74 research outputs found

    Facilitators and barriers to physical activity participation experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults: A mixed methods systematic review protocol

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    Objective:To synthesize the existing research about physical activity and sport facilitators and barriers experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults in Australia.Introduction:Physical activity and sport have cultural importance for First Nations peoples. Achieving health and broader benefits from physical activity and sport is impacted by experiences of both facilitators and barriers to participation. Identifying how to facilitate participation and overcome barriers to physical activity and sport is important to develop strategies to increase physical activity levels and sport participation among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults. Several studies have examined physical activity and sport facilitators and barriers experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, and collective synthesis of these studies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of their findings.Inclusion criteria:This mixed methods systematic review will consider studies that include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 18 years and over from any setting or region of Australia. Studies will be considered if they report on facilitators and barriers to physical activity and/or sport participation.Methods:Eleven databases will be searched, as well as gray literature sources, and a selection of websites containing resources relevant to physical activity participation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults. Studies published in English will be included. No date limits will be set. After screening the titles and abstracts of identified citations, potentially relevant studies will be retrieved in full. Study selection, critical appraisal, data extraction, and data synthesis will be undertaken according to the convergent integrated approach to mixed methods reviews.Systematic review registration number:PROSPERO CRD42020162134

    Comparison of free-living physical activity data obtained from a Fitbit Zip, the Apple iPhone Health app and a modified Bouchard Activity Record

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    Issue addressed: Physical activity tracking devices have potential to improve public health, but their data needs to be reliable. No study has compared movement data between the Fitbit Zip, Apple iPhone Health app and physical activity records in a community setting over 10 days. Methods: University students aged 18+ years wore both a Fitbit Zip and an iPhone at/near their right waist and completed a modified Bouchard Activity Record (BAR) for 10 days in a free-living setting. Comparisons were made between the Fitbit Zip and iPhone for the number of steps and the distance travelled and between the Fitbit Zip and BAR for the minutes of activity in three different intensities. Results: Eighteen students provided sufficient data for inclusion. There were strong correlations between steps per day (r =.87) and distance travelled (r =.88) between the Fitbit Zips and iPhones. However, the Fitbit Zip measured significantly more steps per day (mean 8437 vs 7303; P ≤.001) and greater distances (mean 5.9 vs 4.9; P ≤.001) than the iPhone. Correlations between the Fitbit Zips and the BARs were moderate for minutes of total (r =.51) and light (r =.40) activity and weak for moderate/fairly active (r =.20) and vigorous/very active (r =.25). Conclusions: There were strong correlations between the physical activity data measured by Fitbit Zips and iPhones, but the iPhone Health app significantly underestimated the number of steps per day taken and the distance travelled when compared to the Fitbit Zip. So what?: Understanding the comparability of accelerometer devices provides useful information for future pragmatic physical activity measurement

    Keystrokes: A practical exploration of semantic drift in timed word association tasks

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    This study investigates the phenomena of semantic drift through the lenses of language and situated simulation (LASS) and the word frequency effect (WFE) within a timed word association task. Our primary objectives were to determine whether semantic drift can be identified over the short time (25 seconds) of a free word association task (a predicted corollary of LASS), and whether more frequent terms are generated earlier in the process (as expected due to the WFE). Respondents were provided with five cue words (tree, dog, quality, plastic and love), and asked to write as many associations as they could. We hypothesized that terms generated later in the task (fourth time quartile, the last 19–25 seconds) would be semantically more distant (cosine similarity) from the cue word than those generated earlier (first quartile, the first 1–7 seconds), indicating semantic drift. Additionally, we explored the WFE by hypothesizing that earlier generated words would be more frequent and less diverse. Utilizing a dataset matched with GloVe 300B word embeddings, BERT and WordNet synsets, we analysed semantic distances among 1569 unique term pairs for all cue words across time. Our results supported the presence of semantic drift, with significant evidence of within-participant, semantic drift from the first to fourth time (LASS) and frequency (WFE) quartiles. In terms of the WFE, we observed a notable decrease in the diversity of terms generated earlier in the task, while more unique terms (greater diversity and relative uniqueness) were generated in the 4th time quartile, aligning with our hypothesis that more frequently used words dominate early stages of a word association task. We also found that the size of effects varied substantially across cues, suggesting that some cues might invoke stronger and more idiosyncratic situated simulations. Theoretically, our study contributes to the understanding of LASS and the WFE. It suggests that semantic drift might serve as a scalable indicator of the invocation of language versus simulation systems in LASS and might also be used to explore cognition within word association tasks more generally. The findings also add a temporal and relational dimension to the WFE. Practically, our research highlights the utility of word association tasks in understanding semantic drift and the diffusion of word usage over a sub-minute task, arguably the shortest practically feasible timeframe, offering a scalable method to explore group and individual changes in semantic relationships, whether via the targeted diffusion of influence in a marketing campaign, or seeking to understand differences in cognition more generally. Possible practical uses and opportunities for future research are discussed

