3 research outputs found

    Cadmium level in some tissues and organs from wild boar

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    The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is one of the most common species of Romanian wild game. It’s meat is found often on the market and in peoples menu list. One of the most dangerous heavy metals is cadmium. It has several toxic effects on: kidneys, liver, testes, bones [2, 5]. The study was carried out in three different areas regarding the contamination level with heavy metals: Forest District M., Forest District. C and Forest District S. Cadmium concentration was directly correlated with the pollution degree of the three different areas Forest District M. >Forest District C.> Forest District T. Cadmium concentration in wild boar tissues and organs was: in Forest District C. between 0.009 ppm and 0.341 ppm; in Forest District M. between 0.011 ppm and 5.346 ppm and in Forest District T. between 0.007 ppm and 0.123 ppm

    Lead levels in soil-water-plant chain from a foresty ecosystem

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    Lead level was determined in soil (20 cm and 40 cm deep), water (water sources for wild game) and plants from three Forest Districts placed in areas with different degree of pollution. Determination of lead concentration was made in forestry ecosystem to see the impact of heavy metals (lead) on wildlife. In soil lead concentration was in limits at both depths (20cm and 40 cm) for all three Forest Districts, in water samples lead level exceeded the maximum admitted limit for drinking water (0.01 ppm) and for surface water (0.01 ppm) and from ecological point of view were in the Vth quality class. Lead concentration was under the maximum admitted limits for plants in all three Forest Districts

    Lead level in mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)

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    The study was carried out on a hunting ground belonging to AJVPS Arad, county Arad. Lead (Pb) was determined in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) tissues (muscles) and organs (liver, kidneys) to see the contamination level of this tissues and organs and also the impact on humans health because in our days more and more wild game meat take a increasing percentage in humans food ratio. The Mallard is one of the most widespread duck species. Mallard has 50-62 cm length, 800-1400 g weight and lives about 11 years. It prefers rivers and shallow pounds with a lot of reed. It is a migratory species that is flying long distances to find food and unfrozen water, so it is a exposed to lead contamination that is under dust form in atmosphere. But another reason why lead level in Mallard can be higher that in other flying specie (pheasant, woodcock, quail, and pigeons) are the lead shot shells that are used for duck hunting. It is known that the ducks can ingest these lead shot shells and so they are often exposed to lead intoxications. This is why in our days more ammunition for waterfowl are steel made or different type of alloys. Lead is known to be one of the most common pollutants with a large range of effects on human health: lead affects nervous system, digestive tract, kidneys, bones, enzymes. Lead has also mutagenic effect, carcinogenic effect, teratogenic effect