63 research outputs found

    The impact of Lean management implementation on the organisational culture change at the university : results of the project

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    This presentation aims to demonstrate and discuss how the implementation of Lean Management changes the organisational culture at the university. The Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music case study in Bydgoszcz is presented. The PDCA cycle was employed to present and describe each stage in the many years’ continuous improvement programme. The Academy started its lean journey in 2017. In 2019, as a result of the comprehensive diagnosis of readiness for lean implementation, the change programme was prepared. This programme was based on three pillars: fundamentals of Lean, supporting structure and training. In 2022 the re-diagnosis was done. The LCMQ (Lean Culture Maturity Questionnaire) and interviews were used to assess the progress in changes. Two perspectives – institutional and individual were taken into account. The results of the diagnosis show that the approach taken in the Academy resulted in positive changes in the organisational culture at the university which manifest in the organisational, social and technical aspects

    Wieloaspektowa ocena jakości usług edukacyjnych (na przykładzie AWF im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach)

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    The adoption of a model interpretation of management of the quality of educational services based on the concept of Chain value raises the need for a change of approach to the assessment of the quality of educational services. The measure of the quality of educational services becomes a value added supplied to the university stakeholders. The ability to create value is determined by the effectiveness and efficiency of processes undertaken in the university. The purpose of the article is to present the model of management of the quality of educational services, and the concept of evaluation of the quality of educational services based on measuring the value added in terms of didactic, marketing, economics and organization. A practical illustration of the presented concept are the results of research carried out at the Academy of Physical Education under the name of Jerzy Kukuczka in Katowice. In the summary of the undertaken considerations it can be concluded that the proposed concept of the multi-aspect evaluation of the quality of educational services can be successfully used in the measurement, evaluation and improvement of university processes. The concept of evaluation covering the didactic, organization, marketing and economics  aspects allows for a dynamie and multi-factor understanding of the quality of educational services as the effect of process carried out in universities.Przyjęcie modelowego ujęcia zarządzania jakością usług edukacyjnych opartego na koncepcji łańcucha wartości wywołuje potrzebę zmiany podejścia do oceny jakości usług edukacyjnych. Miernikiem jakości usługi edukacyjnej staje się wartość dodana, dostarczana interesariuszom uczelni. Zdolność do tworzenia wartości jest zdeterminowana skutecznością i efektywnością procesów realizowanych w szkole wyższej. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja modelu zarządzania jakością usług edukacyjnych oraz koncepcji oceny jakości usług edukacyjnych opartej na pomiarze wartości dodanej w aspekcie dydaktycznym, marketingowym, ekonomicznym oraz organizacyjnym. Praktyczną ilustracją zaprezentowanej koncepcji są wyniki badań prowadzonych w Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego im. Jerzego Kukuczki w Katowicach. W podsumowaniu podjętych w artykule rozważań można sformułować wniosek, iż zaproponowana koncepcja wieloaspektowej oceny jakości usług edukacyjnych może być z powodzeniem stosowana w pomiarze, ocenie oraz doskonaleniu procesów w szkole. Koncepcja oceny obejmującej aspekt dydaktyczny, organizacyjny, marketingowy i ekonomiczny pozwala na dynamiczne i wieloczynnikowe rozumienie jakości usług edukacyjnych jako efektu procesów realizowanych w szkole wyższej