    Culturally safe speech-language supports for First Nations children: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 8 and 10

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    Purpose: Self-determination is foundational to health and well-being for First Nations people. Colonisation has undermined self-determination and widespread effects are observed as disparities in health and well-being. Chronic middle ear disease is more highly prevalent in First Nations children, is associated with delays in speech and language and lower levels of educational readiness. However, there is a paucity of culturally and linguistically sensitive speech-language assessments and habilitation services globally. Focussing on high-income colonial-settler countries (including United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), where health disparities are significant, we aim to discuss the importance of and the challenges in providing culturally safe care to First Nations children with communication disabilities. Result: To be effective, both cultural and linguistic diversity and cultural safety must be considered in all aspects of assessment and intervention. Furthermore, speech-language pathologists must be equipped to work with First Nations children with communication disorders. Conclusion: To optimally support First Nations’ children with communication disabilities, services need to be culturally safe, family-centred and strengths-based. This commentary focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)3, 4, 8 and 10

    Are Sitting Occupations Associated with Increased All-Cause, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Risk? A Pooled Analysis of Seven British Population Cohorts

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    There is mounting evidence for associations between sedentary behaviours and adverse health outcomes, although the data on occupational sitting and mortality risk remain equivocal. The aim of this study was to determine the association between occupational sitting and cardiovascular, cancer and all-cause mortality in a pooled sample of seven British general population cohorts.The sample comprised 5380 women and 5788 men in employment who were drawn from five Health Survey for England and two Scottish Health Survey cohorts. Participants were classified as reporting standing, walking or sitting in their work time and followed up over 12.9 years for mortality. Data were modelled using Cox proportional hazard regression adjusted for age, waist circumference, self-reported general health, frequency of alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, non-occupational physical activity, prevalent cardiovascular disease and cancer at baseline, psychological health, social class, and education.In total there were 754 all-cause deaths. In women, a standing/walking occupation was associated with lower risk of all-cause (fully adjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 0.68, 95% CI 0.52-0.89) and cancer (HR = 0.60, 95% CI 0.43-0.85) mortality, compared to sitting occupations. There were no associations in men. In analyses with combined occupational type and leisure-time physical activity, the risk of all-cause mortality was lowest in participants with non-sitting occupations and high leisure-time activity.Sitting occupations are linked to increased risk for all-cause and cancer mortality in women only, but no such associations exist for cardiovascular mortality in men or women

