35 research outputs found

    Armenia, the Armenians: between memory and future

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    The article recalls how in 2015, the year of the centenary of the Armenian Genocide, important publications emerged, shedding a light on the incident that will be difficult to ignore. In particular, it was the archives of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, the Vatican Secret Archives and the Historical Archive of the Secretariat of State which offered up precious material for the knowledge of what was happening to Armenians in Turkey to Georges-Henri Ruyssen SJ. To the latter is owed a valuable and significant work of reconstruction undertaken over many years, and consisting of eight volumes. These contain letters written in Turkey by those in contact with the people, who with their own eyes saw what was happening, and who followed what was occurring with dismay. Their relationship with the territory and their direct experience are fundamental. The correspondences begin in the years 1894-1896, of which volume IV, ranging from 1908 to 1925, is drawn precisely from the Secret Vatican Archives(ASV) as well as the Historic Archives of the Secretariat of State, the Section for Relations with Territories (SS.RR.SS). The author also points out a small valuable contribution by Jewish intellectuals of the time, translated into Italian with the title Pro Armenia. She underlines how, immediately, some Jews tried to intervene, to stop the genocide, and to assist Armenians in various ways. Today, it is difficult to ignore what happened, to ignore and to reduce what historically is the first genocide of the twentieth century in Europe. An event which has been minimized and denied: whose effects are still being felt today, and which has left a trail at individual, family and social levels. Armenian terrorism, which has resulted in attacks and deaths in Turkey and elsewhere, derives from these negations. The same is the case for a strong nationalism still prevalent today in the Republic of Armenia, which is constrained by circumstances to adopt a defensive political stance and – out of necessity – to maintain good relations with Russia. We have to wish that, after those resounding acknowledgement of the genocide, Armenia will be able to look forward to a more serene future

    San Francisco, California, August 3-31, 2010

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    What are my impressions of San Francisco, after a month’s stay? A city wrapped in a thick mist, in a fog obstructing the panorama. Cold. A city, less frequently, with a clear blue sky, silhouetting the hills and buildings. Low houses, of two or three stories, each with their own characteristics, with their own individual style, often delicate, well cared for. With interesting architectural decorations, bay windows allowing you to glimpse objects clearly held dear by their inhabitants: pottery, flower vases. American flags. Religious images. Near where I live, in the Mission, a largely Mexican neighborhood, I often pass an image of Christ that changes physiognomy depending on my distance: now he seems to have an eye closed, now he seems to be looking out with two alert eyes. The houses generally have wooden steps; blue, pink, green in various gradations, yellowish. Also purple. They evoke European architecture, some are Victorian in style. Downtown, instead, skyscrapers characterize the business and bank district

    Israel and the Occupied Territories

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    It was always so affecting this building, dedicated to the children of Yad Vashem. Every things goes in the dark and being traversed by a handrail, while we can see many lighted points around us in this space: the stars that remember so many missing children. There is a different set up and different things but I also found another beautiful and touching museum dedicated to the children, including those in the museum Yad Lailed opened in Kibbutz Lohamei He Ghettaot, founded by survivors of Warsaw Ghetto. The section devoted to children, in 1994, intends to make them understand the Holocaust without too much trauma. The shape is a spiral. The children and their families had been sucked into a spiral of violence. But here we want to bring a message of life. The final room is devoted to the children that have been survived. During the path they can be worked to reconstruct through didactic materials, you can set in a circle, the other groups present stories with their characters. Let’ us start with the round room with colorful windows, copies of drawings of the children that speak about in the time of the camp, what it should be the room at the end of the route. Above, there is a figure of a butterfly that remembers you a well noun poem about a butterfly in the ghetto. And together with the Sun means the hole of life. The blue sky always is present in the drawings. The real Sun threw the first to the last room can enter into darkness recesses of the Warsaw ghetto. We can read sentences or phrases of the children of that time: “ I want to take with me my clown, but my mother says- the case was already closed”. We can pass threw the dun sacks made with the gray old clothes that keep inside them all their memories when they were ready quickly, a reason to talk about how many people lived every day life In their homes in the past. Then we are walking into the tracks that break: and there are images of Jews pushing each others by the trains. There is a crowed of people that we can’t see their faces; people without identity. Other people with the recovered memory you enter in the darkness. There is a round dark room. Even in a spiral shape. In the center, there is a lighted candle. You can start from the dark even though there is so little light of the Sun that it is drawn by the children. Our guide explain that it isn’t necessary to emphasize to tell about the tortures. This, we can learn later. The message here should be positive. At the end of all there is the Sun, the Light. The life begins again. You can release from drama. For this reason it is necessary to insist for theatre and sculpture, and drawing on research. The children have the possibility with the help of this instruments, with the help of the narrative to be free from drama

    Armenians and 20th century genocide - Debates

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    During the 1800’s – before the well-known genocide, planned in the twentieth century – there were massacres and persecution on Armenian villages. It is important to underline that many Christian Armenians lived in Ottoman Empire. At the beginning of 1800’s they paid many taxes and felt themselves an important part of the Empire. Thus they would have liked to achieve more significant public roles, without losing their religion and cultural background. Howewer, the Turkish leaders and population were against their aspirations. Moreover, Armenian communities were hard-working and relatively wealthy, thus both Catholics and Protestants (the Protestant Millet, an Evangelic Armenian Movement) hoped to steal their goods. There were International problems: the revolt of Bosnia Erzegovina and Serbia, the Russian ambition. At the same time, the Young Turks took power in Turkey and to be Muslim became a fundamental requisite: obviously this requirement turned into a problem for Armenians.European countries guaranteed a protection, but at the end there were only some petitions and motions. The Berlin Agreements were worthless. In 1864 the town of Sasun was destroyed, after three weeks of massacres. In 1895 there were some bloody repression in Constantinople, Trebizond, Akhisar. Followed the martyrdom of Zeythun, a mountain town of Cilicia: the Armenian revolutionary movement was in the infancy, unable to stop massacres. The few survivors were forced to convert. And the worst was is yet to come

