422 research outputs found

    Die slowakische Übersetzung von Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića

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    U članku je riječ o slovačkome prijevodu djela Ivane Brlić-Mažuranić Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića (1913), Podivné príhody učňa Chlapčeka, koji je objavljen 1940. godine. Prijevod navedenoga djela razmatra se u kontekstu dvaju \u27malih\u27, srodnih slavenskih jezika i dviju \u27malih\u27 europskih književnosti. Posebna se pozornost posvećuje funkcionalnosti prijevoda za potrebe današnjega slovačkoga dječjega čitatelja, tj. njegovoj aktualnosti odnosno zastarjelosti, a govori se i o uvjetima i društvenim i političkim okolnostima u kojima je taj najpoznatiji hrvatski dječji roman preveden na slovački jezik. Analiziraju se jezična sredstva prijevoda i izvornika te se na razini leksika i stila nastoji upozoriti na vrline i nedostatke toga prvoga, ali zasad i posljednjega pokušaja da se Šegrt Hlapić učini dostupnim slovačkoj (ne samo dječjoj) čitateljskoj publici.The article deals with the Slovak translation of the children\u27s novel Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapich the Apprentice] by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1913), titled Podivné príhody učňa Chlapčeka (1940). The translation is considered in the context of two \u27small\u27 related languages and two \u27small\u27 European literatures. Special attention is paid to the functionality of the translation for the needs of contemporary Slovak child readers, i.e. its actuality or obsolescence, but the paper also focuses on the social and political circumstances in which this Croatian children\u27s classic was translated into the Slovak language. It analyzes the linguistic aspects of the translation in reference to the original, and draws attention to the strengths and weaknesses (at the level of lexis and style) of this first, and so far the only attempt at making Hlapich the Apprentice accessible to a Slovak, not only children\u27s, readership.Der Beitrag handelt von der slowakischen Übersetzung des Romans Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [Wunderbare Reise des Schusterjungen Clapitsch] (1913) von Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, die 1940 unter dem Titel Podivné príhody učňa Chlapčeka veröffentlicht wurde. Die Übersetzung wird im Kontext von zwei \u27kleinen\u27 verwandten slawischen Sprachen bzw. Zwei \u27kleinen\u27 europӓischen Literaturen besprochen. Das Augenmerk liegt insbesondere auf der Funktionalitӓt der Übersetzung in bezug auf die heutigen slowakischen Kinderleser, d.h. auf Aktualitӓt bzw. Obsoleszenz der Übersetzung. Darüber hinaus werden nicht nur der gesellschaftliche und politische Kontext vorgestellt, innerhalb dessen slowakische Übersetzung des bekanntesten kroatischen Kinderromans verortet ist, sondern ebenso die verwendeten sprachlichen Mittel der Vorlage und Übersetzung verglichen. Hiervon ausgehend verweist der Beitrag auf die lexikalisch-stilistischen Stӓrken und Schwӓchen des bis dato einmaligen Versuches, den Roman Šegrt Hlapić dem slowakischen Kinder- und Erwachsenenlesepublikum zugӓnglich zu machen

    Why is five much more than four? On the description of numeral words in Croatian as a second and foreign language

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    Već na samome početku učenja inoga jezika pojavljuje se potreba za upotre- bom brojevnih riječi, bez obzira na to o kojemu je jeziku riječ. U tri tisuće najčešćih riječi hrvatskoga jezika (Moguš i dr. 1999) pojavljuje se tridesetak brojevnih riječi vrlo različitih po svojim gramatičkim obilježjima. U hrvat- skome je jeziku, kao i u drugim slavenskim jezicima, problematika brojevnih riječi vrlo složena i potrebno je svladati više morfoloških i sintaktičkih pra- vila da bi se moglo sudjelovati u svakodnevnoj komunikaciji. Uz to, znanje koje o brojevnim riječima u svojemu prvom jeziku imaju neizvorni govornici hrvatskoga jezika često se ne podudara s onim što trebaju znati o brojevnim riječima u hrvatskome jeziku, stoga su odstupanja u njihovu međujeziku u vezi s brojevima vrlo česta. Da bi se mogla postići bolja ovladanost bro- jevnim riječima u hrvatskome kao inom jeziku, potrebno ih je prije svega primjereno opisati, zato se u ovome radu nastoji odgovoriti na neka pitanja u vezi s brojevnim riječima za potrebe opisa hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika, npr. koje se riječi hrvatskoga jezika mogu objediniti pod brojevnim riječima, tj. koje su podvrste brojevnih riječi, kakvim bi se načelima autori priručnika trebali voditi pri njihovu opisu i sl. Predstavlja se klasifikacija i opis brojev- nih riječi u suvremenim priručnicima hrvatskoga kao prvoga jezika. Rad se temelji na spoznajama o brojevnim riječima općenito i u hrvatskome jeziku (Tafra 1989, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2011; Pišković 2011; Marković 2011; sve suvremene gramatike hrvatskoga jezika), na spoznajama o međujeziku (Se- linker 1992) i o potrebi izravnoga poučavanja gramatičkim pravilima (Novak Milić 2005) te na spoznajama o leksičkome pristupu u nastavi stranih jezika s posebnim osvrtom na hrvatski (Bergovec 2007).Already at the very beginning of learning a foreign language, there is a need to use numeral words, regardless of which language it is. In three thousand most frequent words of the Croatian language (Moguš et al. 1999), there are some thirty numeral words very different in their grammatical proper- ties. In Croatian, as in other Slavic languages, the issue of numeral words is a complex one and several morphological and syntactic rules should be mastered in order to be able to utter a simple sentence with such words. In addition, the knowledge of numeral words that the non-native speakers of Croatian have in their first language often does not correspond to what they need to know about numeral words in Croatian. Therefore, deviations in their interlanguage with regard to numbers are very frequent. In order to achieve better mastery over numeral words in Croatian as a foreign lan- guage, one first needs to describe them properly, hence this presentation attempts to answer certain questions about numeral words for the needs of Croatian as a foreign language, e.g. which words in the Croatian language can be included under numeral words, i.e. what the sub-types of numeral words are, which principles the authors of handbooks should be guided by in their description etc. We will describe the classification and description of numeral words in contemporary handbooks of Croatian as the first lan- guage. The paper is based on insights into numeral words in general and in the Croatian language (Tafra 1989, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2011; Pišković 2011; Marković 2011; all contemporary grammar books of the Croatian lan- guage), on insights into interlanguage (Selinker 1992), on the need to teach grammatical rules directly (Novak Milić 2005), and on insights into the lex- ical approach in teaching foreign languages, with a particular emphasis on Croatian (Bergovec 2007)

