37 research outputs found

    Was Sinn FĂ©in dying? A quantitative post-mortem of the party's decline and the emergence of Fianna FĂĄil

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    This article calls for a reappraisal of the consensus surrounding the split within Sinn FĂ©in in 1926 that led to the foundation of Fianna FĂĄil. It demonstrates that quantitative factors cited to demonstrate Sinn FĂ©in’s “terminal” decline – finances, cumann numbers, and election results – and to explain de Valera’s decision to leave Sinn FĂ©in and establish a rival republican organisation, Fianna FĂĄil, do not provide sufficient objective grounds to explain the republican leader’s actions. This article demonstrates that Sinn FĂ©in’s election results during the period in question (1923-1926) were encouraging and the decline in finances and cumann numbers can be explained by the fact that the base year used to compare progress was 1923, an election year. Moreover, this article compares the performance of Sinn FĂ©in to the first five years of Fianna FĂĄil (1926-1931) to show that what has been interpreted as terminal decline can also be attributed to normal inter-election lulls in party activity. Correspondingly, subjective factors – e.g. personal rivalries, differences in ideology, organisational style and levels of patience in terms of achieving political power – were most likely the determining factors rather than organisational decline

    Submaximal physical strain and peak performance in handcycling versus handrim wheelchair propulsion

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    Study design: Experimental study in subjects with paraplegia and nondisabled subjects. Objective: To compare submaximal physical strain and peak performance in handcycling and handrim wheelchair propulsion in wheelchair-dependent and nondisabled control subjects Setting: Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Methods: Nine male subjects with paraplegia and 10 nondisabled male subjects performed two exercise tests on a motor-driven treadmill using a handrim wheelchair and attach-unit handcycle system. The exercise protocol consisted of two 4-min submaximal exercise bouts at 25 and 35 W, followed by 1-min exercise bouts with increasing power output until exhaustion. Results: Analysis of variance for repeated measures showed a significantly lower oxygen uptake (VO2), ventilation (Ve), heart rate (HR), rate of perceived exertion and a higher gross efficiency for handcycling at 35 W in both subject groups, while no significant differences were found at 25 W. Peak power output and peak V

    Expression of the costimulator molecules, CD80, CD86, CD28, and CD152 on lymphocytes from neonates and young children

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    The expression of CD80, CD86, CD28, and CD152 were examined on peripheral blood lymphocytes from adults, neonates (cord blood lymphocytes) and young children (2-20 months of age). There was no difference in the expression of CD80 or CD86 between adult and neonatal B cells, either resting or activated. A higher percentage of resting T cells expressed CD28 in neonates and young children compared to adults. CD28 expression was similar on adult and neonatal T cells activated with PMA and ionomycin. However, CD28 was expressed at greater intensity on a higher percentage of neonatal T cells than adult T cells stimulated with CD3. CD152 expression was lower on neonatal T cells than adult T cells stimulated with PMA and ionomycin and undetectable on neonatal T cells stimulated with CD3. In contrast, intracellular CD152 was equivalent in adult and neonatal T cells stimulated with PMA and ionomycin, suggesting trafficking of CD152 to the cell surface may be differentially regulated in neonatal T cells. Since the T cell response is determined by the balance of signals received from CD28 and CD152, high levels of CD28 expression and lower surface expression of CD152 on neonatal T cells may represent specialisation to promote activation of neonatal T cells

    Expression of the costimulator molecules, CD40 and CD154, on lymphocytes from neonates and young children

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    Differential expression of the costimulator molecules CD40 and CD154 on neonatal lymphocytes may be one explanation for limited T-dependent antibody responses in human neonates. CD40 was expressed at similar levels on resting B cells from adults, young children (2-20 months of age) or cord blood. CD40 expression was higher on cord blood B cells compared to adult B cells after stimulation with PMA and ionomycin, but similar on adult and cord blood B cells activated by CD3-stimulated T cells. In contrast to previous reports, cord blood T cells stimulated with PMA and ionomycin expressed adult levels of CD154 initially, but this expression was more transient on cord blood T cells. When adult and cord blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with CD3 mAb, T cells from some cord blood specimens showed different kinetics of CD154 expression compared with adult T cells. However, some cord blood specimens showed adult patterns of T cell CD154 expression. When mononuclear cells were depleted of B cells and monocytes prior to stimulation with CD3 mAb, the MFI and percentage of T cells expressing CD154 increased, with adult and cord T cells showing similar patterns of expression. These results show some differences in expression of CD40 and CD154 between neonatal and adult lymphocytes, but do not directly account for the relative deficiencies of humoral immunity in neonates

    Expression of cytokine receptors by human cord blood lymphocytes: comparison with adult blood lymphocytes

