6 research outputs found

    A methodology for the analysis of interactive narrative environments : a four-factor framework

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    Stories have been engaging humans for thousands of years, but in interactive narrative environments, the narrative is perceived to diminish as the source of engagement. One reason for this apparent diminution, is that in interactive environments there has been difficulty in understanding the relationship between design of the unfolding story, and the ability of a user within the story to alter the course of events. As yet there are no standard or accepted evaluative methods to understand interaction at a granular level, and to understand how stories and narratives flow across the expanse of technologies and mixed realities that characterise the way people communicate, share knowledge and are entertained. This thesis presents a novel methodology called the Four-Factor Framework, that takes as its premise that there are four fundamental elements in interactive stories and narratives that can be observed.Doctor of Philosoph

    Deliberation using three dimensions

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    Three dimensional games are compelling and provide a forum for interactivity and engagement. A dramatically different environment from typical settings for the discussion of issues in addition the interactivity and all-engaging nature of the 3D environment is expected to facilitate deliberative attitudes. Complex reasoning if represented in a 3D environment is likely to be more compelling and interesting than the same issue represented using other means.E

    Dramatic level analysis for interactive narrative

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    In interactive 3D narratives, a user’s narrative emerges through interactions with the system and embodied agencies (characters) mediated through the 3D environment. We present a methodology that identifies and measures four factors in interactive narrative where agency is present. We describe a technique for measuring drama, agency and engagement and compare the centrality of a designed interactive narrative with the emergent participatory narrative. This methodology has application as an analytic device for any interactive narrative where agency is fundamental. The adoption of the FrameNet semantic resource and the interpretation of interaction in narrative, situate this work in the domain of 3D interactive narratives, mixed and augmented realities and polymorphic narratives that cross forms of media

    Dramatic flow in interactive 3D narrative

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    The concept of dramatic level is crucial for a model of dramatic flow. We present a framework to maintain optimal dramatic flow in an interactive 3D environment where both linear and emergent narratives co-exist. Unlike all other interactive narrative prototypes the framework advanced focuses on the optimal dramatic flow of the emerging user narrative so that although fragmented, it can be engaging and make sense. Using a sample narrative from Ovid’s Metamorphoses [18] we demonstrate a method to evaluate dramatic levels as plot points so that movement across narratives retains a strong dramatic flow. Although users may never choose to explore any given linear narrative in its entirety, the result is an engaging and rich narrative experience

    An interaction framework for scenario-based three dimensional environments

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    Although popular and engaging, three dimensional environments are rarely deployed to depict strong narratives involving complex characters engaged in reasoning. The design of three dimensional environments rich in narrative and character depth can be facilitated with a detailed representation of interactions between characters. However, the representation of interaction in current 3D development environments such as game engines is quite basic. This work advances a scheme for representing interactions that integrates a representation of semantics from linguistics called FrameNet with conceptualizations of drama and narrative by Georges Polti and Joseph Campbell. The resulting interaction frame facilitates the design of 3D environments by providing designers rich, yet standard elements that include spatial and temporal data, with which to represent complex interactions in 3D environments. This has application for the authoring of dynamically generated interactive narrative environments.E

    Decision support based needs assessment for cancer patients

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    Regular assessment of wellness or quality of life for patients throughout a cancer journey is important so as to identify aspects of life that could lead to distress and impede recovery or acceptance. The emerging trends in assessment are to deploy validated, quality of life instruments on touchscreen computers in medical waiting rooms. However, these add to workload of health care professionals and can be impersonal for patients to use. In this article, an alternate approach is presented that involves a decision support system with natural dialogue that elicits the patient's specific context in a far finer grained manner than is possible with questionnaire based instruments. The system includes a model of heuristics that health care professionals in a locality use to make inferences regarding a patient's quality of life and avenues for referral.E