35 research outputs found

    Coreless and singular vortex lattices in rotating spinor Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We theoretically investigate vortex-lattice phases of rotating spinor Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC) with the ferromagnetic spin-interaction by numerically solving the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The spinor BEC under slow rotation can sustain a rich variety of exotic vortices due to the multi-component order parameters, such as the Mermin-Ho and Anderson-Toulouse coreless vortices (the 2-dimensional skyrmion and meron) and the non-axisymmetric vortices with the sifting vortex cores. Here, we present the spin texture of various vortex-lattice states at higher rotation rates and in the presence of the external magnetic field. In addition, the vortex phase diagram is constructed in the plane by the total magnetization MM and the external rotation frequency Ω\Omega by comparing the free energies of possible vortices. It is shown that the vortex phase diagram in a MM-Ω\Omega plane may be divided into two categories; (i) the coreless vortex lattice formed by the several types of Mermin-Ho vortices and (ii) the vortex lattice filling in the cores with the pure polar (antiferromagnetic) state. In particular, it is found that the type-(ii) state forms the composite lattices of coreless and polar-core vortices. The difference between the type-(i) and type-(ii) results from the existence of the singularity of the spin textures, which may be experimentally confirmed by the spin imaging within polarized light recently proposed by Carusotto and Mueller. We also discussed on the stability of triangular and square lattice states for rapidly rotating condensates.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Elevation by Oxidative Stress and Aging of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Activity in Rats and Its Prevention by Vitamin E

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    The present study was conducted in order to determine whether oxidative stress during aging involves dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in association with the emergence of cognitive deficits. When young rats were subjected to oxidative stress in the form of hyperoxia, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, conjugated diene and lipid hydroperoxides increased markedly in the HPA axis. Vitamin E inhibited such increases in lipid peroxides in each organ. Levels of corticotrophin-releasing hormone in the hypothalamus and plasma levels of adrenocorticotrophic hormone and corticosterone were markedly elevated in young rats exposed to hyperoxia. However, young rats fed vitamin E-supplemented diets showed no abnormal hormone secretion, even after being subjected to hyperoxia. Furthermore, glucocorticosteroid receptors (GR) in pyramidal cells in the Cornus ammonis 1 region of the hippocampus in young rats were markedly decreased by oxidative stress. Similar phenomena were also observed in normal aged rats and young rats fed vitamin E-deficient diet kept in a normal atmosphere. Vitamin E supplementation prevented the decrease in GR in the hippocampus and the increase in corticosterone secretion caused by hyperoxia. These results suggest that oxidative stress induces oxidative damage in the hippocampus and the HPA axis during aging, resulting in a cognitive deficit in rats, and that negative-feedback inhibition on HPA activity was markedly dampened due to an increase in corticosterone levels caused by loss of GR

    γ-Tocopherol Accelerated Sodium Excretion in a Dose-Dependent Manner in Rats with a High Sodium Intake

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    We have previously reported that γ-tocopherol (γ-Toc) displays a natriuretic potency in rats fed a NaCl diet and administered 20 mg γ-Toc. In this study, we investigated whether γ-Toc has natriuretic potency at a dose lower or higher than 20 mg in rats given a NaCl diet. Male rats were fed a control diet or a NaCl diet and administered either placebo or 10, 20 or 40 mg of γ-Toc. The rat urine was collected for 24 hours (divided into 6 hour periods) and the 2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(2'-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman (γ-CEHC) level, the sodium excretion content, and the urine volume were determined. The 24-hour γ-CEHC and sodium levels in the urine of the NaCl groups given 20 mg or 40 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than those in the placebo group. The peak levels of urine sodium and γ-CEHC in the NaCl group given 40 mg γ-Toc appeared at 0–6 h, which was a more rapid increase than that seen in the group given 20 mg γ-Toc. The 24-hour urine volumes of the NaCl groups given 10 and 20 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than the urine volume of the placebo group. Our findings suggested that γ-Toc increased sodium excretion in a dose-dependent manner in rats fed a NaCl diet. Moreover, a high dose of γ-Toc may accelerate its metabolism and cause an increase in the rate of sodium excretion

    ビョウインマエ シンパイ テイシ ニオケル キュウキュウ キュウメイシ ノ キカン ソウカン ニツイテ : ホンケン ノ ゲンジョウ ト コンゴ ノ カダイ

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    Activities of Japanese Paramedics have increased and advanced year by year. Especially, intubation for OHCPA(out of hospital cardiopulmonary arrest) is approved since July 2004, but it is necessary to finish the training in Fire-fighter’s school and intubation practice in hospitals. In Fire-fighter’s school, Paramedics attend lectures and simulation, and in hospital, intubation practice for patients. Medical-control is the system for keeping the qualities and verification of details in the scene of pre-hospital medical care. This report discusses the states and problems of paramedic intubation, practice in hospital, airway management, from the questionnaire survey

    Cardiac involvement in Beagle-based canine X-linked muscular dystrophy in Japan (CXMD(J)): electrocardiographic, echocardiographic, and morphologic studies

