1 research outputs found
ASEAN’s inheritance: the regionalization of Southeast Asia, 1941–61
- Author
- Andrew Gamble
- Andrew Hurrell
- Ankie Hoogvelt
- Antaya Leonard Y.
- Anthony Reid
- Arnold G.L.
- Association of Southeast Asia (ASA)
- Brian Harrison
- Bruno Lasker
- Bruno Lasker
- Bryce Wood
- Callis Helmut Q
- Chris Dixon
- Christopher Thorne
- Cora DuBois
- Diane Stone
- Dobby E. H. G.
- Don Parkes
- Dunn Peter M.
- Earl Mountbatten
- Fifleld Russell H.
- Fifleld Russell H.
- Fifleld Russell H.
- Frank Ninkovich
- Furnivall J. S.
- George Coedes
- Gilbert E. W.
- Gordon Bernard K.
- Hall D. G. E.
- Harper Norman D.
- Jack Shepherd
- Jack Shepherd
- Jacoby Erich H.
- Jean Grugel
- Lennox A Mills
- Lennox A Mills
- Lucien Febvre
- Lucien Febvre
- Lucien Febvre
- Lucien Febvre
- MacFadden Clifford H.
- Marr David G.
- Neher Clark D.
- Nicholas Tarling
- Nicholas Tarling
- Panikkar K. M.
- Peter Sahlins
- Philip Charrier
- Ralph E Turner
- Ralph E Turner
- Ralph E Turner
- Relph E.
- Richard Hartshorne
- Richard Latter
- Robert Heine-Geldern
- Robert McMahon
- RobertD Schulzinger
- Rosemary Foot
- Rotter Andrew J.
- Rupert Emerson
- Thayer Philip W.
- Tibor Mende
- Tim Unwin
- Turner Ralph E.
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Department of Mass Communications
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Department of Mass Communications, Food and Agriculture Organization
- Virginia Thompson
- Virginia Thompson
- WiI Hout
- Wilbur Zalinsky
- World University Service
- Yi-Fu Tuan
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study