2,856 research outputs found

    Infrequent small bowel intestinal bacterial overgrowth in malnourished Zambian children.

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    There is evidence that children with malnutrition have an increased frequency of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) due to impaired gastric acidity, impaired intestinal motility, and dysbiosis. Children with malnutrition respond to antibiotic therapy but it is not clear if this effect is mediated by treatment of SIBO. We set out to determine the frequency of SIBO in children of varying nutritional status in a poor community in Lusaka, Zambia. Hydrogen breath testing, following a dose of 1g/kg oral glucose, was used to determine the presence of SIBO amongst the study participants. Forty nine children, 45 of whom had varying degrees of malnutrition, completed a full series of observations at 15, 30 and 60 minutes. Four children (8%) had a rise of 10ppm from baseline, consistent with SIBO. No correlation with nutritional status was observed. In this small study of Zambian children, SIBO was infrequent and unrelated to nutritional status

    Evaluation of ultrasound technology to break seed dormancy of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album)

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    Although seed dormancy is advantageous for annual plants in the wild, unsynchronized germination in the laboratory leads to increased error in measurements. Therefore techniques to promote and synchronize germination are routinely used. Ultrasound is one of the newest methods for breaking dormancy in weed seeds. We have investigated whether ultrasonic waves can be used to break seed dormancy of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), a highly competitive annual weed that leads to significant reduction of yields of corn, soybeans, and sugar beets. Ultrasonic waves with frequency of 35kH were applied for 0 (control), 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes using a completely randomized design. The results showed that the use of ultrasound waves generally enhanced the traits under investigation in the treated samples compared to the control sample. The maximum enhancement of germination percentage (180%), seedling dry weight (78%), and seedling vigor index I (271%) and II (392%) was seen in the common lambsquarters samples treated with ultrasound for 15 minutes and seedling length (40%) at 30 minutes compared to the control samples. Radical lengths were not statistically different from controls under any treatment and plumule length only increased marginally. These changes are reflected in seedling vigor index I and II measurements. For some of these traits, increasing the length of ultrasound treatment to 30 minutes had negative effects. These results demonstrate that ultrasound technology can be used as a quick, and efficient non-destructive method to break seed dormancy in common lambsquarters

    Excitations in the Halo Nucleus He-6 Following The Li-7(gamma,p)He-6 Reaction

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    A broad excited state was observed in 6-He with energy E_x = 5 +/- 1 MeV and width Gamma = 3 +/- 1 MeV, following the reaction Li-7(gamma,p)He-6. The state is consistent with a number of broad resonances predicted by recent cluster model calculations. The well-established reaction mechanism, combined with a simple and transparent analysis procedure confers considerable validity to this observation.Comment: 3 pages of LaTeX, 3 figures in PostScript, approved for publication in Phys. Rev. C, August, 200


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    The following publications have been reviewed by the mentioned authors;Welsh Crafts by Mary Eirwen Jones, reviewed by Roy NashA Source Book of Picture Making by Henry Pluckrose, reviewed by R. HartApproaches to Drawing by Leo Walmsley, reviewed by John EgglestonMoulded and Slip Cast Pottery and Ceramics by David Cowley, reviewed by Michael PaffardPainting by John Lancaster, reviewed by R. N. MacGregorDesign Resource Sheets by R. N. Billington and J. R. Jeffrey, reviewed by Dick SuttonEnamelling on Metal, Oppi. Intracht, reviewed by J. N. AtkinsProcesses by Jack Bainbridge, reviewed by Michael SayerArtists and People by Su Braden, reviewed by Roy ShawMake Your Own Musical Instrument by Stuart Dalby, reviewed by Eric DecorteDesign in General Education by John Harahan, reviewed by Bernard AylwardPainting Without a Brush by Roy Sparkes, reviewed by John LancasterBuilding Craft Equipment by A. Jay and Carol W. Abrams, reviewed by S. R. BlundellPyrography by Berhand Havez and Jean-Claude Varlet, reviewed by Paul Kin

