1 research outputs found

    RIoT control : understanding and managing risks and the internet of things /

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    RIoT Control: Understanding and Managing Risks and the Internet of Things explains IoT risk in terms of project requirements, business needs, and system designs. Learn how the Internet of Things (IoT) is different from "RegularïŽ Enterprise security, more intricate and more complex to understand and manage. Billions of internet-connected devices make for a chaotic system, prone to unexpected behaviors. Industries considering IoT technologies need guidance on IoT-ready security and risk management practices to ensure key management objectives like Financial and Market success, and Regulatory compliance. Understand the threats and vulnerabilities of the IoT, including endpoints, newly emerged forms of gateway, network connectivity, and cloud-based data centers. Gain insights as to which emerging techniques are best according to your specific IoT system, its risks, and organizational needs. After a thorough introduction to the Iot, Riot Control explores dozens of IoT-specific risk management requirements, examines IoT-specific threats and finally provides risk management recommendations which are intended as applicable to a wide range of use-cases.Includes index.Vendor-supplied metadata.RIoT Control: Understanding and Managing Risks and the Internet of Things explains IoT risk in terms of project requirements, business needs, and system designs. Learn how the Internet of Things (IoT) is different from "RegularïŽ Enterprise security, more intricate and more complex to understand and manage. Billions of internet-connected devices make for a chaotic system, prone to unexpected behaviors. Industries considering IoT technologies need guidance on IoT-ready security and risk management practices to ensure key management objectives like Financial and Market success, and Regulatory compliance. Understand the threats and vulnerabilities of the IoT, including endpoints, newly emerged forms of gateway, network connectivity, and cloud-based data centers. Gain insights as to which emerging techniques are best according to your specific IoT system, its risks, and organizational needs. After a thorough introduction to the Iot, Riot Control explores dozens of IoT-specific risk management requirements, examines IoT-specific threats and finally provides risk management recommendations which are intended as applicable to a wide range of use-cases.Includes bibliographical references and index.Elsevie