204 research outputs found

    High-contrast imaging in the Hyades with snapshot LOCI

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    To image faint substellar companions obscured by the stellar halo and speckles, scattered light from the bright primary star must be removed in hardware or software. We apply the "locally-optimized combination of images" (LOCI) algorithm to 1-minute Keck Observatory snapshots of GKM dwarfs in the Hyades using source diversity to determine the most likely PSF. We obtain a mean contrast of 10^{-2} at 0.01", 10^{-4} at <1", and 10^{-5} at 5". New brown dwarf and low-mass stellar companions to Hyades primaries are found in a third of the 84 targeted systems. This campaign shows the efficacy of LOCI on snapshot imaging as well as on bright wide binaries with off-axis LOCI, reaching contrasts sufficient for imaging 625-Myr late-L/early-T dwarfs purely in post-processing.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to appear in SPIE Astronomy 2012, paper 8447-16

    Exoplanet Detection Techniques

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    We are still in the early days of exoplanet discovery. Astronomers are beginning to model the atmospheres and interiors of exoplanets and have developed a deeper understanding of processes of planet formation and evolution. However, we have yet to map out the full complexity of multi-planet architectures or to detect Earth analogues around nearby stars. Reaching these ambitious goals will require further improvements in instrumentation and new analysis tools. In this chapter, we provide an overview of five observational techniques that are currently employed in the detection of exoplanets: optical and IR Doppler measurements, transit photometry, direct imaging, microlensing, and astrometry. We provide a basic description of how each of these techniques works and discuss forefront developments that will result in new discoveries. We also highlight the observational limitations and synergies of each method and their connections to future space missions.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, PPVI proceedings. Appears as 2014, Protostars and Planets VI, Henrik Beuther, Ralf S. Klessen, Cornelis P. Dullemond, and Thomas Henning (eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 914 pp., p.715-73

    Astrometric Gravitational-Wave Detection via Stellar Interferometry

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    We evaluate the potential for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the frequency band from 10 nHz to 1 μ\muHz using extremely high-precision astrometry of a small number of stars. In particular, we argue that non-magnetic, photometrically stable hot white dwarfs (WD) located at ∼\sim kpc distances may be optimal targets for this approach. Previous studies of astrometric GW detection have focused on the potential for less precise surveys of large numbers of stars; our work provides an alternative optimization approach to this problem. Interesting GW sources in this band are expected at characteristic strains around hc∼10−17×(μHz/fGW)h_c \sim 10^{-17} \times \left(\mu\text{Hz}/f_{\text{GW}}\right). The astrometric angular precision required to see these sources is Δθ∼hc\Delta \theta \sim h_c after integrating for a time T∼1/fGWT \sim 1/f_{\text{GW}}. We show that jitter in the photometric center of WD of this type due to starspots is bounded to be small enough to permit this high-precision, small-NN approach. We discuss possible noise arising from stellar reflex motion induced by orbiting objects and show how it can be mitigated. The only plausible technology able to achieve the requisite astrometric precision is a space-based stellar interferometer. Such a future mission with few-meter-scale collecting dishes and baselines of O(100 km)\mathcal{O}(100\text{ km}) is sufficient to achieve the target precision. This collector size is broadly in line with the collectors proposed for some formation-flown, space-based astrometer or optical synthetic-aperature imaging-array concepts proposed for other science reasons. The proposed baseline is however somewhat larger than the km-scale baselines discussed for those concepts, but we see no fundamental technical obstacle to utilizing such baselines. A mission of this type thus also holds the promise of being one of the few ways to access interesting GW sources in this band.Comment: 19 page

    Detection of Carbon Monoxide and Water Absorption Lines in an Exoplanet Atmosphere

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    Determining the atmospheric structure and chemical composition of an exoplanet remains a formidable goal. Fortunately, advancements in the study of exoplanets and their atmospheres have come in the form of direct imaging - spatially resolving the planet from its parent star - which enables high-resolution spectroscopy of self-luminous planets in Jovian-like orbits. Here, we present a spectrum with numerous, well-resolved, molecular lines from both water and carbon monoxide from a massive planet orbiting less than 40 AU from the star HR 8799. These data reveal the planet's chemical composition, atmospheric structure, and surface gravity, confirming that it is indeed a young planet. The spectral lines suggest an atmospheric carbon-to-oxygn ratio greater than the host star's, providing hints about the planet's formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in Science. Published online on March 14, 2013. 24 pages (main text and supplementary materials), 8 figures. Attachments to the supplementary material are available on Science websit

    Science yield estimate with the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope coronagraph

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    The coronagraph instrument (CGI) on the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope will directly image and spectrally characterize planets and circumstellar disks around nearby stars. Here we estimate the expected science yield of the CGI for known radial-velocity (RV) planets and potential circumstellar disks. The science return is estimated for three types of coronagraphs: the hybrid Lyot and shaped pupil are the currently planned designs, and the phase-induced amplitude apodizing complex mask coronagraph is the backup design. We compare the potential performance of each type for imaging as well as spectroscopy. We find that the RV targets can be imaged in sufficient numbers to produce substantial advances in the science of nearby exoplanets. To illustrate the potential for circumstellar disk detections, we estimate the brightness of zodiacal-type disks, which could be detected simultaneously during RV planet observations

    MEMS practice, from the lab to the telescope

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    Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology can provide for deformable mirrors (DMs) with excellent performance within a favorable economy of scale. Large MEMS-based astronomical adaptive optics (AO) systems such as the Gemini Planet Imager are coming on-line soon. As MEMS DM end-users, we discuss our decade of practice with the micromirrors, from inspecting and characterizing devices to evaluating their performance in the lab. We also show MEMS wavefront correction on-sky with the "Villages" AO system on a 1-m telescope, including open-loop control and visible-light imaging. Our work demonstrates the maturity of MEMS technology for astronomical adaptive optics.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, Invited Paper, SPIE Photonics West 201
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