in this haunted hotel.” “Well I’m desperate and I’ll take it.” “Here’s the key! Good luck!” And the old woman disappeared into thin air. The man took the key and climbed the haunted stairs up to the third floor. [it always alternated between the third floor and the sixth floor since six is the devil’s number.] He walked down the haunted hallway and unlocked the haunted room and climbed into the haunted bed and went to sleep. In the middle of the night the man heard voices coming from somewhere in the room. “When the log rolls over, we will die! We will die! When the log rolls over we will die!” The man was frightened but was determined to find out where the voices were coming from. He opened the closet and looked inside. Nothing was there, but heard the voices a little louder. “When the log rolls over, we will die! We will die! When the log rolls over we will die!” He opened up the bathroom and looked inside. He couldn’t see anything but he could hear the voices a little louder. [Sometimes it was contest so see how many more places you could think of for the man to look inside the room before he finds the source of the voices.] “When the log rolls over, we will die! We will die! When the log rolls over we will die!” He opened the shower curtain and looked inside the shower, but couldn’t see anything, but he heard the voices a little louder, he realized the voices were coming from the toilet. “WHEN THE LOG ROLLS OVER WE WILL DIE WE WILL DIE! WHEN THE LOG ROLLS OVER WE WILL DIE!” [you always yell louder when you get closer to the toilet.] The man lifted up the toilet seat
.and inside he found
A POOP! AND ON THE POOP WERE A BUNCH OF ANTS! AND THE WERE SAYING! “WHEN THE LOF ROLLSOVER WE WILL DIE WE WILL DIE! WHEN THE LOG ROLLS OVER WE WILL DIE!!!” [I remember that it was tradition that if you were in the circle and you already knew the story you had to chant with who ever told the story so there was more than one ant.

    Sleep Paralysis Demons

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    Me: “Give me some context, of like when it started and what was going on in your life during that amount of time.” Landon: “It all started when I was sixteen year old, at least I think I was sixteen, yeah I was sixteen, umm I don’t think I had heard of it before, I didn’t know what sleep paralysis was but I had heard stories, like I heard a story of someone feeling like they were getting pushed down at night and couldn’t sleep
yeah and then it happened to me like I couldn’t sleep that night for some weird reason and then, when I finally did get to sleep it wasn’t like I was asleep, I was awake
like I was awake mentally, but my body
like it felt like every part of it was getting pushed down to the bed especially my chest though, umm I didn’t feel like I saw anything the first time that it happened. Me: ”Had you like
like when most people describe it they describe being like fully asleep and then coming out of sleep and realizing it was happening, was it like that?” Landon: “I don’t remember sleeping, but I was like- but what I do remember is having an imaginary phone call during this time, it was weird cause, I like
was laying there and I couldn’t move and I felt like my chest was being pulled down so like I felt like I needed help so in my dream or whatever I like reached over, like I was trying real hard to reach my arm over to get my phone and then like I thought I picked my phone and called someone and then when I woke up I looked down at my phone and it hadn’t been touched like I didn’t call anybody.” [Starts to laugh.] Me: “Ok [laughs] sorry I was looking at your lizard! [Continues to laugh.] Landon: “its ok everybody does.” [Laughs too] Me: ‘Anyways, let the record show that he has a lizard in his hands!” Landon: “A real lizard.” [Laughs] Me: “A real one! J-Quon
.anyways.” Landon: “So then that was the first one and then I woke up and I like, I literally thought I
I had been like tryin
 like something was trying to possess me, then I learned about sleep paralysis and then it happened again
actually I think it happened before my mission once, but I was able to get out of it because I learned about the moving thing, where like, I think I tried to move my finger and it like woke me up, but then it happened on my mission and I remember I got woken up because some people called us and they were like ‘we need you tell us find someone that’s missing’,
 so then like some members woke us up for some weird thing and then umm it was like midnight and I went back to sleep but then I couldn’t sleep for some reason again,
it’s always when I can’t sleep and then
 I like
my mind was awake and I thought I couldn’t- I-I felt like my eyes were open, I don’t know if they were but I could see the room and this time I saw like it seemed like I saw shadows floating around like just like everywhere in the room and they were like taunting me.” Me: “Did they have like definite forms? Or like no?” Landon: “I don’t remember. Well I I think they were like human like forms, like it wasn’t like, just a blob and they were saying things to me. I don’t remember what they were saying though but like, it could have just been, like I felt like I imagined them saying mean things but nothing in particular. Me” But they were definitely there to like,
emotionally harm you?” Landon: “Being A-holes yeah, and like so, in my dream I like felt myself-,
like I felt like I was crawling across the floor to my companions bed, but I was still in my bed. And then I realized I was still in my bed
but I was still in sleep paralysis [starts to laugh because he realized how crazy it was] so like I was laying there and like I was trying to focus on casting them out.” Me: “explain that, like pretend I don’t know what that is.” Landon: “It’s like saying ‘In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave.’ And like I was trying to say it and I like wanted to say it louder and louder and I felt myself actually saying it and then all of the sudden I woke up to my companion standing over me. [Starts to laugh] and it was TERRIFYING! I was like [makes a weird face and makes a deep inhale] ‘UUUUHHHHHHUUHH!!!’ Me: “Because he was just like there all of a sudden?” [Laughs] Landon: “Yeah haha and he was ‘like are you ok?’ And I was like ‘Uhhh yeah’ and then he’s like I didn’t see anything or feel anything bad like I didn’t so I was like yeah I think it was just like sleep paralysis that’s what happens.” Me: “Were you moving or talking in your sleep? Did he say?” Landon: “He heard me cast it out that’s why he said he didn’t hear anything or feel anything
.so it was weird.” Me: “Has it happened since then?” Landon: “