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    BACKGROUND: Cardiac mortality in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has recently become important, because risk of respiratory failure has been reduced due to widespread use of the respirator. The cardiac involvement is characterized by distinctive electrocardiographic abnormalities or dilated cardiomyopathy, but the pathogenesis has remained obscure. In research on DMD, Golden retriever-based muscular dystrophy (GRMD) has attracted much attention as an animal model because it resembles DMD, but GRMD is very difficult to maintain because of their severe phenotypes. We therefore established a line of dogs with Beagle-based canine X-linked muscular dystrophy in Japan (CXMD(J)) and examined the cardiac involvement. METHODS: The cardiac phenotypes of eight CXMD(J )and four normal male dogs 2 to 21 months of age were evaluated using electrocardiography, echocardiography, and histopathological examinations. RESULTS: Increases in the heart rate and decreases in PQ interval compared to a normal littermate were detected in two littermate CXMD(J )dogs at 15 months of age or older. Distinct deep Q-waves and increase in Q/R ratios in leads II, III, and aVF were detected by 6–7 months of age in all CXMD(J )dogs. In the echocardiogram, one of eight of CXMD(J )dogs showed a hyperechoic lesion in the left ventricular posterior wall at 5 months of age, but the rest had not by 6–7 months of age. The left ventricular function in the echocardiogram indicated no abnormality in all CXMD(J )dogs by 6–7 months of age. Histopathology revealed myocardial fibrosis, especially in the left ventricular posterobasal wall, in three of eight CXMD(J )dogs by 21 months of age. CONCLUSION: Cardiac involvement in CXMD(J )dogs is milder and has slower progression than that described in GRMD dogs. The distinct deep Q-waves have been ascribed to myocardial fibrosis in the posterobasal region of the left ventricle, but our data showed that they precede the lesion on echocardiogram and histopathology. These findings imply that studies of CXMD(J )may reveal not only another causative mechanism of the deep Q-waves but also more information on the pathogenesis in the dystrophin-deficient heart


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     現在、交通事故死者数に占める高齢者の数は、依然として高い水準で推移している。これに対して官公庁関係は、交通事故軽減のため市民に対して蛍光反射材を使用した安全啓発用品を配布している。しかし、市民の間では必要性の意識が低い、効果が周知されずデザインが服装に合わない等の理由から着用率が低く、啓発活動に至っていない現状がある。 本研究では、大学がコーディネーター役となり、産官学民がそれぞれの役割のもと着用率向上を目指すことを目的とし、本学は日常生活に密着した反射材を活用したデザイン提案を行い、16 点のサンプル制作を行った。そしてそれらの視認性を照射実験にて検証し、交通安全フェアや様々な展示会で市民を対象にアンケート調査を行った。結果、色は白色、アイテムは帽子やバック類、反射球などの立体形で反射材の面積が広いものほど、視認性が高いことが明らかになった。Currently, the number of the elderly citizens in traffic fatalities has moved at a high level. To reduce the number of traffic accident, the Civil Service distributes the reflective material goods to the citizens and advises to wear them to enlighten their conscious of traffic safety. However, due to their low consciousness of necessity, the effect has been unknown, or because the goods are not fashionable enough, the wearing rate of the reflective material goods is still so low that more educational activity is required. In this research, KOBE Design University has coordinated so called “industry-academia-government collaboration” with some business companies and Hyogo Prefectural Police. We worked together from each point of view to increase the wearing rate. KOBE Design University has proposed some designs of the reflective material goods which are close to and easy to wear for daily use and made16 kinds of sample goods. The visibility of the goods was tested under an irradiation experiment. Also we promoted the goods to the citizens at some traffic safety fairs and exhibitions and held a questionnaire survey. As a result, we found out that stereoscopic items with color of white with wide area such as hats and bags are the most visible goods

    ヨウジ ヲ タイショウ ト シタ カンキョウ キョウイク プログラム ノ ココロミ ―トウキョウ ノウギョウ ダイガク イセハラ ノウジョウ ヲ ジレイ ト シテー

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    本研究では,東京農業大学農学分野の教員・技術員と幼稚園教諭とが連携し,野菜や果樹栽培の教育研究を活かした環境教育プログラムを試みた。本研究では,プログラムのねらいに応じて伊勢原農場内で教育素材を選定し,環境教育プログラムを実施した。環境教育プログラムでは,ステビア,レモングラス,コキアを五感で体験し植物の用途や効用を学ぶ環境教育プログラムを実施した。加えて,幼児が日常生活で親しんでいる野菜・果樹としてブトウ,ブルーベリー,ミニトマトの栽培技術や品種の違いを学ぶ環境教育プログラムを実施した。本プログラムの教育効果として,伊勢原農場の多様な果樹・野菜とその栽培技術は幼児たちに身近な野菜や果樹への発見,楽しさ,感動を与え,観察した物事を記録できる観察力や理解力の向上を確認できた。In this research, faculty members and technical engineers from Tokyo University of Agriculture have conducted a trial environmental education program in cooperation with the teachers of the Seijo Kindergarten utilizing vegetable and fruit cultivation related educational research. Specifically, the objectives besides holding the actual educational event was to clarify the purpose of the educational program and to select the education materials for future use. As part of the environmental education program, children learned about the uses and effects of the plants Sevia, Lemongrass and Bassia Scoparia using their five senses. In addition, children were able to learn about the different cultivation methods and varieties of everyday vegetables and fruits that they encounter on a daily basis such as grapes, blueberries and cherry tomatoes. As a result of the program children were evidently able to improve their observation skills and comprehension skills by taking notes of their new discoveries, joys and impressions of everyday vegetables, while they learned about the wide varieties of vegetables and fruits of the Isehara Farmland and their cultivation methods. Meanwhile, as for the provision of the Isehara Farmland as a sustainable venue of environmental education, the establishment of an acceptance system and the securing of human resources remain as potential issues