    Management of Road Infrastructure Safety

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    Road Infrastructure Safety Management (RISM) refers to a set of procedures that support a road authority in decision making related to the improvement of safety on a road network. Some of these procedures can be applied to existing infrastructure, thus enabling a reactive approach; and other procedures are used in early stages of a project's life-cycle allowing a proactive approach. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the most well-known procedures and present a series of recommendations for successful road infrastructure safety management. The work described in the paper was completed by the IRTAD sub-working group on Road Infrastructure Safety Management and presented in detail in the respective Report. The methodology followed on this purpose included the description of the most consolidated RISM procedures, the analysis of the use of RISM procedures worldwide and the identification of possible weaknesses and barriers to their implementation, the provision of good practice examples and the contribution to the scientific assessment of procedures. Specifically, the following RISM procedures were considered: Road Safety Impact Assessment (RIA), Efficiency Assessment Tools (EAT), Road Safety Audit (RSA), Network Operation (NO), Road Infrastructure Safety Performance Indicators (SPI), Network Safety Ranking (NSR), Road Assessment Programs (RAP), Road Safety Inspection (RSI), High Risk Sites (HRS) and In-depth Investigation. Each procedure was described along with tools and data needed for its implementation as well as relevant common practices worldwide. A synthesis summarizing the key information for each procedure was also drafted. Based on a survey on 23 IRTAD member countries from worldwide, the lack of resources or tools is the most commonly stated reason for not applying a RISM procedure. This has been frequently found mainly in European countries. Another common reason is the absence of recommendations/guidelines, especially for SPI, RAP, RSI and RSA. This highlights the importance of the presence of some legislation regulating the application of the procedures. Lack of data was found important mainly for SPI, HRS and EAT. Good practices of road infrastructure safety management have been explored in order to find solutions to the issues highlighted by the survey and provide examples about how these issues have been overcome in some countries. Specifically, issues related to data, legal framework, funding, knowledge, tools and dealing with more RISM procedures were addressed. Finally, nine key messages and six recommendations for better Road Infrastructure Safety Management were developed based on the conclusions made

    Gender of nouns with the grammatical morpheme -a for male persons

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    Hrvatski jezikoslovci i leksikografi nisu u suglasju kad je riječ o rodu imenica koje u nominativu jednine završavaju na -a, a imenuju osobe muškoga spola (tata, papa, Nikola) ili osobe muškoga i ženskoga spola (varalica, pristaša). Razlike pritom proizlaze najvećim dijelom iz različita poimanja kategorije roda. Iako različita, rješenja unutar pojedinih gramatika provode se dosljedno, što se ne može reći i za rječnike. U članku se rod navedenih imenica razmatra s gledišta hrvatskoga kao izvornoga jezika i s gledišta hrvatskoga kao inojezičnoga. Članak nudi moguće rješenje za potpuniji opis tih imenica u hrvatskom jeziku.Gender according to agreement and gender according to declension in the majority of nouns in the Croatian language correspond. However, Croatian linguists and lexicographers do not agree when it comes to the gender of nouns which in nominative singular end in -a, and for which gender according to agreement and gender according to declension do not correspond. There are four groups of such nouns: nouns denoting male persons (tata, papa), nouns denoting both male and female persons (varalica, pristaša), nouns denoting male names (Nikola, Ivica), and nouns denoting both male, female and family names (Matija, Jelaska). We can also speak of a fifth group, augmentatives of masculine gender nouns (stančina, muškarčina). These nouns according to their morphological structure, the nominative ending -a, belong to the emph{e} declension, i.e. they are inflected like most feminine gender nouns. The article compares the gender determinants for the aforementioned nouns in grammar books and dictionaries of the Croatian language and demonstrates their variety. The differences largely stem from a different understanding of the category of gender. Although different, the solutions within individual grammar books are implemented consistently, which cannot be said of dictionaries.\ In this article the gender of the nouns mentioned is considered on the one hand from the viewpoint of Croatian as L1, and on the other hand from the viewpoint of Croatian as L2. Given the fact that there are different views regarding these nouns and that gender in standard Croatian language is assigned to them based on different criteria, which makes correct use difficult even for a native speaker, it is even less clear how these nouns should be regarded in the theory of Croatian as L2. The article offers a possible solution for a more adequate description of these nouns in the Croatian language: the authors propose a clearer definition of criteria for determining the gender of these nouns, offer a thesis on their double gender and discuss the necessary grammatical information that should be found next to these nouns in language books