that’s weird huh?” Me: “A little bit.” Landon: “It’s weird to me that like
cause...I’ve heard you and other people say like if you focus on moving your body like one part of your body it will help you wake up
but when it happened to me and I thought I had a phone conversation I was focusing on moving my arm to get the phone and call and I thought I had actually called someone and had a conversation but I didn’t like in my dream I moved my arm but it didn’t move so it was weird like I actually thought I moved it and I didn’t and then happened again when I like crawled over to my companions bed
.it’s weird..” Me: “So like the first time it happened did you
you didn’t feel like it was like for a specific reason but the second did you feel like it was?” Landon: “Yeah well I told my brother
I I actually thought I was getting
like trying...I thought something was trying to possess me the first time like I didn’t see anything but felt I literally felt like something was on my chest trying like felt to me they were trying to get in just cause like that’s what...I don’t know like just like ‘Oh there’s a demon trying to get on me like.’ [Starts to laugh and I start to laugh because we are dirty minded weirdos. ] Me: “It’s just so nonchalant!?” Landon: “GET ON MEHH.” Me: “Get on me
silly demon
” Landon: “NOT FOR YOU!!!” [laughter dies down]
and then like at that point I like
I don’t know
never prayed before so I was like ah crap like [laughs nervously]
what am I gonna do [laughs some more]
I had prayed but like I didn’t think about that at the time
so like I thought I was getting possessed and I was just like ‘I gotta call someone I gotta get help like [laughs].” Me: “And did you?” Landon: “Well
after I woke up?....No
wait I think I did talk to my brother Alex because he was awake and I was like something just happened and I think he explained to me it was sleep paralysis actually.” Me: “Ok so it was like immediate that you knew what it was.” Landon: “yeah but I was still kind of like
. Like is this
?” Me: “
.well k like cool
thanks for your STORAYYY.” Landon: [extends pinkie finger and pretends to be a British Lord.] “That tis the story.” Me: “That’s an amazing story thank you very muccchhh.” Landon: “yeah” [laughs] Me: “that’s the end of this interview thank youuuu.

