761 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Solving Process of Problems in Exercises by Frequency of Brain Wave

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    本研究は、基礎的な学習課題(宣伝的知識(漢字の書き取り)と手続き的知識(一次方程式))を紙面上とVDT(Visual Display Terminals)の二つの学習メディア提示形態で被験者に行わせ、脳波の周波数分析を用いて、教育メディアの提示方法の違いが学習者の学習心理にどの様な影響を及ぼすかを脳波性状から比較分析した。開眼安静時と学習時αブロッキングを基準とした脳波の周波数解析の結果から、学習課題解決時の学習者の心的状態を考察した結果、VDTでの作業の方が一般的に緊張状態になりβ波が大きく作業能率がよいとは限らない、学習での脳波成分の個人差が大きい等の知見を得た。In this paper, we describes the comparative experiments to the students on solving process of Problems on declarative knowledge (Kanji dictations) and procedure knowledge (ichiji equation) in Exercises in both in VDT works and on desktop works by Frequency Analysis of Brain Wave. The difficulties of Kanji dictations are various. And α reduction rate in brain wave in each brain work (Kanji dictation and ichiji equations) were comparatively analysed. As the results, it was elucidated that VDT works are more impressive to the brain work than desktop works. And, by frequency Analysis of Brain Wave, the defferences of αreduction rate between individuals are recognized to be so high

    A criteria-driven approach to the CO2 storage site selection of East Mey for the acorn project in the North Sea

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    Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an essential tool in the fight against climate change. Any prospective storage site must meet various criteria that ensure the effectiveness, safety and economic viability of the storage operations. Finding the most suitable site for the storage of the captured CO2 is an essential part of the CCS chain of activity. This work addresses the site selection of a second site for the Acorn CCS project, a project designed to develop a scalable, full-chain CCS project in the North Sea (offshore northeast Scotland). This secondary site has been designed to serve as a backup and upscaling option for the Acorn Site, and has to satisfy pivotal project requirements such as low cost and high storage potential. The methodology followed included the filtering of 113 input sites from the UK CO2Stored database, according to general and project-specific criteria in a multi-staged approach. This criteria-driven workflow allowed for an early filtering out of the less suitable sites, followed by a more comprehensive comparison and ranking of the 15 most suitable sites. A due diligence assessment was conducted of the top six shortlisted sites to produce detailed assessment of their storage properties and suitability, including new geological interpretation and capacity calculations for each site. With the new knowledge generated during this process, a critical comparison of the sites led to selection of East Mey as the most suitable site, due to its outstanding storage characteristics and long-lasting hydrocarbon-production history, that ensure excellent data availability to risk-assess storage structures. A workshop session was held to present methods and results to independent stakeholders; feedback informed the final selection criteria. This paper provides an example of a criteria-driven approach to site selection that can be applied elsewhere.Project ACT-Acorn is gratefully thanked for funding this study. ACT Acorn, project 271500, received funding from BEIS (UK), RCN (Norway) and RVO (Netherland), and was co-funded by the European Commission under the ERA-Net instrument of the Horizon 2020 programme. ACT Grant number 691712. J. Alcalde is funded by MICINN (Juan de la Cierva fellowship - IJC2018-036074-I). S. Ghanbari is currently supported by the Energi Simulation. Energi Simulation is also thanked for funding the chair in reactive transport simulation held by E. Mackay.Peer reviewe

    Acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 promotes acetate utilization and maintains cancer cell growth under metabolic stress

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    A functional genomics study revealed that the activity of acetyl-CoA synthetase 2 (ACSS2) contributes to cancer cell growth under low-oxygen and lipid-depleted conditions. Comparative metabolomics and lipidomics demonstrated that acetate is used as a nutritional source by cancer cells in an ACSS2-dependent manner, and supplied a significant fraction of the carbon within the fatty acid and phospholipid pools. ACSS2 expression is upregulated under metabolically stressed conditions and ACSS2 silencing reduced the growth of tumor xenografts. ACSS2 exhibits copy-number gain in human breast tumors, and ACSS2 expression correlates with disease progression. These results signify a critical role for acetate consumption in the production of lipid biomass within the harsh tumor microenvironment