11 research outputs found

    Objawy otologiczne u pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi układu stomatognatycznego

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    Introduction. The symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are not located only in the masticatory organ. The association of TMJ disorders with otologic symptoms is a well-established clinical observation. Aim of the study. To determinate the prevalence of signs otologic symptoms among patients with TMD. Material and methods. 92 patients (55 W, 37 M) aged 19–53, the stomatologic clinical examination and audiological questionnaire. Results. The prevalence of otologic symptoms was 31,2%. The most common otologic symptoms were fullness sensation in the ear (42,86%), hyperacusis and tinnitus. Conclusions. The multispecialist diagnosis and treatment have been confirmed in the patients in whom TMD and otologic symptoms are existed.Wstęp. Wzrasta liczba pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi układu stomatognatycznego (US). Opisywane są objawy zlokalizowane w obrębie zębów, układu mięśniowego i stawów skroniowo-żuchwowych. Dolegliwości kliniczne cechuje jednak duże zróżnicowanie lokalizacji i występowanie poza jamą ustną, na przykład w narządzie słuchu. Cel pracy. Ocena objawów usznych u pacjentów z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi US. Materiał i metody. Grupa pacjentów w liczbie 92 osoby (55 kobiet, 37 mężczyzn) w wieku 19–53 lata; ankietowe badanie podmiotowe, badanie stomatologiczne, czynnościowe badanie struktur US, ankieta audiologiczna. Wyniki. Częstość występowania objawów usznych u badanych wyniosła 31,2%. Najczęściej odnotowanym objawem było uczucie pełności w uszach (42,86%), nadwrażliwość na dźwięki i szumy uszne. Wnioski. Zaleca się współpracę interdyscyplinarną podczas procesu diagnostyczno-terapeutycznego dysfunkcji US

    Respiratory and phonation disorders in adolescent girls suffering from anorexia nervosa

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    Wstęp. Powstawanie głosu wymaga prawidłowej morfologii i funkcji krtani, sprawnego układu nerwowego i hormonalnego, jak też właściwego sposobu oddychania, fonacji i artykulacji. W przebiegu jadłowstrętu psychicznego obserwuje się zaburzenia większości układów i narządów wewnętrznych wraz z towarzyszącymi zaburzeniami emocjonalnymi. Cel pracy. Ocena wybranych parametrów oddechowo-fonacyjnych u dziewcząt z anoreksją. Materiał i metody. Badanie przeprowadzono w grupie dziewcząt w wieku 12–19 lat, 41 z anoreksją i 25 w grupie kontrolnej. Ocena toru oddechowego, maksymalnego czasu fonacji, percepcyjna ocena głosu (GRBAS), ocena krtani w laryngostroboskopii. Wyniki. Zaobserwowano nieprawidłowości strukturalno-funkcjonalne: nieprawidłowy żebrowo-obojczykowy tor oddychania (91%), istotnie skrócony maksymalny czas fonacji (83%), zaburzenia głosu o charakterze czynnościowym (54%), nieodpowiednią do wieku budowę krtani (36%) oraz zawężenie zakresu głosu. Wnioski. 1. Jadłowstręt psychiczny prowadzi do zmian strukturalnych i czynnościowych narządu głosu. 2. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wydaje się wskazane objęcie również opieką foniatryczną pacjentek z zaburzeniami odżywiania o podłożu psychicznym.Introduction. Good voice quality requires normal anatomical structure of the larynx, its proper function as well as normal hormonal and nervous systems and good way of breathening, phonation and articulation. Anorexia nervosa (AN) impairs most of systems and lead to emotional problems. Aim of the study. To evaluate the voice organ and voice quality in girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. Material and methods. Girls (aged 12–19) 41 with AN and 25 as a control group; an assessment of breathing habits and structure and function of vocal organ was performed. Results. The following abnormalities were observed: breathing irregularities (93%), significantly shortened maximum phonation time in 83%, voice disorders of functional character in 54% in laryngostroboscopy. Most of anorectic girls were abnormal laryngeal configuration (36%), narrow voice range. Conclusions. 1. Anorexia nervosa leads to voice abnormalities observed in anatomical and functional larynx assessment. 2. Observed structural and functional changes of vocal organ in AN indicate involvement in phoniatric care of a group of patients with eating disorders of psychological background