    Ironbark: Developing a healthy community program for older Aboriginal people

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    Issue addressed: Programs by, with and for Aboriginal older people must be culturally safe and relevant. Successful elements include being Aboriginal specific and group based. Co-design with Aboriginal people and stakeholders is essential. We describe the co-design process of developing the Ironbark: Healthy Community program. Methods: Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing and yarning conversational methods guided the development process, during 2018. A desktop review provided details of current group characteristics and key community stakeholders. Stakeholder engagement regarding views about group operations, participants and benefits also occurred. Aboriginal Elders views of their groups were gathered through yarning circles in New South Wales (NSW). Grounded theory approach was used to ascertain key themes. Results: Initial engagement occurred with 13 different community stakeholders and organisations in three Australian states (NSW, South Australia (SA), Western Australia (WA)). Three yarning circles occurred with Elders from urban (N = 10), regional coastal (N = 10) and regional country (N = 4) groups. Six key themes were organised in three groups according to an Aboriginal ontology. 1. Knowing: groups provide opportunities to share knowledge and connect socially. Adequate program resourcing and sustainability are valued. 2. Being: groups strengthen culture, providing important social, emotional and other forms of support to age well. 3. Doing: previous program experiences inform perceptions for new program operations. Group venues and operational aspects should be culturally safe, acknowledging diversity among Elders, their preferences and community control. Themes were used to develop the program and its resource manual that were finalised with stakeholders, including steering committee approval. Conclusions: Stakeholder feedback at multiple stages and Aboriginal Elders’ perspectives resulted in a new co-designed community program involving weekly yarning circles and social activities. So what?: Co-design, guided by Aboriginal ways of knowing, being and doing, can develop programs relevant for Aboriginal people

    The association between post-migration nutrition and lifestyle transition and the risk of developing chronic diseases among sub-Saharan African migrants: A mixed method systematic review protocol

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    Sub-Saharan African (SSA) migrants face nutrition and lifestyle changes upon arrival in a host country. The shift in diet and lifestyle reflects post-migration acculturation and could predispose migrants to nutrition-and lifestyle-related chronic diseases. A mixed-methods systematic review of published studies and the grey literature on post-migration nutrition and lifestyle transition among SSA migrants will be undertaken. Studies published in English and conducted from 2000 to 2020 using quantitative and/or qualitative methods will be included. Ten bibliographic databases will be searched: Scopus, Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, CINAHL, PubMed, ProQuest, PsycINFO, Informit and Web of Science. Data extraction will be informed by the Cochrane PROGRESS-Plus framework and the Joanna Briggs Institute manual. The quality of the included studies will be appraised for risk of bias using validated tools. An integrated approach to quantitative and qualitative data synthesis through data transformation will be undertaken, and a narrative synthesis of the findings will be provided. This protocol is guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocols (PRISMA-P) guidelines and provides insight into the scope and parameters of the systematic review to be conducted. The aim of the review is to evaluate the association between post-migration nutrition and lifestyle transition and the risk of developing chronic diseases among SSA migrants in Australia. This review will provide insight into possible areas for interventions to improve the health of migrants. Systematic Review Registration: The protocol was registered with the PROSPERO international prospective register of systematic reviews CRD42020206560

    The Feasibility of Deriving the Electronic Frailty Index from Australian General Practice Records

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    Purpose: Frailty is a prevalent condition in older adults. Identification of frailty using an electronic Frailty Index (eFI) has been successfully implemented across general practices in the United Kingdom. However, in Australia, the eFI remains understudied. Therefore, we aimed to (i) examine the feasibility of deriving an eFI from Australian general practice records and (ii) describe the prevalence of frailty as measured by the eFI and the prevalence with socioeconomic status and geographic remoteness. Participants and Methods: This retrospective analysis included patients (≥70 years) attending any one of >700 general practices utilizing the Australian MedicineInsight data platform, 2017–2018. A 36-item eFI was derived using standard methodology, with frailty classified as mild (scores 0.13–0.24); moderate (0.25–0.36) or severe (≥0.37). Socioeconomic status (Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) index)) and geographic remoteness (Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGC) remoteness areas) were also examined. Results: In total, 79,251 patients (56% female) were included, mean age 80.0 years (SD 6.5); 37.4% (95% CI 37.0–37.7) were mildly frail, 16.7% (95% CI 16.4–16.9) moderately frail, 4.8% (95% CI 4.7–5.0) severely frail. Median eFI score was 0.14 (IQR 0.08 to 0.22); maximum eFI score was 0.69. Across all age groups, moderate and severe frailty was significantly more prevalent in females (P < 0.001). Frailty severity increased with increasing age (P < 0.001) and was strongly associated with socioeconomic disadvantage (P < 0.001) but not with geographic remoteness. Conclusion: Frailty was identifiable from routinely collected general practice data. Frailty was more prevalent in socioeconomically disadvantaged groups, women and older patients and existed in all levels of remoteness. Routine implementation of an eFI could inform interventions to prevent or reduce frailty in all older adults, regardless of location

