2 research outputs found

    Children Growing Up with Severe Disabilities as a Result of Snakebite Envenomations in Indigenous Villages of the Brazilian Amazon: Three Cases and Narratives

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    Snakebites are a major public health problem in the Brazilian Amazon and may lead to local complications and physical deficiencies. Access to antivenom treatment is poorer in indigenous populations compared to other populations. In this study, we report three cases of long-term severe disabilities as a result of Bothrops atrox snakebites in indigenous children, according to the narratives of the parents. The three cases evolved to compartment syndrome, secondary bacterial infection and extensive necrosis. The cases are associated with delayed antivenom treatment due to very fragmented therapeutic itineraries, which are marked by several changes in means of transport along the route. The loss of autonomy at such an early stage of life due to a disability caused by a snakebite, as observed in this study, may deprive children of sensory and social experiences and of learning their future roles in the community. In common to all cases, there was precarious access to rehabilitation services, which are generally centralized in the state capital, and which leads to a prolonged hospitalization of patients with severe snakebite, and distances them from their territory and family and community ties. Prospective studies should be conducted in the Amazon that estimate the burden of disabilities from snakebites in order to formulate public policies for the treatment and rehabilitation of patients through culturally tailored interventions

    Building an explanatory model for snakebite envenoming care in the Brazilian Amazon from the indigenous caregivers' perspective.

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    BackgroundIn the Brazilian Amazon, snakebite envenomings (SBE) disproportionately affect indigenous peoples. Communication between indigenous and biomedical health sectors in regards to SBEs has never been explored in this region. This study aims to build an explanatory model (EM) of the indigenous healthcare domain for SBE patients from the perspective of the indigenous caregivers.Methodology/principal findingsThis is a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews of eight indigenous caregivers who are representatives of the Tikuna, Kokama and Kambeba ethnic groups, in the Alto Solimões River, western Brazilian Amazon. Data analysis was carried out via deductive thematic analysis. A framework was built containing the explanations based on three explanatory model (EM) components: etiology, course of sickness, and treatment. To indigenous caregivers, snakes are enemies and present conscience and intention. Snakebites have a natural or a supernatural cause, the last being more difficult to prevent and treat. Use of ayahuasca tea is a strategy used by some caregivers to identify the underlying cause of the SBE. Severe or lethal SBEs are understood as having been triggered by sorcery. Treatment is characterized by four components: i) immediate self-care; ii) first care in the village, mostly including tobacco smoking, chants and prayers, combined with the intake of animal bile and emetic plants; iii) a stay in a hospital, to receive antivenom and other treatments; iv) care in the village after hospital discharge, which is a phase of re-establishment of well-being and reintroduction into social life, using tobacco smoking, massages and compresses to the affected limb, and teas of bitter plants. Dietary taboos and behavioral interdictions (avoiding contact with menstruating and pregnant women) prevent complications, relapses, and death, and must be performed up to three months after the snakebite. Caregivers are in favor of antivenom treatment in indigenous areas.Conclusions/significanceThere is a potential for articulation between different healthcare sectors to improve the management of SBEs in the Amazon region, and the aim is to decentralize antivenom treatment so that it occurs in indigenous health centers with the active participation of the indigenous caregivers