    Common therapeutic approaches in sleep and awake bruxism — an overview

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    Bruxism, a common medical condition characterised by clenching or grinding of the teeth and/or by bracing or thrusting of the mandible, can occur during sleep, when it is known as sleep bruxism (SB), or during wakefulness, when it is known as awake bruxism (AB). Although bruxism often causes headaches, temporomandibular joint pain, masticatory muscle pain, mechanical tooth wear, prosthodontic complications and cracked teeth, there is still not enough data to define and support a standardised approach to its treatment. The aim of this review was to present the pathophysiology, consequences, types and treatment methods of bruxism in order to increase readers’ knowledge of this topic. Differences between awake and nocturnal bruxism are included, as well as risk factors and indicators visible during the clinical examination of affected patients. Among the causes we consider are genetics, stress, oral parafunctions and changes in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Potential and common methods of treatment are presented, along with suggested guidelines that should be followed when determining an appropriate treatment method. We draw attention to the notably dynamic development of bruxism in today’s society and the importance of informational and preventive projects, especially those targeted at high-risk patients as well as those targeted at specialists, in order to better tackle the bruxism ‘epidemic’

    Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades

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    Background . Parafunctions are involuntary habits harmful to the chewing system. Tooth contact parafunctions are developed mostly under high emotional tension associated with stress. One of them is bruxism, i.e. teeth clenching and/or grinding. Young people in the last high-school grades are a group particularly predisposed to developing parafunctions due to high mental tension and long-lasting stress associated with the matura examination. Objectives . Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades 30 days before the matura examination. Material and methods. 109 students (58 girls, 51 boys; aged 18.07 ± 0.26 years) examined 30 days before the matura examination. Every subject had a medical interview in the form of a survey containing questions about parafunctions and symptoms of dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, a medical interview, and a dental examination, including the symptoms of bruxism (vertical cracks within the enamel of the incisors and canines, teeth impressions on the side of the tongue body, palpation tenderness of the muscles of the chewing system). Results . The incidence of bruxism symptoms in the investigated group was 76.1% (83 students). Only 38.5% (42) students were aware of the problem of bruxism and reported it in at least one survey response. Higher incidence of the parafunction was observed in girls (teeth clenching under stress p = 0.0001; morning pain of the facial muscles p = 0.0393). The most common symptoms of bruxism were: increased tenderness of the muscles of mastication (71.5%) and teeth abrasion (50.5%). Conclusions . 1. The symptoms of bruxism are present in most of the investigated young people, along with a poor awareness of the presence of this parafunction 2. The most common symptom of bruxism was palpation tenderness of the muscles of mastication

    Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades

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    Background . Parafunctions are involuntary habits harmful to the chewing system. Tooth contact parafunctions are developed mostly under high emotional tension associated with stress. One of them is bruxism, i.e. teeth clenching and/or grinding. Young people in the last high-school grades are a group particularly predisposed to developing parafunctions due to high mental tension and long-lasting stress associated with the matura examination. Objectives . Assessment of the symptoms of bruxism in young people in the last high-school grades 30 days before the matura examination. Material and methods. 109 students (58 girls, 51 boys; aged 18.07 ± 0.26 years) examined 30 days before the matura examination. Every subject had a medical interview in the form of a survey containing questions about parafunctions and symptoms of dysfunction of the stomatognathic system, a medical interview, and a dental examination, including the symptoms of bruxism (vertical cracks within the enamel of the incisors and canines, teeth impressions on the side of the tongue body, palpation tenderness of the muscles of the chewing system). Results . The incidence of bruxism symptoms in the investigated group was 76.1% (83 students). Only 38.5% (42) students were aware of the problem of bruxism and reported it in at least one survey response. Higher incidence of the parafunction was observed in girls (teeth clenching under stress p = 0.0001; morning pain of the facial muscles p = 0.0393). The most common symptoms of bruxism were: increased tenderness of the muscles of mastication (71.5%) and teeth abrasion (50.5%). Conclusions . 1. The symptoms of bruxism are present in most of the investigated young people, along with a poor awareness of the presence of this parafunction 2. The most common symptom of bruxism was palpation tenderness of the muscles of mastication