    Social and Behavioural Correlates of High Physical Activity Levels among Aboriginal Adolescent Participants of the Next Generation: Youth Wellbeing Study

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    Physical activity typically decreases during teenage years and has been identified as a health priority by Aboriginal adolescents. We examined associations between physical activity levels and sociodemographic, movement and health variables in the Aboriginal led ‘Next Generation: Youth Well-being (NextGen) Study’ of Aboriginal people aged 10–24 years from Central Australia, Western Australia and New South Wales. Baseline survey data collected by Aboriginal researchers and Aboriginal youth peer recruiters from 2018 to 2020 examined demographics and health-related behaviours. Logistic regression was used to estimate odds ratios (OR) for engaging in high levels of physical activity in the past week (3–7 days; 0–2 days (ref), or ‘don’t remember’) associated with demographic and behavioural factors. Of 1170 adolescents, 524 (41.9%) had high levels of physical activity; 455 (36.4%) had low levels; 191 (15.3%) did not remember. Factors independently associated with higher odds of physical activity 3–7 days/week were low weekday recreational screen time [55.3% vs. 44.0%, OR 1.79 (1.16–2.76)], having non-smoking friends [50.4% vs. 25.0%, OR 2.27 (1.03–5.00)] and having fewer friends that drink alcohol [48.1% vs. 35.2%, OR 2.08 (1.05–4.14)]. Lower odds of high physical activity were independently associated with being female [40.2% vs. 50.9%, OR 0.57 (0.40–0.80)] and some findings differed by sex. The NextGen study provides evidence to inform the co-design and implementation of strategies to increase Aboriginal adolescent physical activity such as focusing on peer influences and co-occurring behaviours such as screen time

    Long-Term Consumption of 10 Food Groups and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Systematic Review and Dose Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

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    A large body of evidence exists on diet and cardiovascular mortality, but limited studies have investigated the long-term intake of food groups, which may have cumulative effects on cardiovascular health in the long term. This review therefore evaluated the relationship between the long-term consumption of 10 food groups and cardiovascular mortality. We conducted a systematic search in Medline, Embase, Scopus, CINAHL, and Web of Science till January 2022. Of the 5318 studies initially identified, 22 studies with a total of 70,273 participants with cardiovascular mortality were included. Summary HRs and 95% CIs were estimated using a random effects model. We found that a long-term high intake of whole grains (HR: 0.87; 95% CI: 0.80, 0.95; P = 0.001), fruits and vegetables (HR: 0.72; 95% CI: 0.61, 0.85; P < 0.0001), and nuts (HR: 0.73; 95% CI: 0.66, 0.81; P < 0.00001) significantly reduced cardiovascular mortality. Each 10-gram increase in whole grain consumption per day was associated with a 4% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular mortality, whereas each 10-gram increase in red/processed meat consumption per day was associated with a 1.8% increase in the risk of cardiovascular mortality. Compared with the lowest intake category, red/processed meat consumption in the highest category was associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular mortality (HR: 1.23; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.39; P = 0.006). High intake of dairy products (HR: 1.11; 95% CI: 0.92, 1.34; P = 0.28), and legumes (HR: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.53, 1.38; P = 0.53) were not associated with cardiovascular mortality. However, in the dose-response analysis, each 10-gram increase in legume intake per week was associated with a 0.5% reduction in cardiovascular mortality. We conclude that the long-term high intake of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and a low intake of red/processed meat are associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality. More data on the long-term effects of legumes on cardiovascular mortality are encouraged. This study was registered at PROSPERO as CRD42020214679
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