    Green Mist Ghost

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    Me: “Give me some context first tell me like, like how old were you? Give some context about Dylan, [her brother] and what his personality type is, umm what the house was like when it was made, that kind of stuff.” Tiffany: “Ok, so when I was probably, eh- I wanna say like twelve years old
 my brother would have been around te-, eh- it’s gotta be earlier than that, it might be like, I might have been ten and Dylan was maybe eight, but when we were that age we moved into this house in Boise, so I think most of the houses in Boise are- were built around like the sixties and seventies, so that’s my best guess when the house was built. But when we first moved into this house it was really creepy to even just move in there because like the walls were all painted really weird colors, and there was holes punched in the walls and it was just like a, like a really eerie place, and then like we had a spiral staircase that was like, like all metal and it was really
off putting. Like spiral staircases are something you don’t really see in Boise homes very often and it just gave this air to the house that was kind of like
.[scrunches nose and makes a sour face.] Eeeeehhhhlllllluuu..[laughs] Umm so I also feel like I should say, while we were living in this house we had a dog, a little Dachshund who was really mild manner like he never really got hyper, he never really barked at anybody, but there would be nights where like my dad and step mom would be sitting in the living room and suddenly he’d perk up his ears and start growling and his head would just follow like along the edge of the ceiling and the wall just like watching something that wasn’t there. And one night he jumped out off their laps and like ran down the hall and they were like ‘what is he doing?’ and so they followed him and he had gone all the way back to this back room that we never used for anything but storage because when we moved in it was like painted like dark blue, and we just had like the old piano back there and a bunch of boxes and when they went back to find him he was in that room and he had his paws up on the-the bench and he was just wagging his tail like he was getting his head pet, it was really weird. So that was, yeah that was just like a couple of the things that happened while we were living in that house but umm at the top of the spiral staircase, was a little landing that was probably no more than four by five feet maybe a little bigger but it felt very small when you got up there, and at the top of the landing there was two bedrooms and a bathroom, and my brother’s rooms were both up there and they would always have sleepovers in each other’s rooms where they would just stay up all night and play with toys and then just finally fall asleep after a while but there was this one night, that both Dylan and Kyle- so Kyle is a year older than me so he was probably twelve, eleven or twelve and Dylan was probably eight or nine, umm, so they
they were having a sleepover, OH! I forgot to tell what Dylan’s
what Dylan’s demeanor is ok
sorry this is kind of all over the place
” Me: “Don’t worry about it like, no this is like perfect! Don’t worry about it.” Tiffany: “Ok so Kyle is the kind of guy that like
Heee kind of you couldn’t believe anything he said and is really gullible and he would tell stories when we were kids that you were like, [makes skeptic face.] ‘THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN’ so like Kyle’s not a super trust worthy source but on the other hand Dylan the younger one he did not believe in anything like out of the ordinary that you couldn’t explain with science
umm all these ghost stories all these- all this stuff was just like bull to him and he wasn’t afraid to tell you that even that young. And so anyway back to the sleepovers,...so one night they have a sleep over in Kyle’s room which was the closest to the stairwell and they had finally kind of like settled down and started to get quiet and not talk to each other and as soon as they did- like Dylan- Dylan’s story was that he uhh
was he was just staring out the room out the door way across the landing and suddenly there was this like green mist that just floated into view and it hovered in front of the door and was like- I-I picture it as glowing I’m not sure if he described it as glowing but like this green mist
and he goes ‘Kyle
?’ and Kyle was like ‘I see it too.’ And they just sat there and watched it and it hovered for a minute, and then it just kind of like went towards the stairs and down the stairs
and they both like bolted out of bed and like ran down the stairs and got the parents and like it was just so weird to here Nolan tell the story...” Me: “The parents! [Laughs at the odd choice of words.]” Tiffany: “what?” Me: “THE PARENTS!? I just like it
” Tiffany: “The parents! [Both laugh about the odd phrase.] Well ok so Kyles
my step brother so it wasn’t like mom and dad it was like Kelly and Dad or Randy and mom so we just called them ‘the parents’ but when they- when they told me that story I was like ‘WHY WOULD YOU GO THE SAME DIRECTION THE THING WENT!? WHY WOULD YOU FOLLOW RIGHT AFTER IT!?’ [Laughs in disbelief.] And they’re like ‘WHERE ELSE WERE WE SUPPOSE TO GO!?’ [Laughs about the absurdity of the question and answer. Both laugh.] Me: “Yeah! Haha.” Tiffany: “So yeah
” Me: “Like do you remember them describing, like when they saw it- were they afraid instantly like did they feel like it was trying to hurt them? Or was it more just like a like this feeling of like awe and bewilderment.” Tiffany: I would probably say like bewilderment I think that there was a lot of fear with it but I don’t think that they had a feeling that it was malicious like the way I’ve interpreted the story was umm
I don’t know if this is just me projecting I feel like whatever it was, was more being an observer, it was observing them, but I-
you know it’s hard to say when it wasn’t like a human form and I didn’t see it-but that’s always what I’ve gotten..” Me: “And it was like a blob
ok” Tiffany: “Yeah and also the other thing that happened in that room was that on a day that me and Dylan weren’t there,
Kyle had like lined up- he had all these toys called like Bionicles and they were kind of like more complex Legos and they were like robots
 and there was like this whole series of them, and so he had the whole series, and he had placed them strategically in like their power poses on this book shelf along the wall and while he was doing something on his bed he said like that they had like
 magically flew off the shelf like if somebody had like swiped them off. So that also happened in that room.