    Albania and the teaching of religion in schools

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    Multiculturalism and the new multi religious social realities are becoming dominant dimensions of today’s world. The huge changes in the social tissue of those societies, which up to now had an established dominant culture and religious affiliation, made them now face more than the effects of migrant flows, which inevitably causes confrontations of cultures and believes. The clash of civilizations, which have been so accurately predicted, took different forms of confrontation by giving floor to extremism into its organized form: an explosion of terrorism. By considering the strong connections between poverty and lack of education as an extremism cradle, many researchers consider the inclusion of the subjects related to the history and culture of religions as a strategy to reduce cultural and religious conflict as well as extremist behavior and the bases of terrorism, by increasing information and knowledge about religion starting from early teen years. Albania, a country known for its religious tolerance, is one of those countries which’ decision makers in education actually share this point of view and is going to start a project by including a module of limited hours of teaching in medium and high school students. The paper makes an analysis of the potential effects this might have considering its application related to the initial purposes of the project, by introducing the case of Italy and its strategy of religious education over the years as a comparative tool in order to analyze and predict the potential outcomes of this intent, by considering the national background of Albania and some specific learning traits and outcomes on such topics related to age and cultural set up

    10 Years of Academicus International Scientific Journal - The story of contribution in the research in 20 Issues.

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    A delightful scientific journal which, since its birth in Albania, has quickly learned the ways of the world, bringing Balkan matters and issues abroad, to the East as well as to the West, but also conversely, making known in the Land of Eagles which were the main topics of reflection and study, such as the problems of distant countries and other cultures

    The Mediterranean Today. Stability, Instability, Orientations. A first rapid excursus

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    A quick trip to some Mediterranean countries shows significant disparities, situations of inequality, different religious preferences, and struggling minority populations. The dream of a Mediterranean crossroads of cultures, which has taken up so much space in our past, seems today to retreat-- leaving behind a sea that has become a kind of hard border, difficult to cross for many men, women, children, who too often have lost their lives. The European Union prefers to defend its own borders from migrants and also from possible asylum seekers. It defends itself, and the Mediterranean is an important pawn in these actions, from the flows of arrivals from Africa, viz. the role of Libya, from which people escape the Syrian tragedy. For this purpose, they use countries like Greece and Turkey. A notable reversal for Italy in particular, an Italy that experienced first-hand migratory phenomena

    Roma: Oltre le baraccopoli: Agenda politica per ripartire dalle periferie dimenticate

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    Con il presente documento, presentato in vista delle elezioni comunali che si svolgeranno a Roma nel 2016, l’Associazione 21 luglio vuole proporre alle forze politiche e ai candidati a cariche elettive i principi essenziali per mutare radicalmente le politiche verso gli abitanti delle baraccopoli e dei micro insediamenti presenti nella Capitale. Le azioni previste nel documento hanno come obiettivo, nell’arco temporale di 5 anni: la chiusura graduale e progressiva delle baraccopoli e dei micro insediamenti della Capitale e il superamento dei centri di raccolta dove sono concentrate le famiglie vittime degli sgomberi che nel passato hanno coinvolto abitanti di numerose baraccopoli. “Roma: oltre le baraccopoli” si avvale degli studi condotti dall’Associazione 21 luglio e, nell’ultima parte, del prezioso apporto del prof. Tommaso Vitale, Sciences Po (UniversitĂ© Sorbonne Paris CitĂ©)1. Il testo condivide medesimi principi e metodi riportati all’interno della “Delibera di iniziativa popolare per il superamento dei campi rom”, promossa da nove associazioni2 e sottoscritta da oltre 6.000 cittadini, depositata in Campidoglio l’11 settembre 2015

    Memoria, societĂ  e territori

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    Forse perchĂ© da lunghi anni mi interesso di sociologia qualitativa, mi sembra di aver visto crescere l’importanza del tema della memoria, anche se secondo logiche a volte diverse e contraddittorie, di spinta e accettazione da un lato, di negazione ed oblio dall’altro. Certamente, di attenzione e dibattito tra gli studiosi, tra diverse discipline. Da tempo si interessano di memoria, di memorie, si adoperano per individuarle, raccoglierle, trasmetterle sia la storia orale che la sociologia qualitativa. Nel loro ambito si ritrovano, si individuano, si raccolgono memorie personali e di gruppo, memorie che sono quindi rappresentazioni sociali. Che vengono ascoltate, accolte, rielaborate (le memorie vivono dinamiche di ricordo e oblio), valorizzate e comunicate. E non solo: gli studiosi che ricorrono alla raccolta di interviste in profonditĂ , intese a fare emergere memorie, a ricostruire ‘storie di vita’ o magari tranches de vie, quelli che utilizzano materiali biografici per ricostruire un certo periodo storico, un ambiente, una tematica, sono, insieme, di regola, anche dei seminatori di memorie

    Un aperçu des recherches sur les migrations en Italie

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    Macioti Maria-Immacolata. Un aperçu des recherches sur les migrations en Italie. In: Revue européenne des migrations internationales, vol. 6, n°2,1990. pp. 173-181