    Jakość usług edukacyjnych w komunikacji marketingowej szkół wyższych w Polsce

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    Nowadays education is becoming a costly investment which influences students’ futurę careers and private lives, employers’ activities and countries’ social and economic development. In order to minimise the risk of making a wrong decision when choosing a university and a field of study, customers seek credible information on aspects such as the quality of educational services and the broadly understood reputation of the school. Websites are an important tool used by universities in their marketing communication. The author presents results of research aimed at evaluating websites maintained by schools of higher education in Poland. She focuses on a selected category of marketing information offered to customers i.e. that concerning the quality of educational services. The analysis covers various methods used by schools of higher education to declare and confirm the quality of their services, i.e. quality assurance policy, mission, accreditations and certificates. The research findings positively verified the initial hypothesis i.e. that Poland’s higher education institutions fail to convey complete information about the quality of educational services via their websites and that they underestimate the role of various tools which can be used to assert and confirm quality to promote their services. The findings have also shown that factors such as organisational and legał status, the number of fields of study and the level of education (undergraduate, postgraduate) have a statistically significant effect on the quality and quantity of information concerning the quality of educational services presented on schools' websites.Edukacja staje się wspołcześnie kosztowną inwestycją, ktora wywiera wpływ na przyszłe życie zawodowe i prywatne studentow, na działalność pracodawcow oraz na rozwoj społeczny i gospodarczy kraju. Klienci szkoły wyższej, w celu zminimalizowania ryzyka podjęcia niewłaściwego wyboru uczelni i kierunku studiow, poszukują wiarygodnych informacji, dotyczących m.in. jakości usług edukacyjnych oraz szeroko pojętej reputacji szkoły. Ważnym narzędziem komunikacji marketingowej uczelni jest strona internetowa. Autorka przedstawia wyniki badań, ktorych celem była ocena stron internetowych polskich szkoł wyższych. Skupia się na wybranej kategorii informacji marketingowej przekazywanej klientom uczelni - informacji dotyczącej jakości usług edukacyjnych. Przedmiotem badania były rożnego rodzaju formy deklarowania i potwierdzania jakości usług stosowane w szkołach wyższych, tj. m.in. polityka jakości, misja, akredytacje oraz certyfikaty. Uzyskane wyniki badań pozwoliły na potwierdzenie postawionej hipotezy badawczej, że polskie szkoły wyższe poprzez swe strony internetowe nie przekazują pełnej informacji o jakości usług edukacyjnych oraz nie doceniają rożnego rodzaju form deklarowania i potwierdzania jakości świadczonych usług jako czynnika promocji uczelni. Wyniki badań wykazały rownież, że takie czynniki jak forma organizacyjno-prawna szkoły, liczba kierunkow kształcenia oraz stopień studiow mają istotny statystycznie wpływ na jakość i ilość informacji dotyczących jakości usług edukacyjnych prezentowanych na stronie internetowej uczelni

    Deliberate and emergent strategies of Lean implementation in Higher Education (HE) – a multiparadigmatic approach.

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    Strategies of Lean implementation in HE by Justyna Maciąg The purpose of this paper is to report on strategies that have been spontaneously emerging in the implementation of Lean management in HE institutions. The paper presents qualitative research on the implementation of the Lean concept in HE institutions worldwide and Poland

    The relationship between the quality of the city's recreational offering and the physical activity of its inhabitants : results of a pilot survey in Bielsko-Biała

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    The aim of the article is to outline the theoretical framework for studying the relationship between the quality of the city’s recreational offering and the physical activity of its inhabitants. The study was based on a review of the literature and was supplemented with data from a pilot questionnaire survey. The pilot survey was conducted in 2016 and involved 180 inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała. Responses were collected during direct interviews based on the survey questionnaire consisting of two parts: the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short version) and recreational offering assessment questionnaire proposed by authors. The literature review revealed gaps in research and publications addressing the relationship between the quality of the city’s recreational product and the level of physical activity of its inhabitants, and results of previous studies vary depending on their location (which was also confirmed by the pilot survey). According to the authors’ pilot survey, the respondents preferred outdoor forms of physical activity (Nordic walking and fast walks). The majority of respondents can be classified as sufficiently active. No statistically significant findings were found between respondents’ assessment of the service staff or the recreational infrastructure and the level of physical activity reported by inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała who participated in the survey. The innovative character of the work consists in developing and testing during the pilot survey a new theoretical framework for researching relationships between the quality of the city’s recreational offering and the level of physical activity of its inhabitants. The authors propose extending the existing approaches involving mainly the assessment of recreational assets by including marketing, staff-related and organizational aspects. This calls for interdisciplinary research