    Cannibal Fork

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    Ryeanna: “So umm This happened to my friend, well it’s my best friend, we’ve been friends since like
 I don’t even remember we met, before
 since like, intermediate school, is what it’s called, that’s where we met. Umm she got married like two years ago and her husband is like a marine, and he went and got deployed but he didn’t go to Afghanistan or anything like that
he went to like these islands off the coast of Australia or something like that. And he was doing humanitarian work down there, and in their free time they could go through the village where people were selling stuff and this is where he got the cannibal fork
” Me: “Did he have to go buy down some creepy back alley or something or was this just like in town?” Ryeanna: “You know I don’t know the whole story exactly, I just know it was in a shop, and that supposedly it’s like this replica, because they use to practice cannibalism on the island because it was like a religious practice you know? And uh it’s a replica of a fork they use to use during this. So he was doing that and he brought it home and he pulled it out of the bag and his wife was immediately like ew
 [Ryeanna grins and starts to chuckle] that’s like gross
 but like he was just so proud of it so that she couldn’t’ tell him that, [chuckles while talking] that like she didn’t like it ya know?!” Me “I just love how understanding she is, like okkkkkay I guess we’ll keep the fork” Ryeanna: “Yeah and uh so It’s like a decor item basically, so they put it on display like in their living room in front of the TV, just like laying on its side, and she just said that like every time she would like see it,
she would just get this like gross feeling! [Grins and chuckles while talking] and like she just HATED THE FORK OK? And umm eventually it started moving, like it would move all over the house.” Me: “Like teleporting?” Ryeanna: “well yeah she would see it in like different places, and at first she thought it was like her husband, [said while grinning and chuckling] messing with her and like, no, he’s like no and honestly he’s like really bad at lying, so she like knew it wasn’t him like messing with her and it just kept like moving and she would just keep finding it in like, weird places and she’s like ok. Like. I hate this fork. like IT SUCKS! [Laughing] And you know this kind of just became a regular thing and like
 but it always stayed like
like their house is two levels
and it always just stayed down around the first level, like around the TV ya know? And she would tell her husband, I don’t like this fork like it keeps moving and he’s like ‘you’re crazy I don’t know what you’re talking
about there’s nothing wrong with the fork
’ and she’s like ‘whatever.’. Well one day they only have one car because they’re like
a new married couple and stuff, so she had to take him to work, so she took him to work
 and it’s like just the two of them you know
so she takes him to work and she was gone maybe like ten minutes. Comes back home, goes upstairs to start getting ready so she can go to work
and it is in their room. On the shelf [trying to hold back her own laughter] In front of their bed! Standing straight up, like staring at them! Like if they were laying in the bed it would be staring at them! And the shelf is like four feet high too, so it is just standing their on the shelf straight up, straight at the bed and she’s just like No. absolutely not! [Laughing] She calls her husband. ‘Did you move the fork this morning?’ and he’s like ‘No why would I move the fork.’ and she’s just like ‘It is in front of our bed like staring at us! If we were laying in our bed!’ and he’s like ‘That’s BS.’ so like, he tried to blame the dog! [hardly containing laughter at this part]. And he’s like ‘The dog brought it upstairs.’ and she’s like ‘yeah.’ [Rolls eyes] And they have like a thirty pound red heeler, and he’s like ‘Yeah he like, put it on the shelf.’ And she’s like ‘And stood it straight up, four feet off the ground, so that it perfectly stared at us in bed?’ And he just wouldn’t believe it and she’s just like I can’t do this anymore, I hate this fork [giggling the whole time] but she can’t get rid of it because he loves it! So she tells her friend about it and her friend is like oh I have this like friend and she’s like pagan or whatever
I don’t even know and she’s just like well I’m at my wits end I don’t even know what to do about it so she calls the pagan woman, and she’s like, look I have this situation I have this fork, And the woman is like oh well I can’t get over there today or like anytime this week, just like put a ring of salt around it to like, ya know keep it in its place. So she does, she just like poured salt around it and it never moved again! [Shrugging and smiling] and I think like she came over and like burned sage or something I don’t know yep
and it never moved again.” Me: [laughing] “Her husband comes home. Why is there a ring of freaking salt around my fork?” Ryeanna: “Yeah and she’s like nope! Just leave it haha.

    The 2020 Twitter Hack – So Many Lessons to Be Learned

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    In mid-July 2020, the social media site Twitter had over 100 of its most prominent user accounts start to tweet requests to send Bitcoin to specified Bitcoin wallets. The requests promised that the Bitcoin senders would receive their money back doubled, as a gesture of charity amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The attack appears to have been carried out by a small group of hackers, leveraging social engineering to get access to internal Twitter support tools. These tools allowed the hackers to gain full control of the high-profile user accounts and post messages on their behalf. The attack provides many paths for investigation into the prevention, response, and impacts of cybersecurity breaches

    Factors affecting droplet size distributions produced in dispersed phase mixers

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    Journal ArticleDroplet size distributions were determined by stabilizing in gelatin and measurement of the distributions by means of computerized image analysis. Several variables that affect droplet sizes were studied and the resulting size distributions were modeled via a population balance equation. Key parameters in the model were related to the physical properties and operating conditions of the systems examined using a multiple linear approach

    The Effects of Bullwhip on Item Level Performance

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    This research investigates how information and material distortions affect the inventory management performance of a major retailer. Bullwhip effects (BWEs) are individually calculated for dozens of products carried by dozens of retail locations. Relationships between item/store-level BWEs and item/store-level performance measures including gross margins and inventory levels are tested and reported