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    The expression of receptors for several cytokines (IL 2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-7, tumor necrosis factor, and interferon-gamma) was examined in human cord blood cells in comparison with adult blood cells. A previously described high sensitivity immunofluorescence procedure was used to render the low levels of receptor measurable. Cord blood lymphocytes expressed measurable levels of most cytokine receptors, but expression tended to be lower than in adult blood cells. Examination of different lymphocyte subpopulations revealed a complex pattern with some cell types expressing particular receptors equivalent to adult levels. Cord and adult blood monocytes expressed similar cytokine receptor profiles. Receptor expression in cord lymphocytes could be regulated by activation. The results provide indications as to the relative activities of different cytokines in the development of the immune system in the neonate

    Nasal polyp cell populations and fungal-specific peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation in allergic fungal sinusitis

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    Background: Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS) is considered a different disease from other polypoid chronic rhinosinusitis diseases (CRS) with eosinophilic mucus (EM) termed eosinophilic mucus chronic rhinosinusitis (EMCRS). To substantiate this, studies on cellular responses to fungi and sinus mucosal inflammatory cell populations in AFS and other EMCRS diseases are required. This study was designed to examine polyp inflammatory cell populations and peripheral blood fungal-specific T-cell responses in AFS, other EMCRS subgroups (defined later), and polypoid CRS without EM. Methods: A prospective study was performed. Clinical characteristics, including CRS symptoms, sinus computed tomography (CT) scans, allergy status, intraoperative endoscopy, presence of EM, and fungal culture results were used to define patient groups. Polyps and peripheral blood were examined for populations of eosinophils, lymphocytes (CD4+, CD8+ T cells, natural killer cells, and B cells), and neutrophils using immunohistochemistry, cytospin preparations and flow cytometry. Fungal-specific peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation was examined in AFS patients, other EMCRS patients, CRS patients, and controls. Results: There was no significant difference in the percentage of cell populations and fungal-specific lymphocyte proliferation between AFS and other EMCRS diseases. However, AFS and other EMCRS polyps had a higher percentage of eosinophils and CD8+ T cells whereas CRS polyps had higher CD4+ T cells. Fungal-specific lymphocyte proliferation was significantly greater in AFS and other EMCRS patients regardless of fungal allergy, whereas in CRS and controls, higher proliferation was observed in fungal-allergic individuals. Conclusion: These findings question the basis for differentiating AFS from other EMCRS diseases based on fungal allergy and fungi in EM. Fungal-specific cellular response was present in AFS and other EMCRS diseases, different from that associated with fungal allergy, suggesting a nonallergic fungal immune response. Increased CD8+ T cells in EMCRS polyps signify a different type of inflammation to CRS that may be driven by CD8+ T cells.Harshita Pant, Dimitra Beroukas, Frank E. Kette, William B. Smith, Peter J. Wormald, Peter J. Macardl

    Reduced expression of the interleukin-2-receptor gamma chain on cord blood lymphocytes: relationship to functional immaturity of the neonatal immune response.

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    Mutation of the interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor gamma chain, which also serves as a component of the receptor complexes for IL-4, 7, 9 and 15, results in severe immune deficiency. We hypothesized that the immunological immaturity of healthy neonates might be associated with low levels of expression of this receptor molecule. Using monoclonal antibody and a highly sensitive immunofluorescence method, we showed that IL-2 receptor gamma chain is expressed at significantly lower levels on cord blood cells compared with adult cells. IL-2-dependent T-cell activation in vitro was reduced in cord blood cells compared with adult cells, but B-cell responses to IL-4 were not obviously impaired. The lower level of expression of the gamma chain and some other cytokine receptor chains may contribute to the immunological immaturity of the newborn, by selectively depressing particular immunological mechanisms

    The Fc receptor for IgG (FcgRII; CD32) on human neonatal B lymphocytes

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    B cells express an Fc receptor for IgG (FcgammaRII; CD32) which is involved in feedback inhibition of antibody production. Engagement of FcgammaRII during ligation of the antigen receptor provides an inhibitory signal. FcgammaRII exists as several isoforms, with FcgammaRIIb (which carries an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibition motif; ITIM) being predominant form on adult B cells. The inhibitory role of FcgammaRIIb may be unhelpful to the infant, since primary exposure to infectious agents is likely to be in the presence of maternal IgG. We hypothesized that neonatal B cells would be less susceptible to feedback inhibition by antibody, either through the expression of activation-competent FcgammaRII isoforms (FcgammaRIIa and FcgammaRIIc) or through reduced expression of the inhibitory FcgammaRIIb isoforms. Cord and adult B cells were examined for expression of FcgammaRII isoforms using monoclonal antibodies and RT-PCR. In vitro assays were performed to assess susceptibility of cord and adult cells to FcgammaRII-mediated suppression. Although there is no phenotypic difference in FcgammaRII expression (FcgammaRIIb predominating on both adult and cord B cells), FcgammaRIIb is expressed at lower levels on cord cells. This quantitative difference in FcgammaRIIb expression may explain the reduced susceptibility of cord B cells to antibody-mediated inhibition observed in these experiments