    Zastosowanie podejścia procesowego w zarządzaniu publicznymi szkołami wyższymi – wyzwania teorii i praktyki

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    Challenges for university in XXI century are: quality of services, effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility. To meet these expectations HEIs started a restructuring of a management system using a modern concepts and methods based on process approach. There are: TQM, EFQM, ISO 9001, Lean Management, Six Sigma, reengineering, benchmarking, outsourcing, shared service centers. The purpose of the paper is to present the theoretic and practical achievements in implementation of concepts and methods based on a process approach. The paper is based on literature analysis and own research. The results of analysis is presentation of the main issues taken in research on a process management, reasons and barriers of its implementation and the research gap in these area.Wyzwaniem dla szkoły wyższej w XXI wieku stają się: jakość usług oraz skuteczność, efektywność i elastyczność działania. W odpowiedzi na nie szkoły dokonują restrukturyzacji systemów zarządzania, wdrażając nowoczesne koncepcje i metody oparte na podejściu procesowym, takie jak: TQM, w tym EFQM, ISO 9001, Lean Management, Six Sigma, reengineering, benchmarking, outsourcing, centra usług wspólnych. Celem artykułu jest prezentacja dotychczasowego dorobku teoretycznego oraz praktycznego z zakresu problematyki wykorzystania koncepcji i metod zarządzania opartych na podejściu procesowym w zarządzaniu szkołami wyższymi. Artykuł jest oparty na analizie literatury przedmiotu oraz badaniach własnych w zakresie wdrażania podejścia procesowego w szkołach wyższych. Efektem jest wskazanie na podstawowe kwestie podejmowane w badaniach, przesłanki i bariery oraz luki badawcze w tym obszarze

    Kultura Lean Management w polskich szkołach wyższych (wyniki badań pilotażowych)

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    If the process-based approach is not directly connected with changes in organizational culture, it minimizes benefits of restructuring the school and does not contribute to process improvement in the long term. The paper presents a preliminary results of the research which purpose was to identify the common characteristics of Lean Culture in HEIs and to evaluate a range of changes in organizational culture with respect to LM implementation. In research author used the methods of literature analysis, questionnaires (based on the dimensions of Lean Culture formulated in the Likert’s book “The Toyota Way”), interviews and own experience. The general hypothesis formulated in the research was confirmed - the organizational culture of investigated universities hinders the implementation of LM. The assessment of Lean Culture is statistically influenced by the type of school, function in organisation and seniority. The results of interviews showed that the critical condition of successful change of organisational culture in a university is adoption of the bottom – up approach. This approach allows to integrate the changes in organisational and technical system and social system in an organisation. The results of research also indicate that the usage of a functionalist paradigm doesn’t allow to take into consideration all dimensions of Lean Culture. Therefore, researchers have been calling for the broadening of the research perspective with a humanistic approach based on the interpretative paradigm.Brak powiązania wdrażania Lean Management ze zmianą kultury organizacyjnej obniża trwałość efektów restrukturyzacji oraz nie przyczynia się do doskonalenia procesów w szkole wyższej w długiej perspektywie. W artykule przestawiono wyniki badań, których celem była identyfikacja cech kultury organizacyjnej szkół wyższych w kontekście wdrażania koncepcji LM oraz określenie zakresu niezbędnych zmian. W badaniach zastosowano metody analizy literatury przedmiotu, badań ankietowych (przeprowadzonych w szkołach wyższych z wykorzystaniem wymiarów Kultury Lean opisanych w książce The Toyota Way Likerta), wywiadów z pracownikami oraz doświadczenia własne autorki. Wyniki badań ankietowych potwierdzają postawioną hipotezę, że kultura organizacyjna badanych szkół stanowi barierę we wdrażaniu Lean Management. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy regresji można stwierdzić, że zmiennymi, które w istotny sposób różnicują wyniki ankiety są: rodzaj szkoły, funkcja oraz staż pracy. Wywiady wskazują, że zmiana techniczno-organizacyjna przebiega równolegle i jest zintegrowana ze zmianą społeczną, tylko wtedy kiedy projekty są wdrażane z przyjęciem podejścia oddolnego. Wyniki badania jednoznacznie wskazują, że zastosowanie paradygmatu funkcjonalistycznego w badaniu kultury organizacyjnej uczelni jest niewystarczające, gdyż nie pozwala, dostrzec w pełni innych składników i obszarów Kultury Lean. Dlatego postuluje się rozszerzenie perspektywy badawczej o podejście humanistyczne oparte na paradygmacie interpretatywnym