    Knockout of proton-neutron pairs from 16^{16}O with electromagnetic probes

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    After recent improvements to the Pavia model of two-nucleon knockout from 16^{16}O with electromagnetic probes the calculated cross sections are compared to experimental data from such reactions. Comparison with data from a measurement of the 16^{16}O(e,e′'pn) reaction show much better agreement between experiment and theory than was previously observed. In a comparison with recent data from a measurement of the 16^{16}O(γ\gamma,pn) reaction the model over-predicts the measured cross section at low missing momentum.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Dietary garlic and hip osteoarthritis: evidence of a protective effect and putative mechanism of action

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    Background Patterns of food intake and prevalent osteoarthritis of the hand, hip, and knee were studied using the twin design to limit the effect of confounding factors. Compounds found in associated food groups were further studied in vitro. Methods Cross-sectional study conducted in a large population-based volunteer cohort of twins. Food intake was evaluated using the Food Frequency Questionnaire; OA was determined using plain radiographs. Analyses were adjusted for age, BMI and physical activity. Subsequent in vitro studies examined the effects of allium-derived compounds on the expression of matrix-degrading proteases in SW1353 chondrosarcoma cells. Results Data were available, depending on phenotype, for 654-1082 of 1086 female twins (median age 58.9 years; range 46-77). Trends in dietary analysis revealed a specific pattern of dietary intake, that high in fruit and vegetables, showed an inverse association with hip OA (p = 0.022). Consumption of 'non-citrus fruit' (p = 0.015) and 'alliums' (p = 0.029) had the strongest protective effect. Alliums contain diallyl disulphide which was shown to abrogate cytokine-induced matrix metalloproteinase expression. Conclusions Studies of diet are notorious for their confounding by lifestyle effects. While taking account of BMI, the data show an independent effect of a diet high in fruit and vegetables, suggesting it to be protective against radiographic hip OA. Furthermore, diallyl disulphide, a compound found in garlic and other alliums, represses the expression of matrix-degrading proteases in chondrocyte-like cells, providing a potential mechanism of action

    Single-crystal to cingle-crystal addition of H2to [Ir(iPr-PONOP)(propene)][BArF4] and comparison between solid-state and solution reactivity

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    The EPSRC (EP/M024210/2, EP/T019867/1), SCG Chemicals, The Clarendon Trust, The Leverhulme Trust (RPG-2020-184), Diamond Light Source for funding (PhD studentship to AM).The reactivity of the Ir(I) PONOP pincer complex [Ir(iPr-PONOP)(η2-propene)][BArF4], 6, [iPr-PONOP = 2,6-(iPr2PO)2C6H3N, ArF= 3,5-(CF3)2C6H3] was studied in solution and the solid state, both experimentally, using molecular density functional theory (DFT) and periodic-DFT computational methods, as well as in situ single-crystal to single-crystal (SC-SC) techniques. Complex 6 is synthesized in solution from sequential addition of H2and propene, and then the application of vacuum, to [Ir(iPr-PONOP)(η2-COD)][BArF4], 1, a reaction manifold that proceeds via the Ir(III) dihydrogen/dihydride complex [Ir(iPr-PONOP)(H2)H2][BArF4], 2, and the Ir(III) dihydride propene complex [Ir(iPr-PONOP)(η2-propene)H2][BArF4], 7, respectively. In solution (CD2Cl2) 6 undergoes rapid reaction with H2to form dihydride 7 and then a slow (3 d) onward reaction to give dihydrogen/dihydride 2 and propane. DFT calculations on the molecular cation in solution support this slow, but productive, reaction, with a calculated barrier to rate-limiting propene migratory insertion of 24.8 kcal/mol. In the solid state single-crystals of 6 also form complex 7 on addition of H2in an SC-SC reaction, but unlike in solution the onward reaction (i.e., insertion) does not occur, as confirmed by labeling studies using D2. The solid-state structure of 7 reveals that, on addition of H2to 6, the PONOP ligand moves by 90° within a cavity of [BArF4]-anions rather than the alkene moving. Periodic DFT calculations support the higher barrier to insertion in the solid state (ΔG‡= 26.0 kcal/mol), demonstrating that the single-crystal environment gates onward reactivity compared to solution. H2addition to 6 to form 7 is reversible in both solution and the solid state, but in the latter crystallinity is lost. A rare example of a sigma amine-borane pincer complex, [Ir(iPr-PONOP)H2(η1-H3B·NMe3)][BArF4], 5, is also reported as part of these studies.Peer reviewe
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