    Effectiveness of the canalith repositioning procedure in idiopathic and posttraumatic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

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    Background. Vertigo as a symptom accompanies many pathological processes leading to damage of the vestibular system at a peripheral or central level. It is a manifestation of systemic diseases. Vertigo is one of the most common causes of presentation of the patient to a general practitioner. One of the most common causes of sudden vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Objectives. Assessment of the effectiveness of the canalith repositioning procedure in idiopathic and posttraumatic BPPV. Material and methods. 50 people with BPPV aged 22–78 (mean 53 ± 13), divided into 2 groups of 25 subjects each, suffering from posttraumatic (group A, aged 53 ± 15) and idiopathic (group B, aged 53 ± 11) vertigo. The treatment was conducted using the Epley manoeuver, controlling its effectiveness by means of the Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre. Results . All the treated patients benefited from the therapy. The percentage of patients cured after the first two medical manoeuvres was 52% (13) and 92% (23) in groups A and B, respectively, which is a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0016). Patients in group B had an 18 times higher chance of regression of symptoms as early as after the first medical manoeuvre. The number of performed manoeuvres which guaranteed full effectiveness was on average 1.16 per patient with only one semicircular canal affected, and 3.5 when semicircular canals on both sides were affected. Conclusions . 1. The application of motor rehabilitation in the course of BPPV is a non-invasive method for treating vertigo with high effectiveness. 2. Trauma in medical history prolongs the treatment of BPPV using manoeuvre. 3. If BPPV affects both sides, the manoeuvre should be repeated more times. 4. The characteristic medical history and risk factors (trauma) facilitate forming a suspicion of the diagnosis with a high probability as early as in the office of a general practitioner

    Temperament and perception of tooth bleaching results

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    Background . The neurophysiological process of perceiving the results of tooth bleaching requires the correct interaction between the central nervous system and the organs of sight. Exaggerated beliefs concerning defective facial features may enhance inner attitudes about one’s own color of dentition, as well as a feeling of dissatisfaction with the degree of leaching. Objectives. The study aimed to assess the degree of the patient satisfaction with the results of tooth bleaching in relation to their temperament. Material and methods. There were 68 generally healthy volunteers, aged 28–38 years, with external discolorations of the teeth. They had never undergone dental bleaching and their frontal teeth did not have any fillings. After clinical evaluation and the completion of formalities, the patients were asked to fill in Strelau’s temperament questionnaire. Questionnaires and visual status were assessed three times by three doctors: before bleaching, and then 24 hours and two weeks after the home-bleaching operation, which was done with the use of Opalescence (Ultradent) in uniform sequence. Results . There were practically no adverse side results, except a periodic dentin hypersensitivity that occurred periodically in 44 patients. The results of the visual assessment performed by the physicians did not differ. The questionnaire data showed that women were more critical of the results in relation to the expectations. Among elancholics, full satisfaction was declared by 41%, whereas among sanguine people, full satisfaction was obtained by 85%. Satisfaction with the aesthetic results was associated with bleaching by at least 4 degrees. Conclusions . Patients’ temperament affects their subjective evaluation of the effectiveness of tooth bleaching, which should be taken into consideration in the patient’s individual dental treatment plan