    Changes in the recreational physical activity (RPA) behaviours caused by COVID-19 lockdown : a case study of Poland

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    This article aims to describe, explain and compare the changes in Poles’ recreational physical activity (RPA) behaviours that emerged in response to the restrictions introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic. The literature review revealed gaps regarding this subject. Of particular interest is taking into account the comparison of both the national and international context and the comprehensive approach to explaining the mechanism of change. Based on the literature, the theoretical framework was developed, which was then used to design an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was conducted from 20 May to 31 October 2020 and included 533 respondents. To analyse the data, a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods was used (descriptive statistics and grounded theory techniques). Research has shown that RPA behaviours changed temporally or permanently. The behaviours were partially differentiated by gender and age. In comparison to other countries, it seems to be a result of the range and strictness of the introduced restrictions and national culture. The novelty of the work consists of the combined data analysis methods, which allow for an explanation of the mechanism of changes and a comparison of results with other countries

    The determining role of organizational culture in the implementation of the lean management concept as examplified by Polish universities

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    The aim of the presentation is to identify the most important cultural conditions which determine the implementation of the Lean Management in Polish universities. The analysis clearly shows that successful implementation of Lean Management is associated with overcoming many cultural barriers, such as: •A fear of loss the traditional identity of the university, which is based on academic values. This may undermine the confidence of customers and other partners for continuity, responsibility and accountability of the university. •Low sense of organizational and financial responsibility for undertaken activities by the staff and top management . •A tendency to avoid problems. This can be explained by the culture which respects individuality of employees in scientific research and teaching. Consequences are: isolationist, defensive attitude, lack of transparency and fragmentation of information. •Lack of acceptance for radical changes in management concepts by conservative part of the university staff . This causes defensive attitude, tension and inability to adapt a cultural and organizational change. •A culture of evaluating which suppresses collaboration, causes an exaggerated concentration on short-term results. An evaluation makes employee responsible for errors, which often stem from faulty systems, also improperly motivates or discourages employee. It should be noted that despite of their conservativeness, universities are gradually opening up for innovation changes in organizational culture. This is necessitated by a high level of environmental instability caused by deficiency of students, turnover of authorities, changes in terms of financing

    Social participation in the process approach in public organisations (illustrated by the example of TSU)

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    The process management system compliant with the requirements of the ISO 9001 Standard, if it is implemented correctly and takes into account organisational and technical, as well as social and cultural aspects of a public organisation's actions, supports the concept of good governance, including the idea of social participation. The 2015 revision of the standard made it more fitting to the context of activities of a public organisation such as a city or a commune. It includes elements indicated as lacking in new concepts of public organisation management by researchers (cf. Denhardt 2011, p. 157), and it can effectively support TSUs in the realisation of fundamental postulates (Wiatrak 2005, p. 41) in terms of an effective execution of the social participation process through: clear orientation on residents and supporting their own objectives and tasks, simple and understandable values, action objectives, and tasks, ability to learn occurring changes and adapt to the changing circumstances, communicating with residents to acquire their approval for actions taken by the commune, exerting motivating influence on residents’ behaviour, according to the adopted strategy, broader consideration of the role of people as well as social, psychological, technical, and organisational factors of the work environment. The standard is a result of several dozen years of international experience in building efficient and effective management systems in various organisations, including public ones, therefore it enables fulfilling the postulate of combining theory with practice (cf. Denhardt 2011, p. 157). The area outlined in this paper requires further in-depth studies, both in its theoretical and practical dimension